Resurrection N: A Heart Wounded Is A Heart Healed (An Izuocha Texting Story)

Resurrection N: A Heart Wounded Is A Heart Healed (An Izuocha Texting Story)

Despair Redux! Return of the Evil Emperor, Nazo!

Down in the depths of hell, all the tortured souls from every sinner, every villain that fought the heroes are being tortured for their crimes upon the earth and the heroes. But, deep below the deepest pits of Hell, a certain villain was strung up into a tree like a spider sack full of eggs. Their angels, fairies, and every plush teddy bears wake up cheerfully as part of Nazo's punishment.
They all giggled and laughed as they didn't have a care in the world until they wanted their next warm fuzzy hug.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Up in space, a ship was flying slowly through the stars. It belonged to the Nazo Force, fierce warriors known throughout the galaxy. So far, having their master gone, most of the cosmos rebelled and took back their courage to fight. The leader in charge of this force, Commander Sorbet, was having trouble while trying to find the Mobian survivors.
Status report.
Nazo Force Soldier 114A
Nazo Force Soldier 114A
The native uprising has gotten worse on Kepler - 452b.
What? *Sighs in annoyance* Fine. Then send more soldiers.
Nazo Force Soldier 114A
Nazo Force Soldier 114A
That's the thing sir, with all the other soldiers going off to other worlds to re-correct the balance, we don't have any left.
That's it. Disengage. Disengage. Tell them all. *Sits in Nazo's chair and taps his communicator* This is Sorbet. Report. Did you find any Mobian survivors?
Nazo Force Soldier 114A
Nazo Force Soldier 114A
I'm sorry, commander. We deployed a small troop of surveys orbs, but nothing turned up.
Looks like we have no choice, we're going to Earth.
Nazo Force 126A
Nazo Force 126A
Planet Earth? Are you sure that's a smart idea commander? I mean, I know that Lord Nazo is being held there in Tartarus, but the entire planet is in League with the Legendaries.
Without the Mobians, what else can we do? Going to Earth is a risk we have to take. Besides, there's no need for the earth woman on that planet to get him back.
According to our drones, two welps named Kuroki and Tsutsugi found one of the Chaos Emeralds. All seven found together on that tiny island has the power to summon their guardian. Tagoma, the two of us are going to Earth.
*At attention* Sir! But why not send out a larger unit?
A larger party means that it's more likely to draw attention, and it gets Sonic's attention too easily. Apparently, he can sense someone's power level without a scouter. Going there with a larger party will only draw more attention.
Understood sir. We'll get the job done.
Nazo Force 126A
Nazo Force 126A
But sir, are you sure you want to go down there just the two of you?
Sure I'm sure. Lord Nazo is coming back to take back all of what he rules over.
Tagoma and Sorbet left for the planet to get all the seven Chaos Emeralds found on Nabu Island. They left immediately while Shisami watched the fleet while they went on a retrieval mission.
Meanwhile, on Earth...
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
*Picks up the phone* UA Hero Agency, how may I help you? Okay. Don't worry, we'll be down their to help you out. *Hangs up* Hey, Yaoyorozu, the mayor wants help fixing the windmill on the hill of the island.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
Right. Ready? Let's go. *Leaves with Codey*
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
*Picks up the ringing phone* Thanks for calling UA Agency. Yes? Okay, don't worry. We'll send someone there to help. *Hangs up the phone* Hey, we got a grocer who needs help delivering groceries. Is anybody free?
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Stretches* Looks like me and Iida are experts on fast delivery. I'll be their in a Sonic second. Gotta juice. *Runs out the door in a blur*
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Okay, don't worry. We'll help you. *Hangs up the phone* We have a lost kid. Can anyone help? *Giggles*
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Shocked* Are you kidding me?
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
I can help find the lost kid.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
And how is your quirk going to find the lost kid, moron?
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
Oh. Right.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
I guess I'm up. Let's do this.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
I'm free. So I can help too.
Uraraka, Midoriya, and Jiro get ready to head out to find the lost little boy. Uraraka, using her quirk, makes her and Jiro float to travel lighter and faster.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Class 1A...
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
Members of the hero course agency...
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
[+Uraraka and Jiro] Heading out! *Boost fast with One For All*
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Narrating* (We've been chosen to do a hero project once again on Nabu Island. After the Ghidorah wars, our class has been selected to clean up on the island and help get things back on track before they can a hero for the island once again.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Narrating* (After the war with King Ghidorah, every nation of the world began rebuilding. It took some time, but slowly, everything started to go back to the way it was.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Narrating* (The legendaries were celebrated throughout the land. Sonic won against the three-headed demon, Amy, the legendary hammer wielding hero, became a stay at home mother and retired from any hero work.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Narrating* (As for the others, Yamcha and Vidro are about to become a family of three, Krillin is about to become promoted to chief of police for his outstanding work, and Goku, is still tending to his farming life. But he does get to go train.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Narrating* (In recent news, Mr. Satan's popularity dwindled after Cell and Dabi's speech of truth about the hero society and the truth behind the Todoroki family. And with that, his city, Satan City, has been renamed to Freedom City. It was in honor of the heroes that fought Ghidorah like Sonic.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Narrating* (But now, for the next six months, we're staying here on Nabu Island. The island's population grew, and there were many people from the mainland who wanted to escape the dangers of mainland Japan and have a peaceful life. But it's weird that we're doing this again. Even if it is, just until a hero is found. Luckily, we did see some familiar faces.)
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Hey, Deku, isn't that Hakari and Rentaro?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
I think that is.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
Who's Hakari?
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Trust me, when you see her, it took me some time to get used to seeing her for six months when we were training with Monty. Right Deku?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Uh, yeah. He-he. *Blushing* (I wouldn't call that "getting used," though. When we were training with Monty, they rocked the upper floor so hard that we couldn't eat or sleep.)
Life on the island never ceases to amaze these students. Everyone had respected jobs to do. Iida carried Grandmother Sato to her daily check-up at the island's clinic, Sugarman, Cellophane, and Toru kept people from going on dangerous sides of the beach, Tsukoyomi watches everything from the air, Kaminari does electric stuff, and everyone else stays behind and goes out whenever they receive a call.
At Hakari and Rentaro's place...
Hakari Hazano
Hakari Hazano
*Calling out* Kuroki, Tsutsuji, it's lunchtime. Kuroki? Tsutsuji?
Rentaro Aijo
Rentaro Aijo
Those little rascals keep on doing this. How do they manage to disappear from my sights like this? I grab their ball, and they just run off.
Hakari Hazano
Hakari Hazano
Don't be mad my darling boy. They're just children after all.
Rentaro Aijo
Rentaro Aijo
Yes, the most beautiful children I had in the world with the world's best amazing wife.
Hakari Hazano
Hakari Hazano
*Happy* Oh Rentaro.
Rentaro Aijo
Rentaro Aijo
*Happy* Hakari.
Hakari Hazano
Hakari Hazano
*Hugs Rentaro close and happily* Rentaro my darling.
Rentaro Aijo
Rentaro Aijo
*Hugs back with the same attitude* Hakari, my love.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
*Creeped out* Uh...
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Ahem. Sorry to interrupt you two.
Hakari Hazano
Hakari Hazano
*Gasp* Rentaro, look, it's Deku and Ochaco. *Hugs them both* It's so good to see you two again.
Hakari's chest gets pressed up against Midoriya and Uraraka's. This also made Jiro jealous. It could even make Yaoyorozu jealous too.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
*Lamenting* (Out of all the people in the world, why did these two have to meet this cherry blossomed big boobed witch?)
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
So I'm guessing you guys know each other?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Yeah. We met when we're going to start our training with Monty.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
So I see.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
So anyways, how have you two been? I understand you need help finding a lost boy and girl?
Rentaro Aijo
Rentaro Aijo
Yeah. They're my son and daughter. My oldest, Tsutsugi, is only 5 years old. Our youngest, Kuroki, is only 4 years old.
Hakari Hazano
Hakari Hazano
*Concerned* I tried calling their names multiple times to come in for lunch, but they never came. I wonder where they could've gone?
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
Do you know how long they could've been gone for?
Rentaro Aijo
Rentaro Aijo
If I had to guess, I say it was right around snack time and 11:30am.
Jiro plugs in her earphone jack, the ultimate spy weapon, and listens closely to the ground. She tunes out the island's ambiance and hears the sound of a little boy crying for help because he is scared and lost.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
Got him! The kid is southwest from us. Only about two minutes up that road. It leads straight to the mountains.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Hakari, Rentaro, don't worry. We'll be back, and we'll be sure that he's safe. You guys ready?
Off they go! Midoriya, Uraraka, and Jiro headed straight to the mountains. But Midoriya went ahead before Uraraka and Jiro got there to meet up with him. Meanwhile...
Commander Sorbet, look. I found them.
Perfect. It looks like those Earth pups have found six of the Chaos Emeralds.
But I don't think they know those are Chaos Emeralds. They're treating them like rocks.
Then what are you waiting for? Get us down their already.
Sir, before we do, look at this. It seems the island is inhabited by heroes. One of them is heading towards their location.
Who's the boy?
According to our data, his name is Izuku Midoriya. And he has a quirk that a villain named All For One was after. It also seems that All For One's ability was handed down to him by Lord Nazo himself.
Perfect. And when we bring him back, he'll have that certain ability back. And maybe, in honor of his greatest descendant, we'll take the power, and we can use it against the universe that rebelled against us.
Tagoma, turn on the cloaking device and get us down their.
Sir! *Activates the cloaking mechanism*
In the forest, Hakari and Rentaro's kids were adventurous and explored the forest and collected six colorful Emeralds, so they could add it to their collections of treasures they found.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
Kuroki, look.
Kuroki Aijo
Kuroki Aijo
*Excited and baby talk* Ah, he's a pwetty birdie. Tsu-Tsu, we should bwing him back for Mommy and Daddy to see.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Rubs Kuroki's head* Sorry, little brother, but I'm afraid that bird is going to be impossible to bring back. But look at all these rocks we collected. Won't they just like them?
Yes, they'll love them very much, kid. *Chuckles menacingly*
Kuroki Aijo
Kuroki Aijo
*Quivering* I tawt I taw a stwanger.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Scared* Because you do. Hurry! Run down the mountain and get mom and-
Before they could run, Sorbet fired a laser at a tree that led down the path. He blocks their only escape route. Feeling scared and helpless, Tagoma appears behind Kuroki and covers his mouth while he hoists him to be carried.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
Let him-
I wouldn't finish that sentence earthling. And unless if you don't want anything to happen to your little brother, then you'll be coming with us and do exactly as we say. *Chortles*
Commander, this little one is squirming around. And from the footage, the girl with black hair has ears that can hear even the tiniest of sounds.
*Grabs Tsutsuji by the arm with force* Tie the boy up, along with the girl, and activate the sound mufflers on your soles. They'll block any noises that the earphone hero will hear.
Right. Activating now. *Activates the sound mufflers* Shall we go now, commander?
Yes, let's. *Leaves with the children tied up*
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Kuroki? Tsutsuji? Where are you?
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Yelling* Tsutsuji? Kuroki?
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
*Puzzled* This doesn't make any sense. I'm sure I heard them here, so how could they up and disappear like that?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Well, wherever they are, I hope they're safe and haven't gone anywhere where they could get hurt.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Deku, I can search the other side of the cave with Jiro while you check the West side, deal?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Yeah, and if we don't find them, let's regroup here and discuss our next plan of action.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Right. But what happens if we do find them?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
We'll call each other to inform one of us that we found them. All right, I'm off. *Boost off*
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Good luck, Deku. *Giggles*
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
(I guess ever since they started dating, Uraraka has become more cheerful than from her usual cheerful self.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Concerned* (Tsutsuji, Kuroki, where are you two? I hope you're alright.)
At the mayor's island house...
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Just one, more adjustment...
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Stops right next to Codey and the mayor* Hey there, mayor. I got your order from the grocery store.
Oh, Junior, it's good to see you.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Don't take this the wrong way, but why did you need some wires, electrical tape, and three packages of bolts and nuts?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Actually, I needed these items. The mayor's electricity box keeps short-circuiting, and he wanted me to fix it. And I decided to make it better than his old one. That's why he asked for a hero to deliver the things that he and I need.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
(Then you could've flown to the grocery store yourself, bro.) *Feels powerful and negative energy as he tenses up*
Junior, is something wrong?
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Tensed* I'm sensing bad energy coming from the mountain over there.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
*Senses the same thing* Now that you mention it, I feel it, too. Do you think the others notice?
Meanwhile, in West City...
*Feels bad energy* Huh?
Yo, what's up, Piccolo? Is something wrong?
You need to pay better attention, Yamcha. I'm sensing bad energy coming from that direction.
Now that you mention it, I can also feel it.
Yeah, same here.
What do you think it could be?
I don't know. But whatever it is, it can't be good.
Back at Nabu Island...
All right, earth pup, get it over with. Summon the owl, Long Claw.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Scared* But we don't know what you're talking about.
Commander, they are just kids, and they don't know about Long Claw and the power of the emeralds.
Maybe we should get someone else who knows.
Wait, a while back, our drones recorded the voice of one of the earthlings using these gems to summon the owl. Maybe I should try it. Now, what was it again?
It was, "The servers are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos." Chaos Emeralds, hear our plea, by your name we summon Long Claw, guardian of Babylon.
Suddenly, the seven emeralds started glowing. And before long, wind begins to blow like a hurricane over the ocean, and thunder and lightning can be heard. The sky goes completely dark around the globe, signaling Long Claw's summoning. All the villagers see this weird phenomenon and begin to wonder what's happening. Midoriya and the others also began to notice the sky getting dark, and half of them knew what's happening.
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
The sky. It's gone dark. Ribbit.
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
Is it a hurricane?
Mezo Shoji
Mezo Shoji
What's wrong with the clouds? Why are they dark?
Koji Koda
Koji Koda
I think there's a storm coming. Should we get everyone inside?
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Don't tell me.
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage Tokoyami
*Ear com* Iida, there's a light coming from the other side of the island. I think it might be a prank.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
No, this isn't a prank. This is real Tokoyami.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Worried* Oh no, don't tell me...
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
What's happening?
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
Is this...
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Junior, could this possibly be?
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Places the bag on the ground* Yes, this is definitely Long Claw.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(Who's the one that summoned Long Claw? And more importantly, why would they want to summon Long Claw?)
As the sky grows darker and darker, a beam of light appears blinding Sorbet and Tagoma. Out from the Emeralds, a ghostly silhouette of an owl from Babylon appears in front of them, Kuroki and Tsutsuji. Long Claw stretches her wings and then closes them again.
Long Claw
Long Claw
*Mentor* I am Long Claw. Guardian of the Babylonian Gates and all the seven Chaos Emeralds. What is your wish?
*Nervous* Uh, well, you see...
Commander, go and hurry. Say what you wanted to say. This is our chance.
Right. Let's just hope this works. *Walks up to Long Claw* Lord Nazo, I want you to bring him back to life!
The air was still, and the winds stopped blowing. Something was wrong. Long Claw would've made the wish by now, but there was a catch that Sorbet and Tagoma did not overlook.
Hey, are you deaf or something? My wish. I want you to bring Nazo back to life. You said that we could wish for anything, right?
Long Claw
Long Claw
It can be done. But it is a dangerous wish that is foolish to grant. Nazo came to Earth to fight Sonic, but was destroyed the second time by a fusion named Shadic. His body was destroyed in their energy blast.
Long Claw
Long Claw
Restoring his soul to his original form would be pointless.
Oh. So his body has been disintegrated, huh? That complicates things a little.
But commander, think about it. With our new regeneration technology that we use for our troops, restoring him won't be a problem. Especially if the damage is severe.
Hey, you're right. Hey! I don't care what you say, just do as I say and bring Nazo back to life!
Long Claw
Long Claw
*Angry* It's unwise to speak to the guardian of Babylon in such a rude tone.
*Apologetic* Sorry. Please, bring Lord Nazo back to life?
Long Claw
Long Claw
It's a foolish wish to make, but very well. Nazo shall be brought back to the realm of the living.
Long Claw expands her wing span, and her feathers glow like the sun. Up above, pieces of Nazo's body galls down like Jello cubes. These cubes try and try again to piece themselves back into one being. One of Nazo's pieces, his eyeball, galls in front of Kuroki and Tsutsuji as the eye of Nazo glares at them.
Kuroki Aijo
Kuroki Aijo
*Frightened/Crying* Tsu-Tsu, I'm scared! I want Mommy and Daddy!
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Frightened* Me too! *Holds Kuroki tight*
Long Claw
Long Claw
Now, what is your second wish?
Huh? A second wish? I didn't know we get another one.
Long Claw
Long Claw
Indeed, you do. Before my death in 753 BC, God had altered my life and took me into his heaven gates. But, I was to be the guardian of the Master and Chaos Emeralds. So he put my body in these gems to look after them.
Wow. So what else could we wish for? I could wish for Lord Frieza to come back along with King Cold. Then we could really be unstoppable.
Or, commander, we could ask for All For One. With his power and intellect, we would really be unstoppable along with Lord Nazo.
Good point. But it's so conflicting. Hmm.
Kuroki Aijo
Kuroki Aijo
*Sobbing* Mommy! Daddy! I want my mommy and daddy!
*Shocked* Huh?!
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Rubbing Kuroki's head* It's okay, Kuroki. Your bug sister won't let anything bad happen to you. Even with these rude men.
Kuroki Aijo
Kuroki Aijo
*Crying* I want my mommy! I want my daddy! Pwease save me! *Sobbing loudly*
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
*Gasp* Uraraka, I hear Kuroki. He's close.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Right, I'll tell Deku! *Pulls out her phone and starts dialing*
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(That's Kuroki! What in the world is going on over there?) *Pulls out his vibrating phone* Hello?
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
~Deku, we found Kuroki. He's on the other side of the mountain in a thick brush of trees. What's happening?~
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
I don't know, but thanks for the update. I'll meet you guys over there. I'm on my way now!
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
(Oh no, we're dead. We're going to die. I have to do something fast to calm down my little brother.) I wish for a jar of cookies!
And Tsutsuji's wish came true. A jar full of cookies came down and landed softly in front of the two little kids. Sorbet couldn't believe what he had just heard and witnessed. His one last wish on an earth circular pastry.
Long Claw
Long Claw
If that's all then I'll take my leave. Until the next summoning, I bid thee farewell.
Long Claw disappears along with the Emeralds. The seven gems flew high into the air while glowing and scattered across the earth.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Hands Kuroki a cookie* Here, have some Kuroki. It's your favorite.
Kuroki Aijo
Kuroki Aijo
*Sniffs to hide his snot running while crying* S-sis.
My wish, gone. *Snarls* You have really done it now, humans! I'll be sure to fix you two good! *Approaches them in a threatening demeanor slowly*
*Stops Sorbet* Commander, we don't have time for this. We have to pick up Lord Nazo and leave. The heroes might know we're here because of this one's crying.
*Sighs* Fine. Pick up the rest of Lord Nazo, and let's get out of here.
But, before we go, I need to get rid of any witnesses. *Pulls out his ring ray gun* Now then, Earth pups, you have served your purpose. Now, don't take this wrong way. *Activates his ray gun*
Commander, don't! The heroes will know we're here!
Shut it, Tagoma. This is what Lord Nazo would've wanted anyway.
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
*Scared* (Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have come this far!)
Before Sorbet could fire, Midoriya rushed in and saved the two kids. Uraraka and Jiro later joined in to secure them from the villains.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
St. Louis Smash!
*Shocked* Commander!
I'm alright, Tagoma. (What in the world was that? It felt like an asteroid was hitting me. Huh? Hey, that's the boy that All For One talks about when he was still alive.)
(Maybe that's the key to our success of ruling the cosmos.) *Smirks* Lord Nazo will be pleased with this news when he comes back.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Worried* Are you two alright?
Tsutsuji Aijo
Tsutsuji Aijo
Mr. Deku! Those two took us and threatened us to use the pretty rocks we found in our cave.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Deku, what's going on?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Uraraka, Jiro, take these two back to Rentaro and Hakari. Tell them that they were found on the other side of the mountain.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Huh? Hey, who are those two?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
The ones responsible for kidnapping Kuroki and Tsutsuji and making them cry!
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Shocked* What?
Commander, we have what we need, and we have both his eyes. It's time to go.
Right. You may have done something to me with that wind young man, but don't be so lucky on the day when Lord Nazo comes back.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Angry* Hey, who's Nazo? Answer me. And why would you need to kidnap two kids to get your master back?
Let's just say he's the ancient ancestor of your villain called All For One. His quirk originally belonged to him before he was born.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Stunned* (All For One, has an ancient ancestor? More importantly, his quirk originally came from this Nazo villain?) Hey, wait!
Before Midoriya could ask one more question, Tagoma and Sorbet got into their UFO and headed straight back to their mother ship. Midoriya tried going after them but then remembered Kuroki and Tsutsuji being scared from the villain. He went back to check on them and carried Kuroki while Uraraka carried Tsutsuji back to their parents place.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Concerned* Deku, how does that villain know about All For One?
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
*Concerned* My biggest concern is that does he know about One For All? Because if he does...
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Serious* Something tells me that we're in big trouble.
Back in West City...
It's gone.
Yeah, whatever it was, it disappeared.
What do you think that was all about, Piccolo?
Something tells me that we're in trouble.
And Piccolo was right. Up in the Nazo force spaceship, all of Nazo's troops and the Soldiers they created along with the Ninja are awaiting the arrival and revival of their lord and master. Each of them had scouters on to read his power levels when he awakens. Inside the regeneration machine, tissue, muscle, and bone were starting to grow slowly.
The capsule to the machine breaks, and Nazo's power goes off the charts. Nazo steps out from the machine with a menacing look on his face. He stretches his neck and rolls it to get it relaxed as he spits out the green liquid from the machine that restores his body.
Welcome back, Lord Nazo. It's great to see you.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
And you are?
Oh, my name is Sorbet, my Lord. I was one of your support staff from the third stellar region?
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Hm. You do look vaguely familiar.
Well. Actually, my Lord, I've been leading your forces, but only in your absence of course.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Seriously? You've been in charge? *Chuckles and clutches his fist twice* It seems that I've been brought back to the living world.
Yes. Using the Chaos Emeralds and our new regeneration machine, of course.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
*Curious* Chaos Emeralds, you say? Oh. Those seven gems from that miserable planet.
The fact is that we couldn't find any Mobian survivors. So Tagoma and I risked our lives going down to earth. We used the Emeralds there instead.
Yes, it's like he said, my lord. I'm Tagoma, and it's been a great honor in playing a vital role in bringing you back.
While I, Shisami, managed the fleet. *Bows in greeting*
These two have been outstanding warriors in your absence, rivaling both Zarbon and Dodoria in their peaks.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Sounds like you've done well then. But tell me something: Is it just hard to count the days when you're dead, or did it take you a long time to restore my life?
Well, I'm sorry your lordship. But you see, between hunting down the Chaos Emeralds and rebuilding our tech, it wasn't easy.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
I'll tell you what wasn't so easy, my so-called commander. Spending all those insufferable years in Earth's hell.
Well, I'm so glad that you must be relieved to be free.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
I bet my cousin's empire is falling apart without him and Uncle Cold here cracking the whip. And you only thought of reviving me because you were desperate. Is this true?
*Nervous* No, my Lord, that isn't it at all, I swear. It just took us a little longer than we thought. But on the bright side, this gave us plenty of time to improve our tech. We completely brought you back without any cyborg support. Plus, we have soldiers from the Earth's ancient island, Ouranos Island, and took some of their tech and made it our own.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
And Uncle Cold?
Well, our plan was to bring you back first, Lord Nazo, then bring back King Cold and Frieza as soon as we could get another wish.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
No need, they were always bloated with self-importance.
Yes sir. Whatever you think it's best.
Nazo lines up his shot, and red particles start to glow around his finger. Nazo then shoots one of the guards that was standing in his lone of fire and sends him with a shit that sends him to the wall. The Nazo Force Soldier then slumps down unconscious.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Just as I suspected, it seems that I'm a bit rusty around the edges. After all, I've been in Hell for 600 years. Looks like I need to wait a bit longer to exacting my sweet revenge.
Your revenge sir?
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
*Angry* Don't act so surprised my so-called commander? Of course, my revenge! I won't rest until Sonic and those miserable legendaries are dead. He'll pay for what he did to me, and he'll pay it in blood!
Forgive me for speaking out of term, but shouldn't we forget about Sonic and the other Legendaries and just focus on the rest of the universe?
With that question, Nazo shoots Tagoma with a body moving quirk. This quirk emits an invisible force to the victim and can be affected by the energy it gives off. Nazo aims Tagoma in front of the window of the space vehicle and flicks him. The window breaks and the vacuum of space takes Tagoma.
*Pleading and screaming* Commander Sorbet, help me!
*Yells* Tagoma!
The whole crew experiences this change, and instantly, some soldiers get sucked through, except for Nazo, who's standing string against the sucking power of the vacuum of space.
Shields! Raise the shields!
A green bubble forms around the spacecraft and has closed off the vacuum void of space. The soldiers and Sorbet get back up on their feet to recollect themselves.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Either this is the most cowardly of troops to my welcoming party, or the Nazo Force has become woefully faint of heart. How do you expect us to run an empire that strikes fear across the galaxy when we're running from a handful of heroic garbage?
But sir, that Hedgehog Sonic has gone through a great deal while you were away. He faced all sorts of foes and won.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Are you trying to say that Sonic has become mightier than when he bested me? *Laughs* I expect nothing less from that rodent. All I have to do is just become stronger myself it's as simple as that.
But sir, he fought King Ghidorah, our drones captured the last fight he had and won.
Plus, there's a boy that was written on the pages by All For One before he died. It stated that there was a boy who inherited his little brother's power, and he is now the wielder of One For All.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Uncle Cold once said that there are five people I was never to challenge; Beerus the Destroyer, Majin Buu, The Queen of God Queen Aleena, God himself, and King Ghidorah. And you're telling me that Sonic beat that King Ghidorah?
Yes sir.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
And there was a power my cousin Frieza was searching for that he wanted to take. And you're telling me that someone you know has One For All?
Yes, sir. I know that's not easy to hear, but it's the truth.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
*Intrigued* Well then, it looks like my opponent has become even mightier than I dare to dream. Plus, this great power has made the boy even stronger than today. This could be most, Salubrious for me.
*Confused* I'm not sure if I know that word.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
It means the benefit of a person's well health and being. And what could be more Salubrious to a conqueror to become so strong that he's never dethroned again?
A greenish aura glows around Nazo as he begins to float into the to try and train.
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
I never trained a day in my life. There was never a need. Imagine what could happen if I unlocked my latent potential.
Hold on, you mean you can become stronger than your other forms?
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
Indeed. Now hush my minion. We leave for Earth in six months. I will train in earnest and take One For All from that silly little green haired boy Izuku Midoriya. Now leave me, so I can concentrate.
But what does that mean?
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
If I train in earnest for the next six months then I can reach a power level higher than All For One of 48.9 trillion!
Nazo the Hedgehog
Nazo the Hedgehog
*All For One's thoughts* (A new prophet of me will be taking on Izuku Midoriya for One For All? A talented and promising Hedgehog that can give him a run for his money. I'll link my mind to his, therefore granting me access to come back to the living world with my quirks that I shall implant inside him and rule with him, as the next Demon Lord.)
And so, a month has passed, and the hero students of UA were exhausted and ready to relax for the night, for they have a big day tomorrow. Outside, Midoriya was training while everyone else is sleeping. Uraraka was on patrol.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Doing kicking drills* (5,286! 5,287! 5,288! 5,289!)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Angry* Hey, who's Nazo? Answer me. And why would you need to kidnap two kids to get your master back?
Let's just say he's the ancient ancestor of your villain called All For One. His quirk originally belonged to him before he was born.
End of Flashback...
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(Ancestor of All For One? If this guy is even stronger than All For One, then I have to be prepared to face him when the time comes.) I have to get stronger so no one gets hurt because of me and my power.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Walks to see Midoriya* Huh? *Smiles warmly and walks towards Midoriya* Hey Deku.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Uraraka. How's the patrol going?
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Are you still worried about what that guy said on the mountain?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Yeah. You know, it's crazy to think that all this time, besides Shigaraki, All For One would actually have an ancestor who has the same power.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Don't worry about it, Deku. Whatever happens, we've got your back.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Wow, thanks for that. I guess since you guys knew about One For All, I thought I would have to fight this battle alone since it's my burden to face.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Deku, One For All may be an important power, but we're carrying the burden with you. And besides, after the Ghidorah wars, we finally have a chance to relax and help those in trouble instead of fighting villains.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
And what you did in the mountains, it's amazing to know how Deku you can be.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Uh, I don't understand.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
What I'm saying is that throughout all the toughest situations, you're a hero through and through.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Giggles* Thanks, I needed this. It's been a long time since the two of talked like this.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
No problem. But anyway, you wanna patrol with me? It's kind of lonely out here without someone here to talk to.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Sure. I can go with you now if you want.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Okay, come on. *Grabs Midoriya's hands and looks at Midoriya*
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Flustered* (I'm holding a girl's hand for the first time!)
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Flustered* (Keep it together, Ochaco. Don't freak out or run away. Brave through it. You confessed your love about Midoriya to Toga, so this should be easy.)
The two young heroes went on patrol while holding hands. Little did they know that Cupid's angels were watching from the 2nd story window.
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
I can't believe Uraraka. She's already taking the lead. I guess Midoriya doesn't have what it takes to hold a girl's hand.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Hey, let's not forget that you're the one who suggested that she should go on the night patrol while everyone else goes to sleep. But I have to admit, your plan actually worked.
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
What do you mean by that?
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Most of the time, when you try to get them together, it mostly flops.
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
He's right you know.
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
Hey, don't go taking his side.
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
I wish the best for Midoriya and Ochaco. They look cute together. Ribbit.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Okay, but no one tell them that we've been doing Cupid's work. Because if they out what we've been up to, then they'll probably hate us. And they won't talk to us for a while.
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
[+Mina and Tsu] Right.
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
(I hope you'll be happy forever, Ochaco.)


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