The Journey

The Journey

episode one

Yes, I understand you might be wondering, 'Which writer begins a story like this?' Well, I consider myself unique in today's generation. Let's dive into the narrative. In the beginning,

I was a girl from a middle-class family, attending 7th grade in 2019. I vividly recall the date and time, October 30th at 9:34 am, when Sahil, a guy deeply in love with me for the past three years, proposed. Everything was going smoothly until the lockdown hit on March 22nd, 2020, abruptly interrupting our contact.

During this period of isolation, on April 19, 2020, Lokesh, Sahil's best friend, proposed to me. Faced with the situation, I found it challenging to reject him outright, so I accepted the proposal. Soon after, I couldn't help but regret my decision, questioning why I had made that choice."

On my birthday, which falls on the 23rd of April, I eagerly awaited a greeting from Sahil. To my dismay, he didn't extend any wishes, and the following day, Lokesh informed me that Sahil had decided to end our relationship. The revelation occurred around 3:00 pm in the afternoon, and the ensuing emotional turmoil left me in tears. It marked my first heartbreak and, undoubtedly, the worst birthday gift I had ever received.

In the subsequent months, I made persistent attempts to reconnect with Sahil, but my efforts proved futile. Despite expressing my desire to engage in a conversation with him through Lokesh, my pleas were consistently ignored.

After a prolonged period, approximately two to three months later, I unexpectedly encountered Sahil again. We reconnected online, and during a conversation on Facebook messenger, I poured my heart out, narrating the entire story. Miraculously, Sahil forgave me, and we decided to rekindle our relationship. Subsequently, I ended my relationship with Lokesh, as my feelings for Sahil had resurfaced, overpowering any sentiment I had harbored for Lokesh initially.After celebrating two years of our relationship, Sahil's demeanor took a concerning turn as he began imposing restrictions on various aspects of my life. His demands included directives such as refraining from wearing short clothes and avoiding conversations with other guys. In my parlance, his behavior could be described as excessively possessive.

The turning point arrived when my father discovered our relationship. Faced with the challenging situation, I resorted to fabricating a story to manage the fallout, successfully navigating the delicate circumstances with my dad. The following day, I confronted Sahil, recounting the entire episode and earnestly requested a temporary pause in our relationship.

During this hiatus, I encountered an individual online, and to my surprise, we formed a genuine and pure bond, evolving into the best of friends. His family warmly embraced me, treating me as one of their ownA month passed, and I mustered the courage to propose a rekindling of our relationship to Sahil, to which he agreed. I disclosed the existence of my best friend, whom he had harbored resentment toward. As we reached the three-year milestone, Sahil abruptly ended our relationship, accusing me of infidelity—a claim I vehemently denied.

On the flip side, my connection with Ayush, my best friend of six months, was intensifying. We shared everything with each other, fostering a deep and meaningful bond.

However, the trajectory took a grim turn when, on the ill-fated date of April 27th, my mother caught me conversing with Ayush. The subsequent events marked the worst day of my life, as my mother's severe reaction resulted in physical punishment and a month-long deprivation of my phone. Every aspect of my routine came to a standstill.

Nevertheless, we maintained contact because he had been a constant presence during my challenging moments. .Later on, one of my childhood friends, Tanmay, surprised me with a proposal on July 28th. The dynamics of our relationship were unique; his best friend happened to be the blood-related brother of my best friend. Interestingly, my boyfriend and I harbored a mutual dislike for each other's best friends, and to complicate matters further, Tanmay's best friend turned out to be one of my ex-boyfriends.

In the ensuing months of our relationship, I observed a gradual waning of Tanmay's interest. This was primarily attributed to my steadfast decision not to engage in physical intimacy or consent to sex, considering our status as 10th-grade students. While Tanmay indulged in deep and private conversations with his female friends, I found myself subject to blackmail whenever I attempted to do the same. The established rules and regulations seemed to apply selectively in our relationship.

Upon discussing the situation with my best friend, he suggested addressing the ongoing issues with Tanmay. Following his advice, I visited Tanmay's home, and while he was occupied with a bath, I inexplicably checked his bag. To my astonishment, I discovered instructions on how to use condoms. This revelation left my mind in disarray, and I returned home with the incriminating paper still in my possession.

On my birthday, which coincidentally falls on April 23rd, I invited Tanmay to join me for lunch. However, he claimed to be preoccupied with his grandmother's hospitalization. Accepting his explanation, I moved forward.

On May 8th, we decided to end our relationship as it had become untenable. During the nine months of our association, Tanmay had expressed regret to his friends, citing that he cried over someone like me and claiming that I only provided sympathy. This revelation induced panic in me, and my distress escalated to the point of panic attacks. Eventually, I found myself in the grips of depression, resorting to medication to cope with the overwhelming emotional turmoil.I decided to make an attempt to rekindle our relationship, going so far as to touch his feet in a gesture of sincerity. Unfortunately, my efforts were met with indifference, and he remained unaffected. Feeling desperate, I even contemplated suicide, though my attempt proved unsuccessful. His response was to block me on social media, leaving me with no means of contact. Undeterred, I visited his place one day, pleading with him for the relationship, but his reaction was silence.

After some time, I discovered that he had been unfaithful for the past two months, involved with another girl. Realizing he was not the person I truly loved, I resolved to move on. Gradually, I began the process of healing.

On the 28th of May, I initiated conversation with a person named Jeet. He turned out to be exceptionally kind and understanding. Engaging with him became an escape from my troubles; he was the miracle I had always hoped for. Unlike my previous experience, Jeet set aside any male ego, making our interactions truly special.Our relationship officially began on May 30, 2023. From the very start, he assured me of his unwavering commitment, promising to stand by me through every challenge life through our way. As the months passed, our connection surpassed the highs and lows of my previous experiences. He treated me like royalty, and what added to my joy was the acceptance and love I received from his entire family, particularly his mother, who embraced me as her own.

However, as the saying goes, nobody is flawless. A girl named Divya entered his life, and gradually, they developed a friendship with benefits. Learning about this sent a shockwave through my mental well-being. Fortunately, my partner, the one for me, took swift action by blocking her and closing the matter.

Despite this temporary hiccup, we've now reached the seven-month mark in our blissful relationship.

--------------- Part one ---------------


Updated 1 Episodes


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