You Killed Me...

You Killed Me...

Episode 1

In Austin's Mansion
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Mom!! is breakfast ready!!
Near the dining table
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Yeah, come and eat!!
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Dear, are you awake!?
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Yeah,*runs and comes from the stairs and was about to fall*
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
That was a close one 😱
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Are you alright?
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Yeah, I am
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
*sighs*This is what happens if you wake up late💢
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Aye, I understood 😑
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
There was a call from the company, we have to hurry
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
What happened ?
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Don't know, they didn't say anything properly
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
*After eating breakfast*
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Mom, bye
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Bye, son, be careful
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
And Good Luck with your speech
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Thank you
He went in a car to school
Student 1
Student 1
It's Hugo
Student 2
Student 2
yeah, morning...became splendid 😭
Student 4
Student 4
As usual he is good at attracting all the girls
Student 3
Student 3
yeah true 😑
Few more cars came behind
Student 1
Student 1
oh... it's Lan
Student 2
Student 2
It's Lucas
Student 3
Student 3
it's Kian
Student 4
Student 4
Not even you...😑
All girls fell
All boys were faded by their presence
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Yo, brother
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Good morning
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
Good morning
Kian Grayson
Kian Grayson
Good morning
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
These people are getting weirder*staring at all the students*
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
True 😅
After a while
A few girls walked in
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Why are they staring at us like that? 😅
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
These boys are unbelievable! *sighs*
Caroline Xavier
Caroline Xavier
I agree with you
Fiona parker
Fiona parker
Same here
Student 4
Student 4
Our goddess
Student 6
Student 6
Our Love
Student 3
Student 3
*my foot 💢*
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
They are famous as well
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
Look there, a idiots are standing
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
Oye, oye
Kian Grayson
Kian Grayson
Who are rich idiots 💢?
Caroline Xavier
Caroline Xavier
Of course you people*points on those four*
Lan Everett
Lan Everett use of fighting with this low level people😊💢
Fiona parker
Fiona parker
Oh yeah, say that again you bastard 💢
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
Low level? Huh?💢
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
You are the one who started this 💢
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
Why you...😊💢
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
*here we go again*
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
*I don't understand why they start to fight over these things*
Caroline Xavier
Caroline Xavier
You are always like this 💢
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
Aren't you the same
Fiona parker
Fiona parker
You...,today is a special day, yet you can't shut your damn mouth💢
Kian Grayson
Kian Grayson
What did you say?😊💢
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
You ghost💢
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
You Demon 💢
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
You rat
Caroline Xavier
Caroline Xavier
You ant 💢
Kian Grayson
Kian Grayson
You...Gorilla 💢
Fiona parker
Fiona parker
You chimpanzee 💢
And as they continued to fight 😑
All three girls: you idiot
All four boys: you stupid's, no your That friend is stupid*points on Lila*
All three girls: Your friend is an idiot*points Hugo*
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
I am stupid 😢
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
All 6: 😱
All four : sorry
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Good 😊
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
*Thank God he is here 😭*
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Come let's go to Assembly hall
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
We can't be late for our graduation at least
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
Let's go now
They reached to the assembly hall
The program started
Few students were awarded for their results and other talents
Vice principal
Vice principal
Now I'll call upon Hugo on the stage, to give a speech
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
*slowly walks to the stage*
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Good morning to one and all present here, I would like to thank my Teachers and parents for their support over all these years, and finally, we are graduating, I hope our goals will be achieved, and main not forget your companions who were always with you
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
I would like you people to give a big round of applause to the teachers and the principal...
Vice principal
Vice principal
*whispers* What about me...?🥺
You are left out 😃
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
*smiles* And of course even our Vice-principal
Vice principal
Vice principal
*ok, I am there 😭*
All applauded
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Thank you
All shouted
Vice principal
Vice principal
Still, they were shouting
Vice principal
Vice principal
*takes a deep breath*
*better to close our ears*
Vice principal
Vice principal
All: 😶
Vice principal
Vice principal
Thank you Hugo 😊
Vice principal
Vice principal
Now I would like to call Lila on the stage
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
*My turn*
All boys:Lila, Lila...
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
All boys : 😶
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Good 😊
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
That was a good speech
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Yet it was normal
Kian Grayson
Kian Grayson
Most funniest was our vice principal
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Yeah 😂
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
She was about to cry 😂
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
Now let's listen to Lila
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
*so...many people*
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Good morning everyone, I would first like to thank all the teachers and our parents for their support for all this years
*and it went on*
After the graduation ceremony
All came out of the assembly hall
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
You did good
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Did you copy the speech from Hugo, Lila? 😊
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Do you wanna die ?😊
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
No 😅
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
Fiona parker
Fiona parker
Ah...after this we won't be able to meet
Kian Grayson
Kian Grayson
Yeah true
Caroline Xavier
Caroline Xavier
Let's go somewhere
Lucas Hudson
Lucas Hudson
You mean a trip
Ellie Ethan
Ellie Ethan
Sounds good, what do you say?
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
Not a bad idea
Lan Everett
Lan Everett
*looks at Hugo*
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
I'll ask my father about it and then I'll inform you people
Lila Jose
Lila Jose
In Austin's mansion
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
So you people want to go on a trip
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Don't worry I knew you people would decide to go on a trip
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
So I prepared a mansion...
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Where Mom?
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Oh...come on we have so many mansion's
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Yeah, our ancestors, grandfathers, their fathers, my Father, and mine...
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
So where you are sending them?
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
To grandfather's mansion
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
I see
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Do you mean the one near the Ave forest?
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Yeah, that one
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
That's a good one
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
I have asked already a few people to keep everything ready
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
You are fast
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Of course I am
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Then when will you go?
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
*Thinks* Tomorrow
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
That's my son, even I said to them that you people would be there tomorrow 😊
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Sorry I didn't mean to hide it from you
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Fine, I'll inform them
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Hmm 😊
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Before that, I forgot to ask you one thing?
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
About office...
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Ah...that..., they only wanted to surprise us
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
For what?
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Ah, that, because we are at the top, they kept a party
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
I see
Hugo Austin
Hugo Austin
Good night
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Good night
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Good night
Hugo went to his room
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Honey, are you angry?
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
How do I look?
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Yeah true, * comes closer*
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
You... won't change *blushes*
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
I don't want to😊
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
*Hugs her*
Carl Austin
Carl Austin
Come let's go to our room
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Anya Austin
Carl Austin
Carl Austin




That’s good.



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