My Europia (Taekook Short Stories)

My Europia (Taekook Short Stories)

Reality show

It's a reality show that takes place every once a year where we invite many famous celebrities but this time we have a twist in it that we will select a ordinary person to complete with these celebrities

I'm just an unknown online streamer, but I unexpectedly got chosen to walk the red carpet with many top-tier celebrities ~Taehyung

I'm bored with my life I have everything in my fame, power and respect I'm a celebrity which has ruled the whole industry ~Jungkook

As the celebrity red carpet event commenced, anticipation was high among both the A-list stars and the ordinary streamer who had been chosen to compete against them.

The unknown streamer, Taehyung, felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as they walked down the brightly lit walkway. They were dressed to impress in a stylish, yet understated outfit that showed off their unique sense of fashion.

Meanwhile, Jungkook, a celebrated actor and singer, strutted down the carpet with an air of confidence that only a seasoned celebrity could possess. His designer suit fit him like a glove, accentuating his well-toned physique and piercing gaze.

As the two contestants made their way through the throngs of photographers and fans, they couldn't help but notice each other.

Taehyung, still trying to process the fact that they were standing next to someone like Jungkook, couldn't help but stare. The actor seemed to sense this and smirked slightly before turning back towards the cameras.

The host of the event finally stepped forward, breaking the tension between them. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have two incredible contestants tonight," he announced loudly. "

The crowd cheered as the host introduced each contestant in turn. Taehyung tried to hold back their nerves, while Jungkook merely smiled and waved at the adoring fans

As the night progressed, both Taehyung and Jungkook showcased their talents—the actor performing a mesmerizing dance number while singing live, and the streamer playing an intense game of skill that left everyone on the edge of their seats.

In the end, it was a close call, but after much deliberation by the judges, Taehyung emerged as the winner! The room erupted into cheers as they accepted their trophy from none other than Jungkook himself.

As they posed for pictures together, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a strange mix of excitement and nervousness around Jungkook. The actor seemed to sense this too, leaning in close during one photo op and whispering something into their ear that made them blush.

Later that night, as they were preparing to leave the event together, Jungkook pulled Taehyung aside and led them into a private room. There, without any warning, he kissed them passionately!

Taehyung froze at first, shocked by the sudden advance. But as Jungkook's tongue danced against their lips and teeth, they couldn't help but melt into the kiss. Their hands found their way to Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer still.

As the passionate kiss deepened, they could feel Jungkook's erection pressing against them through his pants. He broke away from the kiss and whispered something into Taehyung's ear once again, this time promising that he would take care of their needs later.

With a smirk, Jungkook leaned in for another kiss, this time more gentle and teasing. As they left the room together, hand in hand, Taehyung couldn't help but feel both surprised and thrilled by the unexpected turn of events.


Updated 1 Episodes


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