The Miracle Knight

The Miracle Knight

Arc 1. The emergence of miracles


A man dressed in dark blue and wearing a fox mask was standing on top of a tall building, and seven people came up to him and immediately knelt before him.

"We are ready to await your orders, sir, command us anything."

The man turned around.

"Tonight, the world will hear our names! We are the ones who will destroy the world! Move! And spread the destruction!"



They all went scattering in all directions.

"Tonight, the moon is shining its magic"

The man also jumped off the building, and left very quickly in an unknown direction.


Inside the palace.

Amara looked at her four childhood friends who already had engagement rings on their fingers, Amara was very surprised by what she saw, at their meeting after so long Amara got a very painful surprise.

Amara held back her tears and anger, Amara's heart was broken into pieces and Amara was filled with disappointment and resentment, then Amara left the place without the knowledge of her four childhood friends.

Amara went to a cliff, then cried and shouted loudly because she was so upset.


Amara's loud shout lured several dragons to her.

"(Dragons? Well, I don't have anything left anyway, let's not even bother)"

Just as one of the dragons was about to grab amara, a man wielding a large sword sliced the dragon in half.

"Are you okay?"

Amara who saw it became annoyed.

"Leave me alone!!! I want to kill myself here!!!"

The man was surprised by Amara's words.

"Do you realize what you just said?"

"Of course! I have nothing left!!! So there's no point in me living!!!"

The man swung his sword, and defended the entire dragon in an instant, then pointed his sword at amara.

"Are you sure about your choice?"

Without any hesitation, Amara nodded.

"Then let me kill you."

The man raised his sword, and swung it at Amara, just as the sword was about to cut Amara, a huge explosion was heard from the direction of the kingdom, they immediately rushed there.

There was chaos everywhere, and many corpses were lying on the ground.

The man ran straight to the palace, and Amara ran straight to the orphanage where she grew up.

When she got there, the orphanage was half destroyed, and there was a dragon that wanted to attack a little girl.

"Run from there!!! Lili!!!"

The little girl was too scared and finally fainted, the dragon immediately opened its mouth, ready to eat her. Amara immediately threw stones at the dragon.

"Over here!!!"

The dragon was provoked by Amara, and immediately chased her, the children and caregivers of the orphanage who saw it were very scared.

"Brother amara!!!"

"Brother amara!!!"

"Bring lili in!!!"

The orphanage caretaker immediately picked up the unconscious lili and brought her in, while amara was chased by the dragon.

Amara kept running away from the dragon until she entered a small cave where the dragon couldn't enter.

"(What a hassle! I'm really weak!!! If only I had great strength, I would have been able to kill that dragon in an instant!)"

Amara clenched her fists and was very upset, suddenly the dragon's body was cut into small pieces, Amara was very surprised and confused.

"What happened?"

"Are you okay? Amara"

A woman holding a small sword appeared in front of the cave, and Amara immediately looked upset but she tried to cover it up.

"Luna, thank you for helping me."

"As usual you are careless, I came to help those at the orphanage, and they said you were being chased by a dragon so I quickly looked for you."

Luna immediately patted amara's shoulder, as she patted amara's shoulder, her hand was immediately cut off and a black aura was seen covering amara, a sharp red gaze was directed at her, and the voice of death spoke to luna.

"Don't touch me"

Luna was immediately frightened and slightly moved away from Amara.

"What's wrong luna?"

"Ah! I-it's nothing"

Luna woke up and she immediately put on a smile to amara, but she was actually very scared.

Luna immediately looked at her hand that was cut earlier, and it was still there and not cut.

"(What was that? An illusion?)"

A huge explosion was heard from the direction of the palace, Luna quickly headed there to see what happened, while amara headed back to the orphanage.

When amara arrived at the orphanage, two male twins with different colored clothes and eyes were stabbing the orphanage owner with their swords.

Amara was so shocked by the sight, the two men turned around to face her.

"Hahahaha! Looks like there's another prey here, right blizzard?"

"Don't lower your guard Inferno, he could be a dangerous enemy"

"Hahahahahahahaha! I don't feel the slightest bit of aurora energy in this kid, hahahahaha...... Really funny! Hahahahahahah......"

*aurora energy is, energy that resides in the human body to bring out their sword and unleash the power of their sword*

Blizzard pointed his sword at Amara.

"If you want revenge, take revenge on your parents who gave birth to you."

Amara was silent for a moment, then opened her hand.

"You've really given up, haven't you?"

"I have no reason to live anymore, everything has been taken away from me."

"Then I'll end your suffering here"

Blizzard immediately swung his sword at amara, but lili came out of hiding and saved amara.

"Lili!? What's wrong with you?"

"Don't leave us sis! They killed the nanny, if you die, who will take care of us!!?"


"What a troublesome little girl, if you keep hiding, we will pretend not to see you and leave, but you came out instead"

Blizzard quickly strangled Lili and lifted her up.

"First I have to get rid of you first"

"St-stop! Don't kill her! Let her go!"

Inferno immediately kicked amara, causing her to be thrown away.

"You're so noisy, take it easy, we'll kill you too!"

"Goodbye, little girl"

"Stop it!"

Blizzard immediately pointed his sword at lili's heart, and stabbed her.

Amara who saw it became very desperate and could not do anything, blizzard then came towards amara.

"Next it's your turn"

Without much more talk, blizzard immediately stabbed amara in the heart.

"With this, your request has been granted"

Blizzard pulled his sword from amara, suddenly amara's hand moved and held the sword.


Blizzard and Inferno were surprised by what they saw.

"Why, why did you kill lili!!!"

A sharp gaze emanated from amara, amara began to stand up and pull out blizzard's sword that was stuck in her.

"What exactly are you? No human is alive after having their heart pierced"

"I am amara! Which means immortal! There is not a single creature that can kill me!!!"

Amara launched a kick right at blizzard's stomach, and blizzard was thrown far back, Inferno was shocked by what she had just seen.

"(I understand now, this world really hates me, before the world destroys me then, I will destroy the world first!)"

Different voices appeared in Amara's memory.

"That's right."

"Your name is"


"Which means immortality"

"There is not a single creature"

"that can kill you"

"And you will become....."

Amara closed her eyes, and memories of her past popped into her head, of her being 7 years old and drawing a sword, sitting under a tree with a man.

"Look! Look! I made this!"

"Hmmm? Is this amara?"

"This is my sword"

"Wow, that's great! So, what's the name of this sword?"

"Its name is ....."

Amara opened her eyes again, then raised her hands up.

"Inferno, quickly kill him!"

Inferno moved quickly, and in an instant was in front of Amara.


Just as Inferno's sword was about to cut off amara's head, a wind appeared from under amara's feet and formed a huge whirlwind, sending Inferno flying backwards.

A long and light sword with a slender and pointed double-edged blade, which was black and purple in color appeared in amara's hand, amara grasped the sword and the vortex stopped.

The sky around them became night and the wind continued to blow strongly.

"I won't let you take more from me!"





Incredible!! I love this! And I will- no! I AM demanding updated!!





Wow Immortal MC!!✨-✨
...wait then why did you go to die at the cliff or tell that guy to kill you?😅





Author tell me, Is a Amara a boy or a girl?🙂



See all
1 Arc 1. The emergence of miracles
2 Eps 2. Sword of Destiny
3 Eps 3. On the start of the journey
4 Eps 4. The rise of the first archer knight.
5 Eps 5. The Miracle Knight
6 Eps 6. Execution
7 Eps 7. Assault
8 Eps 8. Amara vs shizuna
9 Eps 9. Amara's capture
10 Eps 10. The darkness of amara
11 Eps 11. The wind of anger
12 Eps 12. Son of God
13 Eps 13. Memories
14 Eps 14. New problem
15 Eps 15. Amara's wings of fire
16 Eps 16. Amara vs zena
17 Eps 17. Hidden history
18 Eps 18. The reunion of the two friends
19 Eps 19. The shadow of the enemy
20 Eps 20. The secret of the wind breeze sword
21 Eps 21. The queen of wind and black fire
22 Eps 22. The genie's wings of light
23 Eps 23. Son of the earth god
24 Eps 24. Ice fox
25 Eps 25. Rise of the elemental lords
26 Eps 26. Dating
27 Eps 27. Amara and Zhula's past
28 Eps 28. Promise
29 Eps 29. The enemy under the blanket
30 Eps 30. The start of historical change
31 Arc 2. Change.
32 Eps 32. Fertility goddess sri
33 Eps 33. Assault
34 Eps 34. Villa
35 Eps 35. New beginnings
36 Eps 36. New world heroes
37 Eps 37. Assault 2
38 Eps 38. ice queen shu
39 Episode 39. The amara mask
40 Eps 40. Rescue
41 Eps 41. Nightmare vs 15 guardian kings part 1
42 Eps 42. Nightmares vs 15 king's guards part 2
43 Eps 43. Nightmares vs 15 king's guards part 3
44 Eps 44. Nightmares vs 15 king's guards final part
45 Eps 45. Father, mother, and child
46 Eps 46. The dragon god zakhair
47 Eps 47. Training
48 Eps 48. God
49 Eps 49. Rey and Yulita's past.
50 Eps 50. Heroes and demon kings
51 Eps 51. Nightmare and hero meeting
52 Eps 52. Brother and sister
53 Eps 53. Brother and sister action
54 Eps 54. The power of miracles.
55 Eps 55. Ice king and ice queen
56 Episode 56. Third and second
57 Eps 57. First
58 Eps 58. The figure behind the despair
59 Eps 59. The demon god debidos
60 Eps 60. Determination to be strong
61 Eps 61. The truth in the past
62 Eps 62. The important thing
63 Eps 63. Heading to the final showdown
64 Eps 64. The rise of the ice fox's power.
65 Eps 65. Lord of the elements
66 Eps 66. Despair
67 Eps 67. The beginning of the fightback.
68 Eps 68. Teacher and student battle.
69 Eps 69. Serahina and Shizuna's counterattack
70 Eps 70. Amara vs Julius
71 Eps 71. The return of history as it was.

Updated 71 Episodes

Arc 1. The emergence of miracles
Eps 2. Sword of Destiny
Eps 3. On the start of the journey
Eps 4. The rise of the first archer knight.
Eps 5. The Miracle Knight
Eps 6. Execution
Eps 7. Assault
Eps 8. Amara vs shizuna
Eps 9. Amara's capture
Eps 10. The darkness of amara
Eps 11. The wind of anger
Eps 12. Son of God
Eps 13. Memories
Eps 14. New problem
Eps 15. Amara's wings of fire
Eps 16. Amara vs zena
Eps 17. Hidden history
Eps 18. The reunion of the two friends
Eps 19. The shadow of the enemy
Eps 20. The secret of the wind breeze sword
Eps 21. The queen of wind and black fire
Eps 22. The genie's wings of light
Eps 23. Son of the earth god
Eps 24. Ice fox
Eps 25. Rise of the elemental lords
Eps 26. Dating
Eps 27. Amara and Zhula's past
Eps 28. Promise
Eps 29. The enemy under the blanket
Eps 30. The start of historical change
Arc 2. Change.
Eps 32. Fertility goddess sri
Eps 33. Assault
Eps 34. Villa
Eps 35. New beginnings
Eps 36. New world heroes
Eps 37. Assault 2
Eps 38. ice queen shu
Episode 39. The amara mask
Eps 40. Rescue
Eps 41. Nightmare vs 15 guardian kings part 1
Eps 42. Nightmares vs 15 king's guards part 2
Eps 43. Nightmares vs 15 king's guards part 3
Eps 44. Nightmares vs 15 king's guards final part
Eps 45. Father, mother, and child
Eps 46. The dragon god zakhair
Eps 47. Training
Eps 48. God
Eps 49. Rey and Yulita's past.
Eps 50. Heroes and demon kings
Eps 51. Nightmare and hero meeting
Eps 52. Brother and sister
Eps 53. Brother and sister action
Eps 54. The power of miracles.
Eps 55. Ice king and ice queen
Episode 56. Third and second
Eps 57. First
Eps 58. The figure behind the despair
Eps 59. The demon god debidos
Eps 60. Determination to be strong
Eps 61. The truth in the past
Eps 62. The important thing
Eps 63. Heading to the final showdown
Eps 64. The rise of the ice fox's power.
Eps 65. Lord of the elements
Eps 66. Despair
Eps 67. The beginning of the fightback.
Eps 68. Teacher and student battle.
Eps 69. Serahina and Shizuna's counterattack
Eps 70. Amara vs Julius
Eps 71. The return of history as it was.


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