My Fighter

My Fighter


Huff! Huff! It was almost 8:00 am. Ellide was running to death on her way to school. She’s a graduating student. Straight A’s and hailed as the school Belle, she was the subject of both envy and criticism. Despite being an amazing student she was still ridiculed for her ordinary background.

’Hahaha! Devine the popular IT Girl would make fun of her every chance she gets!

‘Look at her with her with her unladylike stance! She may be pretty and smart but she can’t afford Class! Hahahahaha her whole gang was laughing while starin at Ellide. Isn’t she the class president in your Class? Ask Bonnie a close friend of Devine.'

Yes! She got elected for fun though! Hahahaha

As usual, Ellide ignored them and went straight to her class. She sat on her chair as usual and made sure to pay attention during class.

Just a little bit more! Just a little bit more then after I graduate I can do whatever I want! Just a little bit more! Suck it up! I just need 3 more months before graduation! She etched it in her mind.

4 years ago in Mason Villa

If you can graduate with the Highest Honors and feed yourself in the next 4 years I will not force you to get married after Graduation! You will have the freedom to choose the person you want or if you wish to be married or not in this lifetime! Under these conditions and you have to promise me! You will never use your Military (Combat) or Computer skills to earn a living!

Unless you are about to die in one breath you cannot fight back or tell anyone that you are related to this family!

The Mason Clan is one of the most famous families all over the world. Their network alone is worldwide thanks to their Group of companies. They are also known for their Military background for serving the country for many Generations till now. Children are trained from the age of 5 for their survival and well-being. It is a Harmonious Clan and each of them can stand alone. All these are thanks to the current Family Head. Ronaldo Mason who is Ellide’s Grandfather. Everyone in their clan is given a choice once they reach the age of 16. They can stay in the family and inherit wealth while getting married to their Family’s chosen bethrode or leave the family! Feed yourself and send yourself to school alone and live a normal life.

Nobody is allowed to force the children to make a choice. They make their choice, they stay or go on their own and it is a family rule that once you choose to leave the Family you are not allowed to go back empty-handed or defeated.

Keeping that in her mind she was fueled with motivation. Ellide choose to leave, she thought that if her family members can do it she can also do it!

Although she has no idea who her betrothe is, she disliked the idea of being engaged with someone she didn’t like and be dictated on how she lives her life. She choose the hard path.

She works for a high end cafe in the city as a barista and baker. She occasinally help with baking when she comes in early. It may not be what she wanted to do but she is the type of person who won’t do something half heartedly. She would give it her best which made her very good at baking cakes. She earns enough money to pay for her rent and some school supplies. She was lucky enough to get a scholarship in her school due to her good grades and persistence.

Everyday a young man would come in the Cafe and buy a piece of the cake she bakes which became one of their store specialty. His name is Zion Knowles. Although he is about 6’4 tall and looks bulky. He seems very quite and nerdy. ‘Amor Café’ Its a coffee flavored cake with a twist of caramel but not too sweet. Many of their customers loved it for not being sweet and just enough to eat with their coffee or tea.

‘Welcome! Ellide greeted Zion and he greeted her back. A slice of Amor Café please and my usual.

Ofcourse! Ellide replied.

Oh! By the way I tried making some muffins today! Its matcha flavored would you like to try one? Its on me! She offered with a smile. Absolutely! However, I would like to pay for it, you’re running a bussiness after all. Oh no! I only work here remember? My bosses are just nice enough to allow me to learn baking on my free time haha!

They both laugh and Zion proceeded to his usual seat. After a couple of minutes his coffee is served with a slice of cake and a piece of muffin. There were no customers that night considering they’re almost closing so she sat on his table and proceeded to chat with him. He was 6 years older than her and is already working. Aside from his name and his usual order she didn’t feel the need to ask any personal questions. She like having small talks with him to vent.

Urgh! College is horrible! But still, I only need 3 more months and I’ll be graduating!

Congratulations in advance! I’m proud of you! Zion smiled while looking at her. Damn! You’re pretty dedicated huh? Despite living alone and working you still managed on your own. Not everyone can pull that off!

Thanks! But I’m still not there, I’m close though!

So what’s your plan after graduation? Ask Zion.

Me? Hmm I’m not sure yet but probably I’ll be looking for another job I guess.


Are you not happy with your job here, I mean I understand you’ll be needing more to support yourself.

Oh no! No! I’m pretty content here, and ofcourse I still want to test the waters regarding my future maybe finding a job that I actually like. Said Ellide.

Its nice working here, I dont think I’ll ever meet nicer people in my life.

Pfffft! Hahahahahaha. You’ll make it! I know you will and if one day you found your dream job don’t forget to treat me. I’ll drop by here and if we meet by chance you’re paying for my meal!

Hahahaha sure! She replied.

It was a quick chat. She went back to her post and started cleaning up. After all its almost closing time.


Updated 4 Episodes


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