author i really don't understand why people are so obsessed with matured guy .he is little immature but he helped her and always thinks about her comfort we can't forget how much he changed himself for her when she first came to his house .in his drunken state but here raj was not in his drunken state .it's not necessary for everyone to be mature all the time .author i guess no matter how much you explain their mind set won't change .i really pray for their future partners 😅.one mistake there will be divorce for sure 💯
Maisha Kalpana
Maisha Kalpana
hot 🥵
author i really don't understand why people are so obsessed with matured guy .he is little immature but he helped her and always thinks about her comfort we can't forget how much he changed himself for her when she first came to his house .in his drunken state but here raj was not in his drunken state .it's not necessary for everyone to be mature all the time .author i guess no matter how much you explain their mind set won't change .i really pray for their future partners 😅.one mistake there will be divorce for sure 💯