Wishes Of Love

Wishes Of Love

"Overestimating one's self"

It's a cloudy and windy day, Luna is out near a stream where the water is sparkling as the shady beam of the sun hits it. The breeze gently flows Luna's hair as her eyes wandered around. She was out with her friend—Abdul, who asked her to hang out.

Luna: I think we should go now Abdul. Why would you even want to go out in this weather? Can't you see how leaves are falling and the wind is destroying my hair?

Abdul: Stop complaining Luna. I brought you out here so you could finally take a rest.

Luna: I do take a rest. I rest when I read my novels.

Abdul: Does it make a difference when you read your thesis?

Luna: Of course it does. They're two different things.

Abdul: *scoffs* What a nerd.

Luna: If you're here to tease me then I'll be leaving.

Luna attempted to stand up when Abdul's voice stopped her.

Abdul: I'm kidding!

Luna: You should be.

Abdul: I wonder how your boyfriend puts up with your attitude.

Luna: It's not a problem. He does whatever I say which he should be doing.

Abdul: Don't you feel sad for him?

Luna: Why should I be?

Abdul: I mean....like how you treat him? Don't you feel bad you aren't considering his feelings?

Luna: I don't. Besides, everything I tell him is for his own good. They're for future purposes so he'll learn.

Abdul: Seriously? Everytime he gives you something or suggests some places for dates you refuse all of them and instead of thanking him for the effort, you start discussing why he shouldn't give you this, take you there, or even share his day with you. I'm your friend but....isn't that a bit too much Luna?

Luna: Of course not Abdul. He just can't take things right which annoys me. I'm his girlfriend and it's his job to know what I like and I don't. He should also know how his gifts should be reasonable. He doesn't even surprise me or anything!

Abdul: Aren't you scared he might break up with you?

Luna: Ha! Me? Break up with ME? Are you hearing yourself Abdul? I think it's more believable that I'll be breaking up with him and why should he? He has the girlfriend everyone is jealous of. He should be happy about that. Me ending things with him is much sensible since he doesn't even do his job as my boyfriend right!

Abdul: That's cause you have a say for everything. No matter what he does you always make everything about you. You are both in a relationship, it doesn't have to be always you Luna.

Luna: You're crossing the line Abdul.

Abdul: I'm sorry but I'm just speaking facts and I just want to help you—

Luna: Help me? You're doubting and questioning me!

Abdul: I didn't mean it that—

Luna: You know what? I'm out of here.

Luna stands up and leaves Abdul alone angrily. Abdul tried stopping her but she just wouldn't listen. She walked away and stopped in a sidewalk, far enough from where she was earlier.

Luna: *scoffs* What a friend.

As she was about to cross the street, her phone rang. She picked it up from her bag and saw her boyfriend's name—Sheon. She answered it and placed the phone near her ear.

Luna: Finally! You called. You wouldn't believe what just—

Sheon: I need to talk to you.

Luna: Did you just cut me off?

Sheon: Meet me at our usual place. I'll be waiting.

Sheon hang up leaving Luna dumbfounded.

Luna: Hey what— Did he just...hang up on me? I told him not to do that when I ughhh! This will be the first and the last time he'll be doing that! Just wait until I talk to you Sheon.

Luna called for a taxi and went straight to the place where Sheon and her would usually hang out. After some time, she arrived at a place where dandelions bloomed in a meadow field. She then saw Sheon who was standing by the tree which produced a large area of shade. She upsetly walked towards him.

Luna: You're here. Why did you—

Sheon: I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I just wanted to see you sooner.

Luna suddenly lost all her anger from what he just said. She felt happy.

Luna: O-oh..it's fine.

Sheon: So what did you want to tell me?

Luna felt weird. Sheon usually tolerates her attitude but this time it felt different.

Luna: W-Well....Abdul and I had an arguement today.

Sheon: *scoffs happily* That's normal between friends Luna. Don't worry about it.

He sweetly smiled at her. Now Luna felt that it was even more odd. Yes he smiles, and is loving all the time but this time, the atmosphere was off.

Luna: Alright? Well I'm free tomorrow, let's go to the libra—

Sheon: Let's break up, Luna.

Luna was taken aback from what she heard. For the first time, she doubted her ears.

Luna: W-What did you say?


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