True Love? Shigaraki X Y/N
...In the morning Y/n was getting off her bed to go to living room or the bar where was kurogiri was at serving drinks to the members of the League of villains but also where Shigaraki was at most of the time once she got off her bed and walked inside or arrived the bar or living room she saw Shigaraki sitting at the bar talking to Kurogiri about something then there's toga with her blood or knife again like usual always...
...She was really hoping that Toga wouldn't ask for her blood or stab her through her neck or face somewhat than there's Dabi and spinner arguing with each other about something which she didn't want to deal with in the morning, so she didn't stop them from arguing at this point as for Compress and Twice are having a conversation. She was wondering if they had missions today, so she walked towards Shigaraki way it wasn't a far walk him, she walked towards him and sit next to him, she wanted to ask him if they have any missions today...
..."shigaraki" as she said poking him softly and clingy to his arm "What is it?" as he said coldly in a deep voice he had father on his face, so she wasn't able to see if he was making eye contact with her "do we have any missions today?" as she said continued clingy to him for the past days she has been clingy to him and trying to get his attention but no feelings in return she was failing horribly, but she kept trying. It was obvious to everyone in the league of villains that you were madly in love with your boss which was shigaraki the members just watched as you throw yourself to shigaraki but nobody said anything about it until someone else did eventually or somewhat which was Dabi...
..."Do we have any missions?" as she said playing with his hair "yes we do have mission today" as he said coldly "Shigaraki where are other members?" as she said making a confused face "the other members went on a mission that I assigned to them" as he said drinking from the fancy glass from the bar "what kind of mission we have and who are we partnering up with?"as she said being curious "your partner up with Jayla going undercover as a student at UA" as he said seriously "but what about the others? "As she said clingy going to all over him...
...*Can you shut up your annoying!?! " as he said yelling at her "quit asking dumb question and clingy all over me!?!" as he said being short temper "but shigaraki I-" before she could finish talking shigaraki left and got up from where he was sitting at and went to his room...
...After that she just didn't say anything and cry silently the other members were just standing there and they saw the whole thing even kurogiri she went to her back room for whole night without saying anything she walked past the other members Dabi and toga were worried about her.Y/n has thought about quiting the league of villains forever and leave the country she hasn't decided if she wants to or not...
...To be continued...
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love it! when is the next episode coming?
Melissa Curgenven
when is the next one coming l love it so much if that okay