Free Minds

Free Minds


It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the sun was shining bright. I woke up feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Today was the day I was going to perform my first solo at church. I had been practicing for weeks and I was ready to show everyone what I was made of.

But before I could even think about my solo, I had to get ready for church. I quickly got dressed in my best outfit and headed out the door. As I walked towards the car, I could hear the distant sound of music and laughter. It was coming from ClubSundie, the hottest club in town.

My heart skipped a beat as I remembered the wild night I had at ClubSundie with my friends. We had danced the night away and had so much fun. But now, I had to focus on my solo and put last night behind me.

As I made my way inside to take a quick shower, I saw my family outside blowing the car horn. They were waiting for me to join them for church. I couldn't believe we had just left ClubSundie and now we were on our way to church. It was a strange feeling, but I brushed it off and got ready for church.

I stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. I quickly got dressed and made my way to the church. As I walked in, I could feel the excitement building up inside me. I was finally going to perform my solo.

But as the service started, I couldn't help but feel a little off. I was still half asleep and my mind was foggy. I couldn't even think of the lyrics to my solo, so I just sang "Free Minds" by Tems. It wasn't my best performance, but I managed to get through it.

After the service, I was approached by the preacher's wife. She was known for being a strict and no-nonsense woman. She wasted no time in scolding me for my lackluster performance. I tried to explain that I was tired and not feeling well, but she wouldn't listen.

In the midst of our argument, she accidentally spilled her drink all over my dress. I was furious and demanded that she pay for the damages. We started arguing even more and it caused a scene in the church. It was so embarrassing and I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

After a few minutes of arguing, the preacher's wife finally agreed to pay for my dress. I was relieved, but also disappointed. I couldn't believe that my first solo had gone so wrong and ended in a fight with the preacher's wife.

As I walked out of the church, I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. It was definitely a memorable and eventful Sunday morning. But one thing was for sure, I wanted my money before offering. I learned my lesson and I would never let a wild night at ClubSundie interfere with my responsibilities again.


Updated 1 Episodes


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