Thrice Loved

Thrice Loved


Lenora, Chloe, and Mia stood in the center of their new dorm room, their eyes sparkling with excitement as they surveyed the space that would be their shared sanctuary for the next year. Lenora, the petite artist with vibrant green hair, clasped her hands together, a giddy smile spreading across her delicate features.

"Can you believe we're in the all girl academy, Rosalina University, we are finally here?" she breathed, her emerald eyes sweeping over the neatly made beds and the bare walls, already mentally planning how she would decorate the space to reflect their unique personalities.

Chloe, the tall, athletic blonde, draped an arm around Lenora's shoulders, her blue eyes shining with infectious enthusiasm. "I know, thought high school was never going to be over! It's like a dream come true. Just wait until we start classes and join all the clubs. This is going to be the best year ever!"

Mia, the bespectacled brunette, adjusted her glasses, her hazel eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and her trademark analytical reserve. "I must admit, I'm rather looking forward to the academic challenges this institution has to offer," she said, her tone measured but the slight upward tilt of her lips betraying her own excitement.

The trio had been inseparable since their first day of high school, and the prospect of embarking on this new chapter of their lives together only strengthened the bond they shared. As they began to unpack their belongings, their chatter filled the room, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter as they reminisced about their shared memories and speculated about the adventures that awaited them.

Lenora carefully unpacked her art supplies, reverently arranging her paints, brushes, and sketchbooks on the desk by the window. The natural light flooding in would be perfect for her creative endeavors, and she could already feel the inspiration stirring within her. Chloe, on the other hand, was more focused on arranging her sports equipment, her volleyball and gym bag taking up a significant portion of the limited space.

"I can't wait to try out for the volleyball team," Chloe said, her eyes gleaming with determination. "First year, I'm going to make the starting lineup, watch and see."

Mia, ever the pragmatic one, began meticulously organizing her textbooks and study materials, her brow furrowed in concentration. "It's important that we maintain a healthy balance between our academic pursuits and extracurricular activities," she remarked, her gaze briefly flickering towards Chloe's sports gear. "After all, we're here to learn, not just play."

Lenora chuckled, recognizing the familiar dynamic between her two friends. "Don't worry, Mia. I'm sure we can all find a way to excel in our studies and still have plenty of fun." She paused, her expression softening as she looked around the room. "I just can't believe we're finally here, you know? It feels like just yesterday we were making plans for this moment."

Chloe nodded, her arm tightening around Lenora's shoulders. "I know, Leni. But we're here now, and we're going to make the most of it. Together."

For Lenora, this moment felt like the start of a new chapter, a chance to embrace her true self and forge her own path. As she gazed at her two closest friends, she couldn't help but feel a sense of profound gratitude and anticipation for the journey that lay ahead.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of activity as the trio continued to unpack and organize their shared space. Laughter and playful banter filled the room, and Lenora found herself caught up in the infectious energy, her worries and insecurities momentarily forgotten.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the room, the three women stepped back to admire their handiwork. The space now reflected their distinct personalities, Lenora's vibrant artwork adorning the walls, Chloe's sports memorabilia scattered throughout, and Mia's meticulously arranged study materials.

"It's perfect," Lenora breathed, her eyes shining with pride and contentment.

Chloe slung an arm around Lenora and Mia, pulling them into a tight embrace. "You bet it is. This is going to be the best year of our lives, I just know it. No more being under our parents thumbs, free to do what we want when we want.

Mia's lips curved into a rare, genuine smile as she allowed herself to be enveloped by her friends' warmth. "I believe you're right, Chloe. This is the start of something truly remarkable."


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