

a meeting that will change destiny


In a world called Iginas, there was a mysterious ship that landed and from inside the ship came out a person wearing a black robe, and that person walked towards several people wearing red robes.

"Oh..... We've been waiting for you"

Then that person took out a bright blue crystal shaped like a horn from under his robe and gave it to the people in red robes.

"Oh, so this is the item you said, huh?"

Then the red-robed people took the crystal and the black-robed people left that world.

"With this, nothing can stop us"

................................................................ .

You can see a ship sailing in the universe and heading to the world of Iginas.

"It's been a long time, Iginas world"

A few moments later the ship landed in the world of Iginas, precisely in a city called Igas, a city with a symbol of a large tree towering across the sky.

From the ship someone was seen coming out, he had blue hair and eyes and blue clothes.

"As usual the wind here is very strong, I feel like flying"

The man walked to the gate and guards blocked him.

"Stop, show the introduction card!"

"Here he is"

The person took out his identification card and gave it to the guard. The guard was shocked after seeing the person's name.

"So-so you are Mr. Airi Tristalia, I apologize for my ignorance, your majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

It turned out she was Airi Traitalia, then smiling Airi said.

"It does not matter"

Airi then went inside and headed to a room, then Airi opened the door of the room and saw lots of people in neat and nice clothes, it turned out that there was a royal party being held there because the prince was celebrating his 5th birthday.

"Wow..... As usual this place is very big, I wasn't told that there was a party, then I would have come with nicer clothes earlier."

Airi said that while lowering her body because she felt a little annoyed, because she didn't know that there would be a party being held, when Airi came in and took some food, everyone's gaze turned to Airi but Airi didn't notice and continued eating with a smile.

Then someone came down the stairs.

"Everyone, thank you all for your presence"

It turned out that the person who appeared from the stairs was the king of this country named Kalis Alka along with his children and wife, but Airi continued eating without realizing that the king was already there.

"I am holding this party for my son Nilin Alka's fifth birthday, please enjoy the party"

After saying that everyone clapped, hearing the sound of applause Airi immediately looked at the crowd and Airi saw the king and his son receiving congratulations, Airi who saw that immediately went towards them and immediately patted the king strongly on the back.

"Yo!!! Kalis, long time no see"

Airi said it with enthusiasm and a smiling face, everyone who saw it was immediately surprised because of Airi's attitude.

"Ahahahahah, it's been 3 years since we saw Airi. I'm so happy you came to this party."

King Kalis said this with a smile, the prince who saw Airi immediately ran towards her and hugged Airi.

"Brother... It's been a long time since we saw each other, I miss you, thank you for coming to my birthday party, brother."

"Nilin, you've grown up... Sorry I didn't bring any gifts, I didn't know it was your birthday."

People were confused about what was going on and even after the party was over they were still talking about what happened at the party.

"Sorry for asking you to come all the way Airi, actually there is something I want to tell you, this is very important."

Hearing that, Airi's expedition immediately turned serious.

"For now, rest, you must be tired, tomorrow I will tell you."


After that the service showed Airi's room and Airi rested, the next morning Kalis woke Airi directly, Airi woke up with a surprise because Kalis gave Airi a slight electric shock.

"WHY DID YOU Electrify Kalis"

With a shocked and angry expression, Airi jumped from her bed and shouted at Kalis.

"If it's not like that, you won't wake up. Come on, come with me, I'll show you something."

Airi followed Kalis to the soldier training ground. There you can see the soldiers attacking one person, the person raises his hand and a vortex forms and immediately throws them all away.

That person had bright green hair and black eyes.

"Her name is Itsuka Nagasaki, I found her two years ago in the forest, she was almost killed by a dragon"

"Heeee.... He's a great wind user"

"It seems like he doesn't remember anything, I even tried asking who his parents are and where he came from but he doesn't remember anything... He said he was born in this world but we still can't find his parents, do you know anything? "

"If he can't remember anything, it means only one thing, he was born from a birth rune."

"Birth rune, what is that?"

"People who are born from the half magic of their parents who form a new life, and usually they will be born in a different world from their parents and can't remember anything except their name."

"The birth of runes, it explains everything"

After Airi and Kalis finished talking they returned to the castle, but Airi, who was bored in the castle, came out to explore the world of Iginas, then Airi saw a big tree that she had never seen, Airi who was curious went straight to the tree, there Airi saw Itsuka who was asleep under the tree.


Itsuka, who heard Airi's voice, immediately woke up.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, but aren't you a knight? Is it okay for you to sleep here and leave your duties?"

Then Itsuka answered Airi's question.

"I'm not a knight, I'm just a guest in the castle"

"Ha..... It's very comfortable and calm here"

Airi then lay down next to Itsuka.

"I saw my fight earlier, you are a great user of wind magic"

"I'm not that great, they're just weak"

Then Airi fell asleep under the tree, Itsuka who saw this continued sleeping, then they woke up in the afternoon because they smelled smoke, Airi and Itsuka who saw smoke coming from the direction of the castle immediately rushed to the castle, when they arrived the castle was already half destroyed. , Airi asked the guard guarding the gate.

"Oi, what's going on here?"

"W-we were attacked by rebels. They were heading to the throne room."

"The fire is too big"

Airi then used water magic to create a water tunnel that penetrated the fire.

"Come on, let's hurry to the throne room."

Airi and Itsuka went straight through the water tunnel and headed to the throne room. When they arrived at the throne room, they saw the throne room which was not burned by the fire and King Kalis who was fighting the rebels wearing red robes.

"KALIS, NILIN, are you okay?"


"Older brother"

"Airi quickly take the nilin out of here, this place is dangerous!"

"How about you?"

Suddenly the castle shook violently and a large black dragon was seen destroying the roof of the castle.

"They even have dragons"

"What a pity king, this is the end, this throne will be ours"

The rebels laughed loudly, but suddenly a drill-shaped wind flew towards the dragon and pushed the dragon outside the castle walls.

"Let me take care of this dragon, you save King Kalis"

"It's a shame but we don't have just one dragon."

After saying that three more dragons appeared approaching the castle.

"Now what about King Kalis, if you give up your throne peacefully we won't hurt anyone anymore."

Kalis, who looked desperate, looked at his son.


Airi shouted Kalis' name, then Kalis saw Airi smiling broadly, seeing that smile, Kalis responded to Airi's shout while showing a fearless smile.

"AIRI!!, I'll leave the dragon to you"


Airi jumped towards the dragons and hit one of them until it fell hard to the ground, the other two dragons who saw it immediately prepared their fireball bursts but Airi hit their mouths until the fireball burst exploded in their mouths.


A large ice spear forms above Airi and Airi launches it at the dragons, and right through their chests, Itsuka also appears from the castle window indicating she has killed the dragon.

A large ice spear forms above Airi and Airi launches it at the dragons, and right through their chests, Itsuka also appears from the castle window indicating she has killed the dragon.

"Impossible, they can kill a black dragon, even one kingdom would have difficulty killing one black dragon."

King Kalis pointed the sword at the rebel leader's neck and asked.

"Now answer my question, where did you get that black dragon?"

"I'm not finished yet, !!"

A summoning magic circle formed under their feet and a very large ice dragon came out of the circle and even the entire castle was destroyed because the size of the ice dragon was very large, and the power of the ice dragon was no joke just by its existence alone the wind was supposed to continue. blowing in the world of Iginas became frozen and even the entire land froze, all that was left was cold air everywhere.

"Hahahahaha, with this victory will be ours"

The rebels laughed confidently.

"King Kalis, prince, and you blue haired one, get out of here I will face the dragon"

"Don't be careless Itsuka! Ice dragons are different from black dragons, just one of them is enough to destroy a world."

Airi then patted Kalis' shoulder.

"Kalis, get out of here with the others!"

"You intend to help me?"

"The others include you too"

Itsuka who heard it was shocked.

"Hah!!! You're crazy to want to fight this ice dragon yourself"

Airi then smiled at all of them.

"Okay, Airi, I entrust the ice dragon to you, let's go Itsuka"

Itsuka who heard it was surprised by Kalis' decision.

"You intend to fight this ice dragon alone, ahahahahahah you really want to die!"

Itsuka muttered in his heart.

"(Impossible to defeat the ice dragon alone I have to go back)"

"Itsuka, just believe in Airi, if Airi says she will beat him then she will"

The ice dragon then released its ice aura. The rebels were very confident of winning.

Airi then covered her body with blue particles and tremendous power radiated from Airi's body, Airi then stepped forward, Airi's first step destroyed all the ice on the land, and Airi's second step destroyed all the ice that froze the wind, then Airi's third step destroyed ice's ice aura. that dragon.

Airi quickly flew and hit the dragon until it fainted and made the rebels shocked and frightened.

"H-how is it possible for an ordinary human to defeat an ice dragon that can even destroy an entire world?"

"Ice dragons can only destroy worlds in the universe ocean, to me they are still weak creatures."

"What did you say? universe ocean. Could it be you!"

Hearing those words, Airi only responded with a smile.

"So what? Do you want to use force or surrender kindly?"

The rebels knelt down helplessly and Airi tied them up, then Kalis and the others met Airi again who had finished tying up the rebels.


"Older brother"

Nilin then jumped towards Airi and hugged her.

"Kalis, Nilin"

"brother, sob... I'm so scared"

While crying, Nilin continued to hug Airi.

"It's okay, I've taken care of the dragon, look, so don't cry anymore."

Airi smiled broadly at Nilin and continued to stroke her head.

"(Awesome power that can even make an ice dragon helpless)"

Itsuka muttered again in his heart and clenched his fists.

"Kalis I have a bad feeling maybe tomorrow I will leave this world, I want to investigate something"

"Brother, are you going?"

"It's okay Nilin, I will definitely come back again"

"Promise me okay"

"Yeah I promise"

Itsuka suddenly shouted and asked Airi.

"Then can I come with you too?"


"I realize that I will be a burden in the future, but I want to get stronger, and I also want to find my parents in this world ocean, that's why I ask your permission to come with you, right?"

While looking down, Itsuka continued to beg Airi.

"Okay then, coincidentally I'm also looking for a friend, if I were alone I'd definitely have trouble, my name is Airi Tristalia, from now on I'm asking for Itsuka's help."

"Thank you very much, please help from now on"

And Airi and Itsuka's journey has just begun, from here Airi will meet many new friends and will help him make his dreams come true.

1 a meeting that will change destiny
2 purple lightning knight
3 Female fire and new partners
4 The world of jishu technology
5 God attack
6 Gear creation vs false god
7 fire and wind
8 snipers
9 sail back
10 another universe
11 Itsuka and vilsarah vs titania
12 Engine and tia training
13 blade vs genryu
14 a new adventure
15 The mystery of the black robe
16 Fire and wind potential
17 Threats start to come
18 Guardian dragon
19 multiverse
20 Trouble coming
21 Arc 2. new beginning
22 Airi nightmare
23 Rebellion part 1
24 Rebellion part 2
25 Rebellion part 3
26 Rebellion part 4
27 Final part rebellion
28 Behind the void
29 Airi's Truth
30 Ship dimensions
31 Adventures of the rebels
32 The return of the threats
33 Faradox vs phantom part 1
34 Faradox vs phantom final part
35 Love and strength
36 Rune energy
37 Training
38 That has perished
39 The second battle
40 Green king
41 Acr 3. three great power
42 Mother and child
43 The appearance of the first guardian
44 Infinite dimensions
45 The return of the first guardian
46 Pent-up feelings
47 unexpected assault
48 Awakening the true power of itsuka and blade
49 Resurrection destruction vilsarah
50 Engine revenge and Tia's promise part 1
51 engine revenge and Tia's promise part 2
52 engine revenge and Tia's promise part 3
53 The start of the legend
54 airi decision
55 Brother dan sister
56 The secret of the universe
57 Declaration of love
58 Breaking the seal of the threats
59 System

Updated 59 Episodes

a meeting that will change destiny
purple lightning knight
Female fire and new partners
The world of jishu technology
God attack
Gear creation vs false god
fire and wind
sail back
another universe
Itsuka and vilsarah vs titania
Engine and tia training
blade vs genryu
a new adventure
The mystery of the black robe
Fire and wind potential
Threats start to come
Guardian dragon
Trouble coming
Arc 2. new beginning
Airi nightmare
Rebellion part 1
Rebellion part 2
Rebellion part 3
Rebellion part 4
Final part rebellion
Behind the void
Airi's Truth
Ship dimensions
Adventures of the rebels
The return of the threats
Faradox vs phantom part 1
Faradox vs phantom final part
Love and strength
Rune energy
That has perished
The second battle
Green king
Acr 3. three great power
Mother and child
The appearance of the first guardian
Infinite dimensions
The return of the first guardian
Pent-up feelings
unexpected assault
Awakening the true power of itsuka and blade
Resurrection destruction vilsarah
Engine revenge and Tia's promise part 1
engine revenge and Tia's promise part 2
engine revenge and Tia's promise part 3
The start of the legend
airi decision
Brother dan sister
The secret of the universe
Declaration of love
Breaking the seal of the threats


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