Reborn As Villain's Husband [Taekook]
Kim Jungkook [Jungwoo]
Nice to meet you Miss Monroe
Author 💀
Finally hoe you got an entry 🤌
Kim Jungkook [Jungwoo]
By the way why this meeting, I mean you are not the CEO or president anything
Angelina Monroe
Dad have some emergency so till he come back, I'll be the CEO
Kim Jungkook [Jungwoo]
Sure, but aren't you younger for business?
Angelina Monroe
I may be younger but I'm enough capable to handle business
Kim Jungkook [Jungwoo]
Good, now let's come to our main part?
Kim Jungkook [Jungwoo]
Yeonjun give me the file
Choi Yeonjun
Here *give him file*
Kim Taehyung
Father said I have to go through various positions to get the chair of CEO
Kim Taehyung
I was at first a local employee then I learner everything by my own observation and became the CEO
Kim Taehyung
But now look at him, he said Vincent become my assistant directly and I've to teach him
Kim Taehyung
Cause they've to make him CEO very soon
Kim Taehyung
I'm only their toy, for use in their benefits
Kim Taehyung
I hate Vincent *clench fist*
Kim Taehyung
How lucky he is getting all love and care
Kim Taehyung
I hate everyone
This is how Villain's are created
People are not born villains; they're created by the people around them.
Author 💀
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AHHH I thought Marylin Monroe😿
𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚕~~
me to i also read as moron😂😂😂
Manja Nis