Just My Love Adviser

Just My Love Adviser

Chapter 1 : "The shy boy"

The sun's bright up high, students laughing and talking in the hallways, teachers preparing for classes and most of all, the excitement of having the first day in school again. Everyone entered the campus, hugged their friends, or even had small talks with each other—except one. Theo was standing beside the entrance while fidgeting around.

Theo: Phew..... You can do this Theo! Trust yourself. All you have to do is give this to her and ask is she's interested to hang out with you later....easy.

(Finally the girl he's been waiting for finally arrived in front of the school.)

Theo: S-she's here! Get ready.

(He starts walking towards her, but as soon as she looked at him, he turned and went back his way.)

Theo: I-I can't do it. Maybe later, there's always another time. We can talk to her later, right Theo?

(He embarrassedly went inside, talking to himself. Finally, he stopped and turned around to look at her from a distance.)

Theo: Why can't I just finally express my feelings? Why? This is so—frustrating!

(He started walking again with sadness all over his face. By the time he was already in the hallway, he bumped into his friends: Christian and Masha.)

Chris: Woah! Watch where you're going Theo. Where have you been?

Theo: Oh! I-I was just walking around.

Masha: What's that in your hand? A gift for your crush? Haha!

(Theo looked away and looked gloomy.)

Masha: It actually is? Did you chicken out and fail again?

Theo: What!? No way. I just... thought it wasn't the perfect time, that's all.

Chris: You've been waiting for that 'perfect time' for years bro.

Masha: We've known you for so long Theo, that excuse won't work. But seriously, you failed? Again?

Theo: Oh come on, don't make it sound like I've failed a lot.

(Masha and Christian looked at each other and started laughing.)

CHRIS: Do we actually have to remind you Theo?

MASHA: Two years ago, you wrote a letter and placed it on Celine's locker, but immediately after class, you took it back and ran away.

Theo: My letter was full of errors—

CHRIS: Last year's Christmas party, you bought her a really nice gift but instead of giving it to her, you just stood there, looking at her from a far.

Theo: That's because she was talking to—

MASHA: Last month, you ordered a bunch of cupcakes but—

Theo: Alright, alright! Enough you two.... You're making me feel worse.

CHRIS: Come on Theo, it's a new school year and it will be our last year in high school too, don't you think you should gather your courage and finally tell her?

Theo: I guess... but I still can't.

MASHA: Let's continue this conversation later shall we boys? Class starts in 10 minutes and we have to go.

CHRIS: Right, I didn't notice the time. Let's go Theo.

Theo: Alright...

(As they were walking towards their classroom, Theo saw Celine on the other side of the campus talking with her bestfriend.)

Theo: *sigh* I hope someday I'll be that close to you....


Everyone else started walking towards the cafeteria or out of the campus to buy some food while Theo and his friends stayed behind the classroom to eat.

CHRIS: Here you go. I bought this from the new fried chicken place outside.

MASHA: Amazing! Thanks Christian!

CHRIS: Bro, aren't you going to eat?

Theo: Y-yeah? I will. Thank you Christian.

MASHA: Are you still thinking about earlier?

Theo: Yes.

CHRIS: Why don't you try again right now?

Theo: What? What right now? Are you crazy?

CHRIS: I'm serious bro, I mean we'll be there to support you.

MASHA: Yes! We'll come with you to find her.

Theo: I-I can't guys. Just how many times have I failed? I'm sure it'll be no different this time.

MASHA: Just around 34 times but does that matter? Atleast this time you have more experience.

CHRIS: Seriously Masha? Do you think that'll help?

MASHA: Why? Doesn't it?

CHRIS: *sigh* Theo, bro, think about it.

(Chris placed his hands on Theo's shoulders and looked straight in his eyes.)

CHRIS: You're wasting all your time. You've liked her long enough and kept you distance from her, but haven't you thought that you'll only hurt yourself if you keep your feelings longer? What if someone finally takes her away? Would you want that?

Theo: No..

CHRIS: Don't you want to be with her? Don't you long for her to finally notice you?

Theo: I want to!

CHRIS: Then go ahead and tell her how you feel!

Theo: Let's go!

(Theo picked his gift and immediately went out with Christian to find Celine.)

MASHA:*chewing* Hey! How about the fried chicken! W-wait! Theo! Christian! Ughh... but I want to eat some more..


Theo, along with Christian and Masha, walked around the school to find Celine. They asked around to easily locate her. Theo felt really nervous along the way but his determination to be with her was greater.

CHRIS: Someone said they saw her outside, at the bench.

Theo: Alright, let's go.

(Finally, they arrived behind the school and found Celine sitting on a bench beside the fountain.)

MASHA: There she is...

Theo: Yes... Then..

(Theo slowly walk towards her, calmed himself down then finally smiled.)

Theo: Hi.

(Theo felt really happy that for the first time, he gathered his courage and finally said a word without stuttering in front of her. Celine looked up from her phone and saw Theo.)

Celine: Oh, hi!

Theo: I'm Theo, nice to meet you.

Celine: Hi Theo. I'm Celi—

Theo: Celine, yes. I know you very well.

Celine: You do?

Theo: To be honest, I.....

(Amidst his confession, someone suddenly approached them.)

GUY: Celine!

Celine: Oh! You're here.

GUY: Let's go. I already reserved a table for later's dinner.

Celine: But he's—

GUY: Oh... Sorry, I didn't notice you. You can continue.

Theo: I......

(Theo look disturbed and sad. Celine looked at him with curiosity.)

Theo: Nevermind. It can wait, you guys go ahead.

(He smiled but in his eyes, you can see how miserable he felt as he watched the guy hold Celine's hand and leave with her.)

Celine: Goodbye!

Theo: Bye...

(He glanced back to look at his friends who was behind him and smiled. Theo walked towards them still with the gift on his hand.)

Theo: I failed... Again.

MASHA: Hey it's alrig—

Theo: I need to get ready for the next class. I'll go first.

(Theo smiled before he left but it was obvious how he felt so down. Masha and Christian looked at each other worriedly.)

CHRIS: I shouldn't have encouraged him.

MASHA: You did nothing wrong Christian, maybe it's certainly not the perfect time yet.

CHRIS: Poor Theo. How can we help him now? Will he give up?

MASHA: We should not let that happen. He liked her for years and we should not let his efforts and feelings go to waste.

CHRIS: If only we could find someone who could help him get closer to her, because certainly that won't be us since we have also failed after all these years.

MASHA: Closer....someone who knows Celine the best... That's it!

CHRIS: What's it?

MASHA: We should find someone close to Celine to help him get to know her better and with that, maybe he'll finally get closer to her too.

CHRIS: Brilliant! But who?

MASHA: Her bestfriend,of course! Who else would it be dummy?

CHRIS: Hey! I'm not—

MASHA: Fine, stay here and blabber all you want. I'll find her myself.

CHRIS: Okay, wait up!


Masha and Christian are again looking for someone—but this time, not Celine but her bestfriend, Akiyo. They easily found her as everyone knows how a bookworm she is, they found her sitting in the library.

CHRIS: She's there... Come on.

(They quietly walked towards her.)


(Akiyo, who was reading,glanced towards the voice and then immediately closed her book.)

Aki: Hello!

MASHA: I know you might not know us so let us introduce—

Aki: No need, I know you guys already. You're Masha, and he's Christian, and you also have a friend called Theo right?

CHRIS: How do you know that?

Aki: It isn't that hard to recognize people who constantly watches us from a far. *giggles*

MASHA: You guys noticed? Does Celine know too?

Aki: No... Celine is smart but she rarely notices stuff like that.

CHRIS: Anyways, we're really sorry but.... Can we ask for a favor?

(At that moment, Theo came in the library and saw them. He walked towards them and accidentally overheard what they said.)

Aki: Yeah, sure!

CHRIS: You see, our friend Theo likes your bestfriend, Celine. He has liked her for years but despite that time, he couldn't confess to her or anything.

Aki: I see...

CHRIS: Would you mind helping him?

Aki: Help him?

CHRIS: Help him finally get Celine's attention.

Aki: I would love to help, but how should I?

(Theo stepped in and finally joined their conversation. They were shocked but he simply looked at Akiyo and went closer to her.)

Theo: Be my love adviser, Akiyo.



Cute kitten

Cute kitten

l like this story, one side love ur a good writer i can easily understand 🤩



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