Psycho Lover

Psycho Lover

my stalker

The streetlights flickered dimly as Taehyung stepped out of the library, the night air cool against his skin. Another long night shift had come to an end, and exhaustion weighed heavy on his shoulders. He adjusted his coat, the collar pulled up against the chill, and began the familiar walk home.
The empty streets of the city at this late hour felt both peaceful and eerie. Taehyung glanced around, his footsteps echoing against the pavement. It was times like these when he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. A shiver ran down his spine, but he dismissed it as fatigue playing tricks on his mind.
As he passed by the park, Taehyung couldn't shake the sensation that someone was following him. He quickened his pace, the echo of footsteps seemingly matching his own. Heart racing, he stole a glance over his shoulder, but the park was empty, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight.
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
"Get a grip, Taehyung," he muttered to himself
Picking up his pace even more. It was probably just his imagination, fueled by the late hour and the weariness seeping into his bones. Still, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.Finally reaching his apartment building, Taehyung let out a sigh of relief. The old building stood tall against the night sky, a beacon of familiarity in the darkness. He hurried up the steps, fumbling for his keys in his pocket.
As he unlocked the door and stepped inside, a sense of relief washed over him. The warmth of his apartment welcomed him, chasing away the chill of the night. Taehyung kicked off his shoes and made his way to the living room, where he collapsed onto the couch with a tired groan.
With a sigh, Taehyung decided to shake off his paranoia with a distraction. He reached for his laptop, intending to catch up on some work from his part-time job at the local bookstore. It was a quiet job that allowed him to escape into the world of books, if only for a few hours.
Hours passed in this way, the clock ticking steadily towards morning. Taehyung finally closed his laptop, stretching his tired muscles. The apartment was silent now, the only sound the gentle hum of the refrigerator.
But just as he was about to head to bed, something caught his eye—a small slip of paper tucked under the door. Frowning, Taehyung picked it up, unfolding it with a sense of dread.
"I know where you live, Taehyung. You can't hide from me."
The words were scrawled in jagged handwriting, sending a chill down Taehyung's spine. Who could have left this note? He had no enemies, no one who would want to harm him. And yet, the words on the paper were a stark reminder that he was not alone.Fear coiled in the pit of his stomach as Taehyung realized that he was being watched by a total stranger. Someone out there knew his every move, his routine, and now, even his home address.
Taehyung couldn't shake off the fear in his heart despite the fact that he was not alone
He decided to go to his brother's room
As he peeked in only to see him sleeping soundly with a book beside him the fear of losing his only family engulfed him as a lone tear 😢 left his eye he has no one other than his brother he don't have the guts to lose him he is a piece of his heart for whom he can sacrifice his everything
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I will protect you my baby
He mumbled as he slept beside him on the floor still caressing his hair softly
not knowing someone else was also there witnessing all this through the window as that someone left from there after taehyung slept
Let's see u tomorrow bye bye
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