Chapter Fifteen: Investigate

As the door creaked open, Emily stepped into the comforting embrace of her home. The lingering echoes of a busy workday still resonated within her, but the promise of a warm welcome awaited within the confines of familiar walls.

The aromatic symphony of a home-cooked dinner wafted through the air, a testament to Ares' efforts in orchestrating a tranquil evening.

Ares, perched on a stool in the kitchen, greeted his mother with a warm smile that belied the complexities hidden beneath the surface.

His youthful features radiated innocence, a façade carefully maintained to shield Emily from the shadows that lurked within his clandestine world.

"Welcome home, Mom," Ares exclaimed, his voice tinged with a genuine warmth that mirrored the coziness of their home. He then noticed something different about her mom. She seem worried and sad.

Emily, her fatigue and problems were momentarily forgotten, reciprocated the smile with maternal affection. The aroma of the dinner that awaited her heightened the sense of anticipation—a shared moment of familial bliss.

"Ares, you didn't have to go through all this trouble. How was your day, sweetheart?" Emily inquired, her gaze filled with maternal adoration.

Ares, deflecting the complexities that occupied his mind, responded with a measured enthusiasm. "It was good, Mom. I wanted to make your favourite food."

As Emily glanced around the cozy kitchen, the table adorned with delicacies, she couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for her thoughtful son.

"You truly are a blessing, Ares," Emily expressed, her words a melodic affirmation of the love that bound them.

Ares, the obedient son, guided Emily to the living room. "Mom, why don't you change into something comfortable and take a warm bath before dinner? I've got everything under control here."

Emily, touched by the consideration in her son's words, nodded with a grateful smile. As she retreated to her room, Ares seized the opportunity to execute a clandestine operation that unfolded in the shadows of their seemingly idyllic home.

With a calculated nonchalance, Ares retrieved his phone, fingers dancing across the screen as he dialed a discreet number. The call connected, and in hushed tones, he issued a directive that betrayed the innocence of his outward demeanor.

"I need detailed reports on my mother's daily work life. Every meeting, every interaction. I want to know everything," Ares instructed, his voice devoid of emotion—a stark contrast to the familial warmth that had characterized their earlier interaction.

On the other end of the line, an unseen figure acknowledged the command, affirming their commitment to the task. The call ended, leaving Ares to resume his facade of familial normalcy.

As Emily luxuriated in the warmth of the bath, a sense of tranquility enveloped her—a respite from the demands of the outside world. Unbeknownst to her, the intricate details of whatever happen to her today was documented and sent to her son email.

The evening continued, the dinner table a tableau of familial bliss. Emily, dressed in comfortable attire, joined Ares in savoring the culinary delights he had prepared. The warmth of the home-cooked meal, however, masked the subtle undercurrents that pervaded the air.

As the meal progressed, Ares skillfully navigated the conversation, deflecting inquiries about his day while extracting information about Emily's professional life. His inquiries, disguised within the folds of casual conversation, sought to unravel the intricacies of her daily routine.

"Mom, tell me about your day today. Is there anything interesting?" Ares inquired, his gaze an innocuous façade that concealed the probing nature of his intent.

Emily, oblivious to the ulterior motives that lay beneath the surface, recounted the highlights of her day. Ares, with a feigned interest that mirrored the innocence of youth, absorbed the information.

The dinner concluded, the remnants of a shared meal left in the wake of familial togetherness. Emily, content in the glow of maternal warmth, retired to her room.

Once alone, Ares returned to the private study. The reports on Emily's daily work life began to trickle in, the fully detailed report was sent by one of his subordinates who act as his mom shadow guard.

The night unfolded in silence. Ares, his youthful features masked by the glow of the computer screen, contemplated the reports that illuminated the shadows within their seemingly tranquil home.

"Is it because of this man again?" He reread the report again and look at the photo attached.

The dim glow of the study's computer screens cast a muted luminescence as Ares, hidden in the labyrinth of codes, executed a digital symphony that disrupted the delicate balance of Alexander Stone's company. Project documents flickered across the screens, their integrity compromised by the clandestine maneuvers of the ten-year-old prodigy.

As Ares, veiled in the shadows of his digital prowess, left the digital battleground without a trace, the echoes of his intrusion reverberated through the virtual corridors.

Alexander Stone, the one he believed is his biological father is the unsuspecting target of this cybernetic disruption, would soon grapple with the aftermath of this unknown son's covert operation.

The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that stretched across the living room of the Stone residence. Alex, weary from a late night at the office, stepped through the front door.

Veronica, adorned in a nightgown that exuded a delicate allure, awaited him in the dimly lit living room. The soft rustle of her gown echoed in the stillness—a prelude to a night that, unbeknownst to Alexander, bore the subtle tension of unspoken expectations.

"Welcome home, Alexander," Veronica purred, her voice a melodic invitation that beckoned him into the realm of domestic warmth.

Alexander, however, remained ensconced in the complexities of his thoughts. The annoyance lingering from the cyber intrusion at the company gripped his demeanor, overshadowing the potential for familial bliss that awaited within the walls of his home.

"What's for dinner?" Alexander inquired, his tone a reflection of the residual frustration that clung to him.

Veronica, undeterred by the veneer of detachment, gestured toward the dining area where a meticulously set table awaited them. "I thought we could have a quiet dinner together," she suggested, her eyes expressing a longing.

As they sat down to dinner, the atmosphere carried the weight of unspoken tensions. Veronica, her gaze flickering with a delicate vulnerability, sought a bridge across the emotional chasm that divided them.

Yet, Alexander, absorbed in the residue of professional frustrations, remained a stoic figure at the dining table.

The silence, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery against plates.

After dinner, Alexander retreated to the study— where the glow of computer screens held a different allure. The intrusion at the company demanded his attention, and with a furrowed brow, he delved into the arduous task of rectifying the digital chaos wrought by an unseen assailant.

Veronica, left alone in the living room, traced the contours of her thoughts.

Hours passed, the rhythmic tap of keyboard keys reverberating through the study as Alexander navigated the complexities of cyber remediation. The intrusion, veiled in the shadows of digital anonymity, continued to resist his efforts to restore order.

When Alex finally emerged from the study, the late hour draped the living room in a muted ambiance. Veronica, perched on the couch, awaited him with a gaze that held an affection.

"Is everything okay at work?" Veronica inquired, her voice a delicate murmur that echoed the concern etched on her features.

Alexander, his demeanor a fusion of fatigue and frustration, replied with a curt nod. "Just some technical glitches. Nothing to worry about."

Veronica, yearning for a moment of emotional intimacy, mustered the courage to broach the subject that had cast a subtle shadow over their shared space.

"Alex, it feels like we've been drifting apart," Veronica confessed, her vulnerability laid bare in the gentle cadence of her words.

Alexander, still absorbed in the aftermath of the cyber intrusion, met her gaze with a fleeting acknowledgment.

"Where's Aiden?" Alexander inquired, his voice have a hint of affection and concern.

Veronica, clad in a nightgown that now seemed to envelop her with an air of melancholy, replied, "He's already in bed. I thought we could spend some time together tonight."

Alexander, seemingly oblivious to the emotional undercurrents that permeated the night, casually dismissed the suggestion. "I'm tired, Veronica. Maybe another time."

As he retreated to their bedroom, leaving Veronica alone in the living room, the echoes of unspoken words lingered in the air.

In the quiet recesses of the night, as Alexander lay in bed, the digital symphony orchestrated by an unknown enemy continued to resonate in the corridors of his thoughts.

1 Chapter One: A Fateful Agreement
2 Chapter Two: A Pact Begins (18+)
3 Chapter Three: A Gentle Understanding (18+)
4 Chapter Four: A Tangled Heart
5 Chapter Five: Echoes of Uncertainty
6 Chapter Six: Concealed Emotions (slightly 18+)
7 Chapter Seven: Veronica Act (slightly 18+)
8 Chapter Eight: Mixed Emotions
9 Chapter Nine: Pregnant
10 Chapter Ten: Distance (18+)
11 Chapter Eleven: Confined In The Room
12 Chapter Twelve: Seduction
13 Chapter Thirteen: Giving Birth and Leaving
14 Chapter Fourteen: Ten Years Later
15 Chapter Fifteen: Investigate
16 Chapter Sixteen: Family Of Three?
17 Chapter Seventeen: Cracks in Relationships
18 Chapter Eighteen: Lucas (18+)
19 Chapter Nineteen: Coming Back
20 Chapter Twenty: Trap
21 Chapter Twenty One: Drunk
22 Chapter Twenty Two: Meeting Again
23 Chapter Twenty Three: Reminiscence
24 Chapter Twenty Four: Night Shift?
25 Chapter Twenty Five: Wake Up
26 Chapter Twenty Six: Master?
27 Chapter Twenty Seven: Price Tag
28 Chapter Twenty Eight: Father
29 Chapter Twenty Nine: Who Is My Father?
30 Chapter Thirty: Her True Face
31 Chapter Thirty One: The Other Child
32 Chapter Thirty Two: He Looks Like Me
33 Chapter Thirty Three: Don't Need Him
34 Chapter Thirty Four: Anger
35 Chapter Thirty Five: Illegitimate Child
36 Chapter Thirty Six: Family or Foe?
37 Chapter Thirty Seven: Hatred
38 Chapter Thirty Eight: Brother Alex?
39 Chapter Thirty Nine: Traitor
40 Chapter Forty: Scheme Again
41 Chapter Forty One: Meet Again
42 Chapter Forty Two: Be My Woman
43 Chapter Forty Three: Pleased Me
44 Chapter Forty Four: Worried
45 Chapter Forty Five: Can't Push Him Away
46 Chapter Forty Six: First Time Doing It? (18+)
47 Chapter Forty Seven: Mother of My Son
48 Chapter Forty Eight: My Father and Brother
49 Chapter Forty Nine: Evidence (18+)
50 Chapter Fifty: Scapegoat
51 Chapter Fifty One: One Hundred Million
52 Chapter Fifty Two: DNA Test
53 Chapter Fifty Three: Elaina Stone
54 Chapter Fifty Four: Wait
55 Chapter Fifty Five: I'm in Front of Your House
56 Chapter Fifty Six: He's Not That Simple
57 Chapter Fifty Seven: Grievances & Bitterness
58 Chapter Fifty Eight: I Hate Him
59 Chapter Fifty Nine: Unspoken Rules
60 Chapter Sixty: Mr and Mrs Lim Sudden Visit
61 Chapter Sixty One: Collapsed
62 Chapter Sixty Two: Panic
63 Chapter Sixty Three: Hospital
64 Chapter Sixty Four: Ungrateful Daughter
65 Chapter Sixty Five: 1 Million
66 Chapter Sixty Six: Cut Ties
67 Chapter Sixty Seven: His Other Son
68 Chapter Sixty Eight: Professor Stone
69 Chapter Sixty Nine: My Student
70 Chapter Seventy: I Like You So Much
71 Chapter Seventy One: What is Love?
72 Chapter Seventy Two: Hug
73 Chapter Seventy Three: Divorce
74 Chapter Seventy Four: Little Liar
75 Chapter Seventy Five: Aunt
76 Chapter Seventy Six: Animal
77 Chapter Seventy Seven: Not Simple
78 Chapter Seventy Eight: Other Woman
79 Chapter Seventy Nine: Sleep With My Woman
80 Chapter Eighty: Affection
81 Chapter Eighty One: 1,000,000
82 Chapter Eighty Two: Feeding Shark
83 Chapter Eighty Three: Marriage
84 Chapter Eighty Four: Cheap
85 Chapter Eighty Five: New House
86 Chapter Eighty Six: I'm Hungry
87 Chapter Eighty Seven: Jealousy
88 Chapter Eighty Eight: DANGKA
89 Chapter Eighty Nine: Assistant Li
90 Chapter Ninety: You Can't
91 Chapter Ninety One: My Woman
92 Chapter Ninety Two: Lillian Hubert
93 Chapter Ninety Three: What Did He Say?
94 Chapter Ninety Four: Chris Lu
95 Chapter Ninety Five: Eternal
96 Chapter Ninety Six: Birthday Gift
97 Chapter Ninety Seven: I Want To Eat You
98 Chapter Ninety Eight: Ex-Colleague
99 Chapter Ninety Nine: Showing Off
100 Chapter One Hundred: Intruder
101 Chapter One Hundred One: Help Me Peel?
102 Chapter One Hundred Two: Blood?
103 Chapter One Hundred Three: Ares Cooking
104 Chapter One Hundred Four: Gift For The Twins
105 Chapter One Hundred Five: Unwrapping Gifts
106 Chapter One Hundred Six: Bad Mood
107 Chapter One Hundred Seven: Go To Fantasy Valley
108 Chapter One Hundred Eight: Mitch Family
109 Chapter One Hundred Nine: Lost Favor
110 Chapter One Hundred Ten: Didn't Believe Him
111 Chapter One Hundred Eleven: Daddy Left
112 Chapter One Hundred Twelve: Little Brother?
113 Chapter One Hundred Thirteen: Envious
114 Chapter One Hundred Fourteen: Toy For Little Brother
115 Chapter One Hundred Fifteen: Winner
116 Chapter One Hundred Sixteen: Haunted House
117 Chapter One Hundred Seventeen: Assassin
118 Chapter One Hundred Eighteen: Protect You
119 Chapter One Hundred Nineteen: Don't Let Go!
120 Chapter One Hundred Twenty: I Won't Let Go!
121 Chapter One Hundred Twenty One: Reunion
122 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two: Good Looking
123 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three: Nothing Serious
124 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four: Boundaries
125 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five: Spoiled Girl
126 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six: Phone Call
127 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Seven: Heartbroken
128 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight: Mommy...
129 Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine: Interrogation
130 Chapter One Hundred Thirty: Dirty His Hand
131 Chapter One Hundred Thirty One: MIRE
132 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two: Forces In The Capital
133 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three: He's Your Daddy
134 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four: Let Me Hug You
135 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five: Do You Love Me?
136 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six: Become An Actress
137 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven: Fragments of Memory
138 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Eight: Jade Ring (PAST)
139 Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine: I'm Not A Thief
140 Chapter One Hundred Forty: Pregnant
141 Chapter One Hundred Forty One: Abortion
142 Chapter One Hundred Forty Two: Real Young Madam
143 Chapter One Hundred Forty Three: Dead?
144 Chapter One Hundred Forty Four: Clarke
145 Chapter One Hundred Forty Five: Truth
146 Chapter One Hundred Forty Six: Filthy Hand
147 Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven: Kiss
148 Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight: Kiss & Hug
149 Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine: You Wait!

Updated 149 Episodes

Chapter One: A Fateful Agreement
Chapter Two: A Pact Begins (18+)
Chapter Three: A Gentle Understanding (18+)
Chapter Four: A Tangled Heart
Chapter Five: Echoes of Uncertainty
Chapter Six: Concealed Emotions (slightly 18+)
Chapter Seven: Veronica Act (slightly 18+)
Chapter Eight: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Nine: Pregnant
Chapter Ten: Distance (18+)
Chapter Eleven: Confined In The Room
Chapter Twelve: Seduction
Chapter Thirteen: Giving Birth and Leaving
Chapter Fourteen: Ten Years Later
Chapter Fifteen: Investigate
Chapter Sixteen: Family Of Three?
Chapter Seventeen: Cracks in Relationships
Chapter Eighteen: Lucas (18+)
Chapter Nineteen: Coming Back
Chapter Twenty: Trap
Chapter Twenty One: Drunk
Chapter Twenty Two: Meeting Again
Chapter Twenty Three: Reminiscence
Chapter Twenty Four: Night Shift?
Chapter Twenty Five: Wake Up
Chapter Twenty Six: Master?
Chapter Twenty Seven: Price Tag
Chapter Twenty Eight: Father
Chapter Twenty Nine: Who Is My Father?
Chapter Thirty: Her True Face
Chapter Thirty One: The Other Child
Chapter Thirty Two: He Looks Like Me
Chapter Thirty Three: Don't Need Him
Chapter Thirty Four: Anger
Chapter Thirty Five: Illegitimate Child
Chapter Thirty Six: Family or Foe?
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hatred
Chapter Thirty Eight: Brother Alex?
Chapter Thirty Nine: Traitor
Chapter Forty: Scheme Again
Chapter Forty One: Meet Again
Chapter Forty Two: Be My Woman
Chapter Forty Three: Pleased Me
Chapter Forty Four: Worried
Chapter Forty Five: Can't Push Him Away
Chapter Forty Six: First Time Doing It? (18+)
Chapter Forty Seven: Mother of My Son
Chapter Forty Eight: My Father and Brother
Chapter Forty Nine: Evidence (18+)
Chapter Fifty: Scapegoat
Chapter Fifty One: One Hundred Million
Chapter Fifty Two: DNA Test
Chapter Fifty Three: Elaina Stone
Chapter Fifty Four: Wait
Chapter Fifty Five: I'm in Front of Your House
Chapter Fifty Six: He's Not That Simple
Chapter Fifty Seven: Grievances & Bitterness
Chapter Fifty Eight: I Hate Him
Chapter Fifty Nine: Unspoken Rules
Chapter Sixty: Mr and Mrs Lim Sudden Visit
Chapter Sixty One: Collapsed
Chapter Sixty Two: Panic
Chapter Sixty Three: Hospital
Chapter Sixty Four: Ungrateful Daughter
Chapter Sixty Five: 1 Million
Chapter Sixty Six: Cut Ties
Chapter Sixty Seven: His Other Son
Chapter Sixty Eight: Professor Stone
Chapter Sixty Nine: My Student
Chapter Seventy: I Like You So Much
Chapter Seventy One: What is Love?
Chapter Seventy Two: Hug
Chapter Seventy Three: Divorce
Chapter Seventy Four: Little Liar
Chapter Seventy Five: Aunt
Chapter Seventy Six: Animal
Chapter Seventy Seven: Not Simple
Chapter Seventy Eight: Other Woman
Chapter Seventy Nine: Sleep With My Woman
Chapter Eighty: Affection
Chapter Eighty One: 1,000,000
Chapter Eighty Two: Feeding Shark
Chapter Eighty Three: Marriage
Chapter Eighty Four: Cheap
Chapter Eighty Five: New House
Chapter Eighty Six: I'm Hungry
Chapter Eighty Seven: Jealousy
Chapter Eighty Eight: DANGKA
Chapter Eighty Nine: Assistant Li
Chapter Ninety: You Can't
Chapter Ninety One: My Woman
Chapter Ninety Two: Lillian Hubert
Chapter Ninety Three: What Did He Say?
Chapter Ninety Four: Chris Lu
Chapter Ninety Five: Eternal
Chapter Ninety Six: Birthday Gift
Chapter Ninety Seven: I Want To Eat You
Chapter Ninety Eight: Ex-Colleague
Chapter Ninety Nine: Showing Off
Chapter One Hundred: Intruder
Chapter One Hundred One: Help Me Peel?
Chapter One Hundred Two: Blood?
Chapter One Hundred Three: Ares Cooking
Chapter One Hundred Four: Gift For The Twins
Chapter One Hundred Five: Unwrapping Gifts
Chapter One Hundred Six: Bad Mood
Chapter One Hundred Seven: Go To Fantasy Valley
Chapter One Hundred Eight: Mitch Family
Chapter One Hundred Nine: Lost Favor
Chapter One Hundred Ten: Didn't Believe Him
Chapter One Hundred Eleven: Daddy Left
Chapter One Hundred Twelve: Little Brother?
Chapter One Hundred Thirteen: Envious
Chapter One Hundred Fourteen: Toy For Little Brother
Chapter One Hundred Fifteen: Winner
Chapter One Hundred Sixteen: Haunted House
Chapter One Hundred Seventeen: Assassin
Chapter One Hundred Eighteen: Protect You
Chapter One Hundred Nineteen: Don't Let Go!
Chapter One Hundred Twenty: I Won't Let Go!
Chapter One Hundred Twenty One: Reunion
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two: Good Looking
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three: Nothing Serious
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four: Boundaries
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five: Spoiled Girl
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six: Phone Call
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Seven: Heartbroken
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight: Mommy...
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine: Interrogation
Chapter One Hundred Thirty: Dirty His Hand
Chapter One Hundred Thirty One: MIRE
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two: Forces In The Capital
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three: He's Your Daddy
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four: Let Me Hug You
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five: Do You Love Me?
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six: Become An Actress
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven: Fragments of Memory
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Eight: Jade Ring (PAST)
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine: I'm Not A Thief
Chapter One Hundred Forty: Pregnant
Chapter One Hundred Forty One: Abortion
Chapter One Hundred Forty Two: Real Young Madam
Chapter One Hundred Forty Three: Dead?
Chapter One Hundred Forty Four: Clarke
Chapter One Hundred Forty Five: Truth
Chapter One Hundred Forty Six: Filthy Hand
Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven: Kiss
Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight: Kiss & Hug
Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine: You Wait!


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