yes marry me, and we will live happily together you, me and our baby
kim Taehyung
huh.... Really
kim Taehyung
let me ask you something
jeon jungkook
kim Taehyung
do you love me
jeon jungkook
no...but I will with time
kim Taehyung
huh...with time ...and who knows with time one of us fall for someone else what will my baby do...he has to face the things I never want him to face
jeon jungkook
* come closer to TAE *... I get what you're saying let's date
kim Taehyung
kim Taehyung
what is your problem. …why can't you leave us alone
jeon jungkook
alone * smile like a psycho * you even know how much I try to find you...
jeon jungkook
how much... I desperately want to meet you...and you want me to leave you like nothing happen even after knowing that taeguk is my baby
jeon jungkook
huh....not even in your dream
jeon jungkook
* possessive voice * YOUR MINE...MY BABY'S EMMO
kim Taehyung
* step back while hiding taeguk to his chest *
* hug tightly to TAE *
kim Taehyung
stop...behaving like a crazy person're scaring my baby
jeon jungkook
* realize *... I don't mean that....
jeon jungkook
* hold TAE shoulder *... Taehyung let's date ...our baby want both appa and emmo... I know you are tough and love him a lot, but he needs his appa also ....just once...please give this relationship a try please
♥*♡∞:。.。 lshani 。.。:∞♡*♥
hope for best.. i trust my author
♥*♡∞:。.。 lshani 。.。:∞♡*♥
you too dear 💙💙
Shadow Love
I will be waiting for more updates.😊🥰🤭