The Walking Dead Our Universe

The Walking Dead Our Universe

Section 1-Journey starts now

Noah speeding down the long Road Both Almon and Cece In the Truck, The truck takes a fast turn into Almons driveway, Austin standing there "Did you see what the f*** Just happened, Bro Brandon just ate someone, On live tv" Austin said, "I saw" Almon replied. As he walked up to his door, Charlie (Almons dad) opened the door of his house. "Guys come in we all have to have a chat" Austin, Almon, Noah, and Cece all stepped into the House. They walked into the Smoked filled Room where Cassandra, And Charlie sat. "Things are not looking so good out there guys, Medicine, Food, everywhere places have been raided by people there is absolutley nothing left, Ashley is keeping Benton and matthew until we figure out what the hell is going on around here" Charlies phone rings and Ashleys number popped up, he answers "Hello" Charlie said, "hey, So i found out that theres a Huge place up in Virginia where people think it is going to be safe, i think otherwise but honestly for the Kids, I think we just need to have Hope." Ashley said. "Great i will let everyone know", Charlie then hung up the phone and explained to everyone about the place, "Also, I am making a run to Walmart Cassandra stay here with Almon and Paisley (4 yr), I am gonna Take Austin and Noah." Austin and Noah Alongside Charlie walked to the van. They stepped in the van Charlie twisted the key and turned it on, "Im surprised i still have this thing" Charlie said, "Yeah me too" Austin replied. The van drove along the street towards wlamart. Charlie turned the Van into the Parking Lot. He parked next to a Destroyed Truck with smashed in windows. Austin, Noah and Charlie all got out of the van and started walking to the front entrance of Walmart. Charlie walked through the front entrance and so did Austin and Noah. Austin pulls off his bag that he was wearing and grabbed a Few bandages he saw in a Isle He then pulled out his Axe he had and smashed through the locked freezers, "Who locks a goddamn freezer for drinks during an apocolypes" Austin laughed. Charlie walked over to the isle full of Oatmeal cookies. "Holy f***" he grabs all the oatmeal cookie boxes and tries to hold onto them, Realising he couldent he just put them down and kept one box. Grunting noises came from the other end of the isle as Charlie looks over and sees Four Figures heading towards him. "WHAT THE F*** IS THAT" Charlie said as Austin and Noah ran over to him. Before they could make it in time one of the Figures bit through Charlies arm. Charlie then dropped the box of oatmeal cookies and smashed his fist through the Figures skull. " Two more came from both sides "RUN" Charlie said, "No we are not leaving you" Noah replied. Then Austin took his axe and sliced off all 3 Figures heads. "Those are what you call a walker, There bite kills you and turns you into one of them, Thats all i know" Noah said. "Is there a way to at least stop the infection from spreading" Charlie said hurting in pain, "Well, Im not a scientist but if you cut his arm off maybe the infection would just stay in his arm, and cant spread somewhere its not attatched too right" Austin said. He then pulls out his axe that is in his bag and handed it to Noah. Charlie sat there and held his arm out. Noah lifted the axe up and smashed it through Charlies Arm, Charlies arm didnt budge, Noah then 7 more times lifted and smashed the axe through Charlies arm. Charlie screamed in pain as his arm detatched from his body. Charlie then fell backwards and layed there, He was not breathing at all and his heart dropped down to 20 beats per minute, Then none. "THAT DIDNT WORK" Noah screamed. Noah and Austin panicked, Noah pulled his phone out of his pocket, "We Have to try and get service to contact Cassandra" Noah said. Noah and Austin tried to drag charlie, They didnt succeed as Charlie didnt budge. They ran outside quickly to try and find reception. Noah noticed that there was wifi still connecting through the walmart wifi so then he proceded back in. He called Cassandra, "Hey, we are stuck in the Walmart and Charlie got bit and we tried to save him by cutting off his arm because that was our only option and now i think hes dead so we have no way out of here" Austin said through the phone, "Im on my way stay there im bringing my Car" Cassandra said. Walker noises sounded everywhere as walkers started walking out of the isles "Son of a b****" Austin said.





I like this Section not gonna lie it’s pretty decent💪🏻keep up the good work



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