Chapter 11: The Sword that was Praised in Sadness

Perhaps the grey and dull handleless sword small sword heard the

cry of the giant man and understood it fell into a trap. It started to

vibrate violently in midair. The vibration caused a sharp and forceful

sound wave to occur. It almost sounded like a screaming bird

wanting to escape its cage.

The elder’s two hands were still on his knees and he glanced gently

at the handleless small sword an inch away from his eyebrows.

However that gentleness contained enormous power and tightly held

the escaping sword in place.

Wherever the elder’s sight landed, the temperature there dropped

rapidly. In a few moments there was a layer of frost on the body of

the handleless sword. It started to shake and vibrate even harder,

but there was no result from its effort.

After a long time of useless struggle, the handleless sword finally fell

onto the ground on top of fallen leaves, almost like it lost its precious

life force.

The moment when the handleless sword dropped onto the ground,

somewhere in the dense forest of North Mountain, not far from the

carriage formation, a painful moan was heard.

Finally a trace of relaxation appeared in the calm pupils of the elder.

Two hands supported by the knee, his entire fragile body lift off like

wind and landed in front of that giant man.

The man shouted and struck the elder with his fan-like hands. The momentum was not to be ignored. The force was similar to that of a

mountain landing on top of the thin body of the elder.

Just when it looked like the elder was going to be crushed to pieces

by the two giant hands, the elder looked at the incoming palms

expressionless. His dried lips opened slightly and a soundless tone

came out. His hands, which were full of dust, crossed each other in

front of his body and made a sign.

Following the soundless tone and hand sign, the dirty old robe on

elder’s body suddenly became rock and persistent. Every wrinkle of

the rag disappeared. From the looks of it, the elder was not wearing

the robe, but rather the robe supporting his fragile body.

The giant palms stopped. It kept on trembling in the air on top of the

elder’s head, but the giant man could not land the hit. The movement

of other body parts of the giant man also slowed down. His neck

started to shake and his body cried out blood. It was clear that the

giant man was in unimaginable pain.

The elder’s face was sickly white. He was struggling as well. He

raised his right arm with all his might and pushed onto the giant

man’s chest slowly.

The giant man saw the elder’ hands approaching inch by inch, but he

could do nothing to stop the action. It seemed like he was forced to

by a magical force that restricted his movements.

The elder’s hand landed on the giant man’s chest quietly.

Strong wind suddenly shot forth from the hands of the elder and

went straight through the chest of the giant man. With a cracking

sound, the rock hard chest was fractured and damaged. The entire

surface of the chest sank and caved inward.

Using the opposite force of the speeding wind, elder backed off

quickly. The wind of forest blew onto the robe and lifted slightly. The

elder retreated back into the carriage and sat down cross-legged

once more.

The attack only lasted for a few moments but the elder’s intrusion

and retreat was quick and traceless. His hands were on his knees

and his robe turned shabby again, almost seemed like he had not

moved from his original state from the beginning.

The giant man in the depth of dense forest of North Mountain finally

regained control over his body. The palms that had not landed on the

elder finally moved and crushed the earth, creating a large hole on

the mud and fallen leaves. Yet it was all too late, he looked at his

bloody chest. cried out a regretful cry and finally crashed into the

ground like a mountain.

The elder who sat crosslegged in the carriage glanced at the

location. He bent his body forward and started coughing repeatedly.

Some red dots could be seen on his robe after the coughing had


The guards used the knife formation and fought with the handleless

sword bravely to create some time for the elder. The elder used this

precious time to calculate and capture the hidden spot of the enemy

Great Sword Master and used the handleless sword as a bridge to

activate his psychic power and damaged the opponent. In doing so,

the elder was also weakened due to overuse of his abilities.

When he flew to the opening in the North Mountain and killed the

giant man with his hands, the action was extremely risky. Although

the attack seemed simple and easy, the risk it carried was also

great. His psychic power stored in his Mountain of Qi was drained

and he became exhausted.

At least the ending was certain.

The fight at the entry to the way of North Mountain was already

over. The barbarians from Great Plain demonstrated their loyalty,

courage, and battle skill in the fight. The slightly curved knives slayed

all of the opponent assassins, although they paid an extremely big

cost. The fortunate survivors seemed to have bathed in blood and to

have no energy left to stand.

The number who survived and were able to stand were even fewer.

The elder gave a complicated look at a tree not much far away.

Night arrived, the entrance to the way of North Mountain was silent.

This tree’s barks fell off piece by piece. Like a man ageing in a short

time, unfortunately flecks appeared, and a body showed sign of

collapse and decay.

A middle aged scholar wearing green long gown slowly walked out

from the back of the tree. He carried an empty circular sheath on his

back. He was good looking, even though his age was a bit old, but if

he was on the Gaily-painted Pleasure-boat in Chang An, he could be

depicted as “handsome.”

However his face now could not be called “handsome” at all.

Countless tiny blood drops penetrated out from the pores on his face

and hands. Painted him into a scary looking blood man. His green

long gown was also permeated by blood. It could be inferred that

the body covered by the long gown was also bloody, just like his

face and hands.

The mid-aged scholar lifted his sleeve to wipe off the blood and

sweat on his eyebrow. He looked at the elder standing by the

wagon and looked at the empty sheath. He lowered his voice and

sighed, “One miscalculation and the whole plan was ruined. Named

guest of South Gate of Great Sky Way, Lu Qing Chen,

actually….discarded swordsmanship but Xiu Xing Psychism. If this

news was spread out, can’t imagine how many people would feel


Remained silent for a moment, he then sighed, “The most surprising

thing was that, you are already very old, yet you successfully went

into the Seethrough stage*, was there any mysterious techniques in

the Great Sky Way?”

The elder, called Lu Qing Chen, answered mildly, “I followed

Princess to the north for a year. On the Great Plain, I saw different

landscape, different culture, my insight was stimulated, therefore I went up a stage. There was actually nothing to do with the Xiu Xing

method of Great Sky Way.”

Hearing this unexpected explanation, the mid-aged scholar was

dumbfounded for a while and seemed to have gained a realization.

After remaining silent for a really long time, he looked at the head of

the guards, who was half-kneeled on the fallen leaves, and said with

an extremely serious tone,

“Since I became a Great Sword Master, I had thought that secular

power could no longer stop me, but today you and your subordinates

gave me a good lecture.”

The mid-aged Scholar made an obeisance by cupping one hand in

the other before his chest to the heavily wounded guards. “You

brave and fearless soldiers are Tang’s pride.”

The head of guards slightly nodded his head but did not say a single


“There are not many Great Sword Masters in Chang An, yet I don’t

know you.” The old man Lu Qing Chen looked at the bloody mid-

aged scholar “The Academy is really a great place of talents.”

Hearing the word “Academy,” the survivors on the way of North

Mountain, couldn’t help but exhibit confusions and surprises. Was this

murder actually related to the respectable and holy Academy?

Ning Que involuntarily looked toward the maid, seeing that her face

showed some complex expression, but obviously it was not trust.

The mid-aged scholar was surprised again, shaking his head and

said sadly, “I didn’t know that you could tell my origin. However, I am

not daring to bring shame to the Academy……I am only a dumb

student expelled from the Academy.”

His body was covered entirely by blood and was shaking, seemed to

fall at any moment. Yet facing only one such enemy, the barbarians

and guards who survived all felt very tense, treating him as the

hardest obstacle ever.

Ning Que also felt very nervous, but he felt more excited and


He lived in Wei City for many years. He studied Extreme Sense for

many years and imagined about these elites based on the legends

he heard for many years. Yet today at the entry to the way of North

Mountain was his first time in his life seeing a real fight between the


He heard that the Tang’s generals each had his own powerful

methods, yet the frontier was peaceful for many years. He, a small

unknown soldier at the frontier, had no chance to see such fight on

the battlefield.

Handleless sword flying between the fallen leaves in air, giant people

pulling out mountain and throwing rocks to destroy carriage, Psychic

Power moving freely as eyes closed, and damaging people through

space. These extremely inconceivable and mysterious things

happened one by one in a really short amount of time, causing to

shake with excitement.

When academy, expel, dumb student entered his ear, he felt calm

but at the same time his blood froze.

A dumb student expelled from Academy, by using only a dark

handleless sword, could kill almost ten Tang’s strongest guards.

Then a real student from Academy, would possess how much

unimaginable power?

“He was probably Xia Hou’s subordinate.” The maid said coldly..

Hearing the words “Xia Hou,” Ning Que’s body became a little stiff.

After several seconds it calmed down, but his look toward the

people turned from previously applause into cold calculation and


“You practice Hao Ran sword art, so it’s not that hard to guess that

you are from the Academy.”

Lu Qing Chen said, “But unfortunately, you did not learn much from the 2nd Floor before you got expelled from the Academy. The

startup of your sword had some thunder and wind force, but you

forced the force to become strange and secretive.”

“Hao Ran Qi was emphasized on candid, straight and nonstop, but

you went into a wrong direction. This mistake is so major that even if

you encountered me twenty years ago, when I was still young, even

if I did not get to the Seethrough stage, you would of still lost to me.”

The mid-aged scholar looked down and smiled. The smile appearing

on his bloody face made him look very dismal.

As a Great Sword Master who already entered Seethrough, this

mid-aged scholar accepted someone’s invite and came to

assassinate the princess. After he knew the elder’s strength, he

thought that it would be a simple thing.

However, the people who gave him intelligence did not know that the

old man already got into Seethrough on the Great Plain. More

surprisingly, this man from South Gate of the Great Sky Way chose

to discard sword and become a Psychic Master instead.

Even so, he still had some chances to winning. Yet this Great Sword

Master did not know that, these Tang’s guards would cause so much

trouble for him, allowing Lu Qing Chen to see his position.

Letting the opponent, especially a Psychic Master, within the same

stage, to find out about his position was a really dangerous thing. Lu

Qing Chen first controlled his sword shadow, then used the

handleless sword as a bridge conducting Psychic Power to hurt him.

Facing the Psychic Master who was fastest at attacking, he had no

way to react, letting the opponent Psychic Power assaulting both his

Sea of Soul and Mountain of Qi, and fragmenting all of his inner


Today he was destined to die at the entry to the way of North

Mountain. He did not care about the old man’s evaluations at all.

However, even if he had to die, he still had to finish something.

* Seethrough Stage- Stage or tier of xiu xing its the fourth stage above the preliminary stage

** Sea of Soul- The area where the soul force (which is different

type of force from the Qi) is kept

*** Mountain of Qi- The area in the body where the qi is kept.


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1 Chapter 1: Rain in Wei, Youngster in Wait
2 Chapter 2: The Wise and Poor Kid
3 Chapter 3: Tang ’s Simplicity is Respect
4 Chapter 4: The Future Discussion of an Irregular Tang
5 Chapter 5: Yearning under the Moonless Night
6 Chapter 6: Leaving for Chang An, Going for a fortune
7 Chapter 7: Drink at Night, Dream a Sea
8 Chapter 8: On the Way of North Mountain, an Arrow Flew from the South
9 Chapter 9: The Determined Soldiers
10 Chap 10: A Sword Placed in Front of the Knee, a Sword Passed through the Blood
11 Chapter 11: The Sword that was Praised in Sadness
12 Chapter 12: Broken Finger and Thundering Arrow
13 Chapter 13: A Crimson Flower Blossomed from the Green Robe
14 Chapter 14: I have Three Knives
15 Chapter 15: He is the Lumberjack in the Shu Bi Pond
16 Chapter 16: He Came out of the Mountain, with a Little Girl
17 Chapter 17: The Fable alongside the Fire Woods
18 Chapter 18: The Fault of Your Beauty
19 Chapter 19: There is Nothing in the Mountain of Snow
20 Chapter 20: Two and Three Leaves of Peach Flowers are Just Illusions
21 Chapter 21: There is No Rule on the Path to Xiu Xing
22 Chapter 22: Learning on the Journey
23 Chapter 23: I Thought You Knew My Talent…..
24 Chapter 24: The Way of Life
25 Chapter 25: The First Dream
26 Chapter 26: Great City, Long Time No See
27 Chapter 27: Nice to Meet You, Chang An
28 Chapter 28: Outside the General’s Mansion
29 Chapter 29: The Reunion after Seven Years
30 Chapter 30: The Phoenix has a Grudge against Me
31 Chapter 31: The Master, the Maid and a Penny (i)
32 Chapter 32: The Master, the Maid and a Penny (ii)
33 Chapter 33: The First Calligraphy at Forty Seventh Street
34 Chapter 34: The First Guest of Old Brush House
35 Chapter 35: It was a Faintly Cool Rain
36 Chapter 36: When Pain Penetrates, His Expression was Still Calm
37 Chapter 37: Searching, Seeking, Where is the Brothel?
38 Chapter 38: Flower, Wine, and Fruits; as Expected
39 Chapter 39: Madam Jian Angrily Calling with Red Sleeves
40 Chapter 40: A Carefree Youngster around the Lake

Updated 40 Episodes

Chapter 1: Rain in Wei, Youngster in Wait
Chapter 2: The Wise and Poor Kid
Chapter 3: Tang ’s Simplicity is Respect
Chapter 4: The Future Discussion of an Irregular Tang
Chapter 5: Yearning under the Moonless Night
Chapter 6: Leaving for Chang An, Going for a fortune
Chapter 7: Drink at Night, Dream a Sea
Chapter 8: On the Way of North Mountain, an Arrow Flew from the South
Chapter 9: The Determined Soldiers
Chap 10: A Sword Placed in Front of the Knee, a Sword Passed through the Blood
Chapter 11: The Sword that was Praised in Sadness
Chapter 12: Broken Finger and Thundering Arrow
Chapter 13: A Crimson Flower Blossomed from the Green Robe
Chapter 14: I have Three Knives
Chapter 15: He is the Lumberjack in the Shu Bi Pond
Chapter 16: He Came out of the Mountain, with a Little Girl
Chapter 17: The Fable alongside the Fire Woods
Chapter 18: The Fault of Your Beauty
Chapter 19: There is Nothing in the Mountain of Snow
Chapter 20: Two and Three Leaves of Peach Flowers are Just Illusions
Chapter 21: There is No Rule on the Path to Xiu Xing
Chapter 22: Learning on the Journey
Chapter 23: I Thought You Knew My Talent…..
Chapter 24: The Way of Life
Chapter 25: The First Dream
Chapter 26: Great City, Long Time No See
Chapter 27: Nice to Meet You, Chang An
Chapter 28: Outside the General’s Mansion
Chapter 29: The Reunion after Seven Years
Chapter 30: The Phoenix has a Grudge against Me
Chapter 31: The Master, the Maid and a Penny (i)
Chapter 32: The Master, the Maid and a Penny (ii)
Chapter 33: The First Calligraphy at Forty Seventh Street
Chapter 34: The First Guest of Old Brush House
Chapter 35: It was a Faintly Cool Rain
Chapter 36: When Pain Penetrates, His Expression was Still Calm
Chapter 37: Searching, Seeking, Where is the Brothel?
Chapter 38: Flower, Wine, and Fruits; as Expected
Chapter 39: Madam Jian Angrily Calling with Red Sleeves
Chapter 40: A Carefree Youngster around the Lake


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