once upon a time there lived a couple Daniel bola. They had been married for 12years with two daughters Nkem and amanda. Nkem was 11years old while Amanda was just six. Daniel's attitude toward his wife started changing because she gave birth to only girl. As an african man he wished to have a male child who would replace him when he leaves the earth. While bola got pregnant again Daniel was very happy but everything change when she came back with the news that she was carrying a female child. Daniel complained bitterly to his wife about how she ended up giving him a female children, bola tried to tell him that she did not have the ability to determine the gender of children; but Daniel slapped her and warned her never to talk when his talking. Daniel attitude toward his wife grew from bad to wrose anything and everything she did was wrong in his sight and he Beat her at any slightest offends. Months later bola had rumours that her husband had impregnated another lady and always went to visit her place often bola felt so Bad but she waited for her husband to come back so she could ask him. While Daniel came back home that evening bola calmly asked Daniel Darling there's something bothering me i've heard some rumours circulating about you expecting a child from another woman is that true? Are the rumours ture? But Daniel refused to answers his wife. She kept pressuring him and kept asking him the questions Daniel got anrgy and asked her woman i can see that that you are very curious to know if I'm expecting a child from another woman now wait for me here you will get answers to your question he turned around and left the house. An hour's later and Daniel drove into his compound again with a lady. While they came down from the car, Daniel carried the lady's bag and kept pampering her. bola was heartbroken at the sight of her husband taking care of another lady in her presence tears tricle down her checks. The lady began to make mocking faces at bola. bola was in so much rage that she slapped the lady. Daniel out of anger began to beat bola he gave her the beating of her life not minding the fact that she was heavily pregnant. They daughters Nkem and amanda kept trying to stop him. Daddy please stop heating mom she's all we have please stop. After he had beaten bola to his satisfaction, he left her on the floor and walked into the house with his new wife. Bola lay on the floor crying, Nkem saw blood on the floor where her mother was laying down she rushed to her father's room and kept knocking calling on him to come and help their mother but a voice from inside warned her and never to knock on the door again.


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