Fated To Be

Fated To Be

chapter 1

Hola guys ~ This is my first chat story
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
After so long I am back in this story
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
I wonder how he would have been ?
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
who i am kidding
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
He might have forgotten me
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
After all I left him so suddenly without even saying anything
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
But what could I do
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Dad health's was not good And he was calling me back as he was missing me
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
i wanted to say him good bye one last time
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
Lilly black/ doctor/fl
But when I went there i suddenly got a call from mom
she told me that dad was no more
for me it was like my whole world crumbled down
After that mom health also started to deteriorate
As she could not ear the loss of her life partner, her husband.
Her love
I tried everything in my power to keep her but nothing worked
And she also died after a few years
To be continued ~


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