Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight

strange behaviour

Mireya is 19 years old girl, she love her father alot , she is a difficult and brave girl,she is a great artist and she is too beautiful and attractive.

it's morning time mireya came out from room .

Hey! Dad good morning,said mireya .

Good morning my priencess, said her dad.

Dad I am going to artclass bye, said mireya.

She left from home there was a fest and she have to paint some thing unique .she painted with high spirit. Event is started she displayed her art .

Antonio ajello is a famous buisness man, who was the chief guest of the event .

there was lot of noice from out side,because Antonio ajello have arrived to event .he mireya's painting at first sight.she got prize in that event .

she came home after that event and she was happy ,she started calling her dad.

Hey, dad I made it ,I won it ,said mireya

Congratulation darling ,said her dad

After that she decided to open her own gallery ,and unfortunatly she opens her gallery in front of Antonio's office.he came to office and parked his car he saw that there is a new opened gallery in opposite ,he walk towards the gallery there was a pritty women on the counter.

Hey ! How are you, are you the owner of this

gallery ,said antonio .

he was talking familierly

mireya got strange and said ,yes iam

And who are you ,asked mireya.

Iam antonio ,nice to meet you ,and what's your name ,said antonio

Iam mireya,how can I help you, said mireya

With a second her phone range and excuses him,and then he left.

He entered in his office and sat on chair ,he was started thinking about mireya ,and a employee came to him .sir, we have important meeting today ,i you agree shell we start.

Ah! No I have some work to do ,we will see later ,antonio said and left the office.

He came to parking and he saw that mireya was going out .he sound from behind.

Hey! Mireya where are you going ,

Iam going to have lunch,said mireya.

If you don't mind can I join you, said antonio

Yes,you can ,said mireya

They drove to restaurant ,they sat opposite to each other ,she was thinking that he is strange i evev don't know him ,how can he will be familier to me.

he push the menu card towards mireya.

Choose your menu ,said antonio .

He knew that she was feeling uncomfortable with him but he thought it's our first time ,so take it easy

they had there lunch silently and left .he said i'll drop you and he dropped her to home .

ok bye! Said antonio

Hmm ! Bye ,said mireya

To be continued..........

Hey guys don't forget to like and comment ,we will meet at next episode .if any thing have got mistake then don't mind , and please subscribe have a nice day.


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