[The Forth Balcony]
Daphnia Arrives At The Balcony
The Forth Balcony Was In A Secluded Corner, No Guest Was Here, There Was No Lights On The Balcony Just Candles And A Chessboard
Daphnia Enters The Room And Sees A Vailed Girl Looking Up At The Stars
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You’re here❄️❄️
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Who Are You?**Scared**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You Have forgotten Me Already, After All I’ve Done For You?❄️❄️
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
**Takes Off Her Vail**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Hello, Dear Scorpion
Daphnia’s Face Filled With Terror
Timothy Was Listening To The Conversation Hiding Behind A Wall
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Let’s Talk❄️❄️
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
But Before That We Must Deal With A Little Rat
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
How disappointing For An Ex Midnight Member Not Know She’s Begin Followed, By This Boy With Pathetic Skills
Evie Pulls Timothy Out Of His Hiding Spot Dragging Him By His Ears
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Ouch, ouch
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Let him goo**Scared Tone**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You Don’t Get To Tell Me What To Due❄️❄️
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Mrs Daphnia, Please Tell your friend to let me go before, I attack her
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
E, please just let him go**begging**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You Know I don’t show mercy❄️❄️
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Alright that’s it...
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
**Tries To Punch Evie**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
**Holds his punch**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You look an angry cat❄️❄️
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
I hate Cats ❄️❄️
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
**tries Get Out Of Evie’s Grip**
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
I Will Kill You!!
The Balcony Is On The Highest Floor Of The Castle
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Timothy Rinder[Ml’s left hand]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Shh**puts her finger on Timothy’s finger**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Use That Energy To Fight For your life
Evie Pushes Timothy Off The Balcony
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Relax, It’s not that high
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
If he wants to live, he’ll live!
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
But If He dies, That’s on you
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You should have checked if someone was following you
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
If he dies Azal, will kill you...
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Azal, who the fu*ck is that
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Wait, is Azal your son
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
is it that little boy who cried as he saw his——
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
**Looks At Daphnia**
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
You have not told him❄️❄️
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
What do want, why are you back?
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Nobody can give me what I truly want❄️❄️
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Anyway, Let play chess, If I win you will be my slave❄️❄️
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
N..o, I won’t play❄️❄️
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
So, you want to do this The hard way, no problem, I always win anyway❄️❄️
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Fine, let’s play
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
But if I win you disappear, and never come back
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Promise me
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
I promise
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
Daphnia De’vil[Ml’s Mother]
I hope your still a woman of your word
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
Evie Eastwood[EVIL E/ FL]
I am, don’t worry
The Future Will Now Depend On The Chessboard
Who Will Win?
And Who Is Daphnia Truly?


ĪRÌS 난초 ✿◡✿

ĪRÌS 난초 ✿◡✿

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Crazy villain

Crazy villain

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