In a place in Palauig, Zambales, the Reyes family resides, owning the largest farm in all of Zambales. Let's meet Maria Rose Reyes, the daughter of Amelia and Bernardo. Maria has many dreams in life, one of which is to have a beautiful life for her family.

"Maria": Mom, I'm here. Please bless me.

"Bernardo": How are you doing in school, my princess?

"Maria": Dad, you know I'm already grown up.

Maria's parents laughed.

"Bernardo": Alright, let's go eat.

Meanwhile, in the town of Iba, the Santos family, the wealthiest in all of Zambales, resides.

"Renato": How is our business doing?

"Employee": Boss, there's a large piece of land in Palauig that would be perfect for a solar power plant.

"Renato": Who owns it?

"Employee": We heard that the owner is not selling it.

Renato chuckled.

Then, Renato's wife Isabela arrived with Sabrina.

"Isabela": Honey.

They kissed each other.

"Renato": And who is this with you?

"Isabela": This is the future spouse of our eldest child. Wait, where is Robert, our driver?

"Househelp": Yes, ma'am?

"Isabela": Where is my son?

"Renato": Honey, I need to attend to some business matters. I'll be leaving for a while.

"Isabela": Alright, take care.

Renato smiled at Sabrina, a look of desire in his eyes, and Sabrina smiled back at him.

Renato went to the place where he planned to buy the Reyes' land. He was accompanied by his employees, and they visited Bernardo Reyes.

"Renato": Hello, good evening.

"Bernardo": Good evening to you too. How can I assist you?

Renato's employees held Bernardo, beat him up, and made him sit.

"Renato": I heard you don't want to sell this beautiful land to us. What's your reason? Don't you recognize me? I'm the richest person in the entire province of Zambales.

"Bernardo": We won't sell the land that has been passed down to us, even to someone as greedy as you.


"Renato": Is that so?

Renato signaled his men, and they beat up Bernardo again. Suddenly, Maria arrived, and upon her arrival, Renato's men immediately held her.

"Maria": Let go of me!

"Renato": Your daughter looks delicious.

Renato grabbed Maria's hair.

"Renato": Undress her.

And Maria was undressed while she struggled and screamed. Suddenly, her father Bernardo fought back and was beaten again. Renato raped Bernardo's daughter while continuing to beat him.

"Maria": Dad, help! Help! Maria cried.

Renato hit Maria's abdomen, causing her to lose consciousness. He continued with the assault, and suddenly, Bernardo managed to escape from Renato's men and attacked Renato. Then, with his right hand, Renato shot Bernardo in the head, killing him instantly.

Renato stopped his assault on Maria.

"Renato": What have you done?

Amelia, Bernardo's wife, arrived with their youngest child.

"Amelia": Bernardo!

Renato glanced at her.

"Renato": They're dead. Chase after them.

Renato's men chased after Bernardo's family, and Renato continued to rape Maria. The chase continued until Bernardo's family was shot and killed, and they died.

After a few minutes, Renato's men returned to where they killed Bernardo and found Renato just finishing assaulting Maria.

"Renato": Did you kill them?

"Employee": Yes, boss.

"Renato": Retrieve the bodies and let's burn them in that pit.



Updated 1 Episodes


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