Rodrigo left the room and then a tall, brunette woman who looks about thirty years old entered Christian's office.
"Sit down, Aisha, right?"
Aisha: "Yes, sir!"
Christian: "Very well, Aisha, Rodrigo told you what the job is, right?"
Aisha: "Yes, sir, to work with Mrs. Elisa, your wife!"
Christian: "That's right. I want you to not only drive, but also be her security, you never know what might happen to the wife of a man like me, so I want her safety to be your priority, understand?"
Aisha: "Understood, sir!"
Christian: "Great, do you think you're up to the job?"
Aisha: "Yes, sir, I've worked as a bodyguard before, but in my other job, I couldn't use weapons, it was hand-to-hand!"
Christian: "That won't be a problem here, you have them and you need to use them, all my security guards do. There's just one more thing I want to ask of you!"
Aisha: "Go ahead, sir!"
Christian: "I want you to keep an eye on my wife, where she goes, who she goes with, absolutely everything!"
Aisha: "Of course, sir, I will watch your wife, with all possible discretion and respect!"
Christian: "Very well, we understand each other then, you can start tomorrow, salary, time off and bonuses, my assistant will sort it out with you, okay?!"
Aisha: "Thank you very much, sir, I promise you won't regret giving me this opportunity!"
They finalize with a handshake and then Aisha leaves the office all happy.
Christian continues sitting thoughtfully behind the huge glass table, then he has an idea, he decides to go personally to the university where Elisa studies, to solve the problem with the payments, in no way would he let her be expelled because of something so simple for him, since money was not the problem!
He knew she would never ask him for money, not yet, she was afraid and it was clear to him, especially after what happened the other night. Which, by the way, he still needed to apologize for!
Christian needed to redeem himself with her somehow, maybe supporting her studies would be a good place to start!?
He gets up, grabs his car keys and leaves, Tania tries to talk to him, but he ignores her, walks past her with all the coldness possible, she gets very irritated watching him leave, goes to Rodrigo's office to try to get some information from him.
Tania: "Listen... do you know what's going on with Chris?"
He was busy sorting out other matters on the computer, he answers with his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.
Rodrigo: "No!"
Tania: "Rude!"
At this moment he faces her.
Rodrigo: "I am, big and rude, but I'm not for you, no!"
Tania: "And whoever said I was for you, imbecile? But anyway... Do you know what's going on with him or not?"
Rodrigo just shrugs.
Tania: "And that dyke who just left here? Say something, idiot!"
Rodrigo: "Why should I know? Aren't you his little whore?"
Tania snorts with anger.
"Idiot, and you're the dog, doing everything he says!"
Rodrigo: "Go to work, Tania, it's the best you do. Unbearable girl, if I were Chris I would have kicked you to the curb already!"
Tania: "Idiot, you're useless here, Rodrigo!"
She leaves cursing him with every possible curse word.
Rodrigo: "Crazy woman, me?"
Christian arrives at the educational institution where Elisa studies, there was a lot of movement of students from the afternoon period leaving, he enters and goes straight to the rector's office.
The dean doesn't quite believe Christian's story at first, saying he's Elisa's husband, he believes the man is bluffing.
Christian: "Tell me the total amount of the debt, from now on Elisa is my responsibility, so if you want to charge, charge me!"
Dean: "Well... It's four months overdue, a lot of money!"
Christian: "I believe you don't know me, money is not a problem for me!"
He signs a check and hands it to the man, who receives it and widens his eyes when he sees the amount, it was more than enough for the rest of the year.
Dean: "Yes... well..."
Christian: "So? Does this amount cover the four months?"
Dean: "Y...yes, thank you very much, tell your wife that she can continue with her classes!"
Christian gets up satisfied, shakes the man's hand and leaves, after leaving the institution, he goes to the bank to get a card for Elisa, as his wife, she would have a life of luxury, full of perks, what he couldn't do for his dead wife and daughter, he would do for Elisa, he would give her the world if she asked.
Elisa spends a lot of time in the library, ends up reading the whole book, suddenly her mind is racing, she starts having several ideas, looks for paper and pen in the drawers of the table and starts writing a draft...
Christian arrives home and goes straight to his room, takes a shower and looks for something comfortable to wear, he was starving, he had eaten almost nothing all day.
As he picks up his perfume, he sets his eyes on the jewelry bag with the rings and necklace he had bought for Elisa the other day, he ponders, he wanted to wear the ring, but decided he would keep everything in the safe until the time was right to deliver.
He goes downstairs with the bag in his hands and goes to the library, as his safe was behind the painting on the wall.
Christian turns the knob and enters, only then he sees Elisa sitting at the table writing, she seems to be very focused, as she has not yet noticed his presence there.
"Good evening!"
She jumps at the sound of his deep voice.
Elisa: "G...good evening..."
Christian: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I'll come back later..."
Elisa: "No... I mean, that is... You can stay, I was just leaving!"
She gets up, gathers the sheets and rushes past him, but the smell of his woody perfume invades Elisa's nostrils, making her close her eyes for a moment and enjoy it.
Christian took the opportunity to talk to her about the other day, he was feeling a terrible weight on his shoulders, he needed to apologize, even if she didn't forgive him!
Christian: "Elisa?"
She stops and looks back at him.
Elisa: "Hmm..."
Christian: "I... I... uh... I don't even know how to say this! But I wanted to apologize for the other day, I acted like a coward, I was very reckless and I went overboard with the alcohol, I ended up screwing up, I hope you can forgive me!"
Elisa: "I..."
He interrupts her.
Christian: "You don't have to answer me now, I feel like trash and I can't forgive myself, I understand that it will be even harder for you!"
Elisa: "I forgive you on one condition!"
Christian smiles shyly, and ends up making Elisa blush.
"What's your condition?"
Elisa: "That you never drink like that again!"
Christian: "I promise, you have my word!"
Elisa: "Thank you!"
Christian: "I want you to know that I would never hurt you, ever!"
Elisa smiles awkwardly and walks out, closing the door behind her, Christian is speechless, and a wide smile spreads across his face.
He puts the bag in the safe along with a few other things that were behind the painting, then turns off the lights and leaves the library, closing the door.
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