General Omega And The CEO Alpha

General Omega And The CEO Alpha

Episode 1: His Back

Today it's a snowy day there was a family dinner at a CEO Alpha house call Seo Woo Jin his a successful businessman but his a guy that vomit when a omega came across him. He has a warm smell like sunrise flower call 'Proxy ' and everyone has a special power according to their smell . After a while there was a group of old man that wanted to knot a tied with him using their omega child he frown and said with deep voice " Give up with you illusion do you wanted your company to go bankrupt?" he swirl his wine and gaze them deeply with his deep purple eyes while taking a sip of it . Those old man get scare and ran while said " You think you can hold this longer ! You just a monster who can't came near with a omega ! You a freak no one willing work with you ! Just you wait ! " Suddenly a big door open and announce "General Snow had arrive " Seo Woo Jin ignore the announce and continue with his drink but he was shocked when General Snow pass by him and stood there while mumbles himself " It's him , his here mine one. " General Snow he is an omega whose on the war when he was a child , he has a nice calm smell like ocean . His a respectable person and no one can disrespect him eventhougt his a omega because his a military person who hold a very high rank . In this world no matter if you a omega , alpha or beta but normally omega can't live there life like there wanted to many been use as a politic marriage but you can escape if you attend military . General Snow seattle down on the place that been prepare for him that because General Snow real name it's Seo Im Hyang his was adoptted by the old lady because he save the Seo family old lady when he was 13 year old . That day he was on holiday , he saw the old lady almost get caught up on accident he save the old lady using his power the old lady smile and say " Thanks you young man "she smiled brightly while saying it . She saw he was wearing a military clothes and ask " Are you on your holiday ?" he nod as for answer the old question and ask again " Are you going to visit your parents ?" he shake his head and answer " My parents abandon me at a war place and it was my supervisor take care of me when was child " . The old lady took a pity on him an wanted to adopt him as her grandson . " Why don't you become my grandson child ? " He remain silent and the old lady took as he was agree with it . That time he already a ranker military person and because of that after they both done talking suddenly his phone rang and he pick it up . After a while , he say " I have to leave . " the old lady nod and understand she mumble quietly " Be safe . "





Kept me on the edge of my seat!



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