Lincoln Kanker Paternity Court Episodes

Lincoln Kanker Paternity Court Episodes

Who Is May Kankers Father?

Leo The Great
Leo The Great
*Intro Music*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
You May be Seated
Good day your honor
This Is the case of May Kanker vs Ms Kanker
*Hands her the papers to why May and Ms Kanker are here*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Takes them*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Thank you jerome
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Looks at the papers and starts reading them out loud*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms May Kanker?
May Kanker
May Kanker
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes Mam?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
you Claim that your mother Has Lied to you your entire life about your fathers identity and today's the day you have had enough of your mothers lies which made you drag your mother here to court today to prove that the man next to you aka Mr Rod is your biological father is that correct?
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes Your honor
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to ms Kanker*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And Ms Kanker you admit that there is a possibility that Mr Rod could be your daughter's Father but you Are 100% certain that Mr Rod is not your daughters Biological Father and therefore you believe that there should be no need for a paternity test, is that correct?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now before we begin this case I just wanna say that their is also another man waiting outside the court who could also potentially be May's biological father and he has also submitted to a DNA test as well but we will have that man enter this courtroom in a minute but first I wanna talk to you two
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
So Ms May kanker
May Kanker
May Kanker
yes your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Tell me, what was your life like before Mr Rod came into the picture?
May Kanker
May Kanker
Well my life was kind of sad cause everytime when I would like hang out with my friends after school I would always see their fathers waiting for them outside of the school and that made me wonder like "do I have a father?" Cause I never even knew who my father was and I didn't even know that I had a father too believe it or not
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Wait, You never knew you had a father?
May Kanker
May Kanker
yes mam I never knew that i had a father cause a certain someone.......
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Eyes her mother*
May Kanker
May Kanker
Told me that I never had father the moment I was born
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
and who told you that?
May Kanker
May Kanker
my mother did
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Gasps in shock*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Wait your mother said that to you?
May Kanker
May Kanker
yes mam she did
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Okay that is a flat out lie
May Kanker
May Kanker
How the heck is that a lie huh?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Because you lie to me all the dang time!
May Kanker
May Kanker
Wdym I lie to you all the time your the one that lies to me, marie and lee almost like everyday!
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
NO I DONT!!!!!
May Kanker
May Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
May Kanker
May Kanker
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Gasps in shock at what May Kanker just said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Bangs her gabble three times in a row to get may & bebes attention*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Now wait just a godarn minute!, Your mother has not just lied to you but she has also lied to Your sisters as well?
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes mam she has
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
No that is a lie!
May Kanker
May Kanker
This woman has lied to me and my sisters the moment we were brought into this world!
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
No no no, No I have not and plus I have been good mother to you ever since you were born and this is how you treat me!?
May Kanker
May Kanker
May Kanker
May Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Starts Clapping at what ms May kanker said*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
ok Ms May kanker I mean no disrespect to you but I think you have said enough for now
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
ok now Mr rod?
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Tell me how did you meet Ms kanker?
Well back in my early 20's I was heading out to buy a couple of groceries to help my family out a little and when I went into the grocery store I got what I needed, I payed for the things I needed and left the store but as I was leaving to go home from the store I noticed Bebe sitting on the ground with her back against the wall of the store crying while she was holding her two kids,and I felt bad for her, and I mean like come on I couldn't just leave her there and I could tell that she needed some help and so I did The right thing and i helped her back up to her feat
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps for what Rod just said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright so what your saying is that you met Ms kanker when she was homeless and you wanted to help her is that correct?
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
ok and what was your relationship with Ms Kanker like?
well your honor my relationship with her was honestly kind of toxic
Cause back then me and her started living together and everytime when I would go to work and when I leave work and come home like 5 minutes later then the regular time I arrive home, I would walk up to the front door of my home and when I would open the front door I would see her just standing their infront of me and she would ask me "Why were you home late?" And I would always tell her that I would sometimes stay at work for a couple minutes after my usual time to fix some things but every time when i would tell her that she would just slap me across the face and just run into my room and she would slam my bedroom door and she would force me to sleep on the couch
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*She sais out of shock*
Yes Your honor and that's not even the worst of it!
cause her toxic behavior tords me got so worse to the point where I actually caught her having s*x with another guy!
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Boo's at at bebe*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
and did you know who the man was that Ms Kanker ended up cheating on you with?
No mam I do not know who the man was but I do know what he looks like and the person that this woman *pointing at bebe* cheated on me with, was the man outside this court room your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
wait so Ms kanker cheated on you with the man outside this courtroom?
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Okay that was an unexpected shock
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now before I ask Ms Kanker some questions I have one more question to ask you and that question is, were you intimate with Ms Kanker? before she cheated on you?
yes mam I was intimate with her
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Okay and did you use protection?
No mam I did not use protection when I was intimate with her
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
okay thank you Mr Rod
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms Kanker?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your Honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Tell me how did you end up with your three daughters?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Can I say something to my daughter first your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
yes you may
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Thank you
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Turns to may*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
listen no matter what I say I love you
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Doesn't answer her and just nods*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Turns back to the judge*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Where do you want me to start?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
How About at the beggining?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
So one day when I was 18 me and my sisters would walk around the city and we would bully adults and other people a lot and I ended up meeting my first boyfriend and then later on me and him had my first and oldest daughter Lee then on the same day I met my second boyfriend and me and him had my second middle daughter Marie and then on that exact same day I met Rod and I'll admit he was the first man who exactly treated me how I'm supposed to be treated which I respect him a little bit for but even tho me and him were intimate with eatch other I still have doubts that he's my daughters Father
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright, wow
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I......... I am just shocked that a woman went after three men during the same day
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
When one wasn't enough for her
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what the judge just said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms kanker I meant no offense tords you when I said that just to let you know and uh tell me did you ever want to have children with these three men or?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
No your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
oh really?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
May I ask why you didn't want to have these children?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
It's not that I didn't want to have them it's just that I wasn't ready to become a mother yet cause I was only like 18 years old at the time when I met all three of my ex boyfriends, including Mr Rod here and like you said before I do admit that Mr Rod here could possibly be my daughter's father, but I just don't believe that Mr Rod is my Daughter's Father like at all!
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Interesting, May I ask why you don't want Rod to be your daughter's biological father?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Well for starters those two look nothing a like whatsoever-
May Kanker
May Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Turns to May*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Do you have something to say or do are you just snickering because you hate me!
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
ok Ms Kanker?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Turns to the Judge*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Can you Plz stop guilt tripping your daughter here?
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what the judge just said*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
And why should I stop?, my own daughter is taking this man's side against me and I have told her so many times that mr Rod is not her Godamn father but does she listen?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
no she doesn't!
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Bangs her gabble silencing bebe*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ok I understand why your upset with your daughter but here's is something that you got to understand here,every child in this world deserves to know who their biological parents are!
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what the judge said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And if I'm being honest here you have no right to talk, cause it's like what your daughter said you have lied to not just her, but you have also lied to your other children as well, and your over here trying to make your own daughter look like the bad guy here, but you are just embarrassing yourself here, cause in reality YOUR THE BAD GUY HERE!!!!!!, NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!!
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what the judge just said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to Mr rod and May kanker*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms May Kanker and mr rod I am so sorry
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Is tearing up a little bit*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms May kanker are you going to be okay?
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Wipes her tears away*
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes mam I'll be fine
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
are you sure?
May Kanker
May Kanker
yes mam
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now if you don't mind me asking, why were you snickering just now?
May Kanker
May Kanker
Well you now how this woman just that me and this man look nothing alike?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Whispers* because you don't look alike at all
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I know darn well what you just said so do me a favor and SHUT UP!!!!!
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
May plz continu
May Kanker
May Kanker
Alright so you know how she said that me and my father look nothing alike?,well I just wanna say that what she just said is pure horse Poop cause I mean just look at us, we have the same buck tooth, the same Yellow hair, the same Freckles and we even have the same nose!
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I can see that Ms may
And to prove that we look alike even more I have photo of both may and me when I was 18 your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Wait so you have proof?
Yes mam I do
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
may I take a look at that evidence mr rod?
you sure can
*Grabs the evidence from Mr Rod and hands it over to the judge*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Takes it and puts an image of the photo on The TV next to her*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright so here we have a photo of May Kanker and Mr Rod when he was 18 is that correct?
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And just by looking at this picture I can clearly see the resemblance between these two and it's just like you said mr rod you two have the same Freckles,the same too buck teeth, the same yellow hair and the same Nose
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And now that I'm looking at this, I can tell that without a doubt that you Mr Rod, could be mays father
Thank you your honor
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
*Claps at what the judge said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright Ms kanker do you see the resemblance between Mr Rod and your daughter?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
and why not?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Because I mean Just look at them!, they look nothing alike!, cause I mean rod is a boy and My daughter is a girl so theirs no way that he could be her fa-
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Cuts bebe off by banging her gabble*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Leans forward and looks at ms kanker in anger*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Are you telling me that you think that Mr Rod isn't your daughters father because of his gender?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor....
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
The Audience: *Claps at what the judge just said*
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr rod?
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Do you think it's time that we should bring the other man in here?
Yes Mam
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright Jerome plz go get this man and bring him in here
Yes mam
*goes outside the court to bring the man into the court*
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
*Jerome enters the court with the other man and the man sits next to the judge and the judge turns to the man*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to the man*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright so your name is Zach right?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Yes mam
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
ok and were you intimate with Ms Bebe Kanker?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
I hate to admit it but yes I was intimate with her
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright and tell me when did you meet Ms Kanker?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
I met her when I was like 17 and cause believe it or not she was actually my stepmother at the time I met her
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Really? *She sais out of shock*
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Yes Mam
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Okay so tell me, How did you end up being intimate with Ms kanker?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Well like I said, Ms Kanker was my stepmother at the time and so me and her talked a bit and we got to know eachother and one day after we talked she just randomly dissapeared out of the blue and she was no where to be seen, my dad was extremely upset and sad and I was P!$$€d the f*ck off your honor and so later on when I turned 18, I went over to a bar and I had a couple of drinks cause even tho I was year older at that time I was still upset and so I became drunk and I didn't even realize that she was at the bar with me as well, and I was pretty much to drunk to even notice that she was their with me, and I was too drunk to even recognize her, and she walked up behind me and she started to flirting me right then and there, and of course it worked and so she drove me to her trailer and then from there we kind of Boinked from there
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
ok and were you aware that Ms kanker was already with a man at the time when you and her boinked?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
No I was not aware that she was already with someone at the time your honor, cause like I said, I was way to drunk to even know anything at the time
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And when you weren't drunk anymore did you find out that she was already with a man?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Yes mam I did find out eventually that she was with another man, cause when I woke up and when I was no longer drunk, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with that woman, so I quickly got up without waking her and I quickly put a t-shirt on along with some genes and I started leaving but before I left I saw some pictures on the walls with Ms Kanker hugging Mr Rods arm, but I didn't really pay much attention to it and so I just left Ms Kankers trailer after word
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to ms kanker*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms Kanker?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
is what this man saying true?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
No of course not!
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
That is a lie and you know Ms Kanker!
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I know that it's a lie Zach and I'm not even gonna bother asking this butter mouth anymore questions
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Laughs at what the judge says*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to Rod*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Rod?
Yes Your Honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
We're you ever told that Ms Kanker was pregnant?
Yes mam I was told that she was pregnant but I wasn't told by Ms bebe kanker herself tho
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Oh?, Then who told you that Ms Kanker was pregnant?
The man right next to you told me
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Zach told you that Ms Kanker was pregnant?
Yes and he actually broke down to tears once he told me
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to zach*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Zach may I ask why you told Mr Rod that Ms kanker was pregnant?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
I told mr rod that Ms kanker was pregnant for two reasons, 1. Because I felt terrible for boinking with her when Mr Rod was still with her and 2. He has every right to know that Ms Kanker was pregnant sense he was with Ms Kanker at the time
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what Zach said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Zach out of most of the people I've seen in this court room, both you and Mr Rod are the most kindest people I have ever seen or met in this court room
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps their hands at what the judge said*
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
*Smiles* Thank you your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
You are very welcome good sir
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to Mr rod*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr rod?
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Do have any proof to further back up the evidence you have showed me?
No mam I do not
May Kanker
May Kanker
But I have proof!
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
May I ask what evidence you have Ms May Kanker?
May Kanker
May Kanker
I have this calendar here that has the days that mom was intimate with these two labeled
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes mam
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms kanker do you mind if I take a look at the evidence you brought?
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes mam you most certainly Can
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Jerome can you get the proof from Ms May Kanker?
*Walks over to ms May kanker*
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Hands Jerome the evidence*
*Takes them and walks back to the judge and hands it over to the judge*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Takes the evidence and puts an image of the evidence on TV Right Next To her*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright so from what im looking at, you have labeled the days when your Mother ms Kanker was intimate with both Mr Rod and Mr Zach is that correct?
May Kanker
May Kanker
Yes Your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to ms kanker*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms Kanker?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now I'm gonna ask you two questions, and when you answer these two questions can you plz be honest with me and actually tell the truth plz?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now we're you intimate with Mr Rod on the 9th of January?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor I was
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright and we're you intimate with Zach on the 21rst of January?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes mam I was
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And we're you Pregnant after you were intimate with Mr Rod?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes mam I was
and that just proves even more that May is my child
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Indeed it does Mr Rod and Ms Kanker thank you for actually telling the truth
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Your welcome your honor
- DNA Results are in -
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now I think its time that we get on with the DNA results don't you think
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps their hands at what the judge just said*
*Grab the DNA results and hands them over to the judge*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Takes them*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now before I get into the results is their anything yall want to say
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
I do your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And what is it that you have to say mr Zach?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Well I hope that Ms May Kanker is mr rods daughter, and it's not that I don't want Ms May Kanker to be my child but Ms Kanker has put both Mr Rod and Ms May Kanker through alot for a long time now and so Mr Rod Deserves to be Ms May Kankers father sense that woman *Points at Bebe* has put him through so much
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what Zach said*
*Smiles* Thank you Mr Zach
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
*Smiles back at him* You are very welcome Mr Rod
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I think you two will be great friends
Oh yeah definitely
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright let's get on with the results
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Now these results are for Mr Zach
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Takes the Test results out of the envelope and Looks at them*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
In the case of Zach/Rod/Kanker V Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
When it comes to the paternity of 18yr old May Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
It has been determined by this court
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Zach?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Are NOT the Father
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
*Looks down a little bit*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Zach are you alright?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
I feel a little hurt right now, cause even tho I said I hope the mr rod is mays father, it hurts me a little bit to know that i am not related to someone that im close with
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
And I understand that Mr Zach
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Grabs the results for rod*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Alright now these results are for Mr rod
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Takes the Results out of the envelope*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
In the case of Mr Rod/May Kanker V Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
When it comes to the paternity of 18yr old May Kanker
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
It has been determined by this court
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Rod?
*Looks at the judge in a very calm way*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Crossing her fingers and praying that Mr Rod isn't her daughters father*
*Waiting Patiently*
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Tearing up*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Are her father
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Falls to her knees and starts crying tears of joy*
May Kanker
May Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
*Slams her fists on the stand out of anger*
*Kneels down and hugs May with tears of joy in his eyes*
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Hugs back crying tears of joy into rods chest*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Puts the results down and looks at Mr Rod and May Kanker with a smile*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Rod and Ms May Kanker how are you two feeling?
*Stands up with May and breaks the hug and wipes his tears away*
Your honor, you can't even imagine how happy both me and my daughter are right now
May Kanker
May Kanker
*Wiping her tears* Thank you so much your honor you don't know how much this helps us both
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
You are very welcome Young Lady
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to Mr Zach*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Mr Zach how are you feeling?
Zach (Ed
Zach (Ed's Bro)
I feel very happy, not for myself tho, I'm happy for both Mr Rod and Ms May Kanker, cause now Mr Rod cannot only be in mays life but now both of them can make the lost time that both of them missed out on, and you know what even tho I'm not mays biological father I'll be in her life and I'll support her on whatever choice she makes as long as she's happy and as long as she has Mr Rod to be In her life
*Smiles* and I will gladly allow you to be in my daughter's life with me Mr Zack
May Kanker
May Kanker
And I will happily accept you as a member of my family
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps their hands at what Rod and May said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Turns to ms kanker*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Ms Kanker?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor?
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I Can Tell that this wasn't the news that you wanted to hear, but now it looks like that your just gonna have to accept that,do I make myself clear?
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
Yes Your honor
Bebe Kanker
Bebe Kanker
And you know what, I may not be happy about the news that I got today, but if my Daughter is happy to know that Rod is her father then I'm happy and I will allow him to be in her life
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps at what Ms Kanker said*
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
Now if you guys ever need this court again then you are more then welcome to come back
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps for the 4 of them*
Thank you your honor
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
You are very welcome Mr Rod
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
I wish you all the best of luck,Court is adjourned
Judge Lake Lauren
Judge Lake Lauren
*Bangs her gabble ending the case*
Leo The Great
Leo The Great
Audience: *Claps for the 4 of them one last as the 4 of them left the court*


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