what the heck is going on???


Why does everyone think of them as divine beings chosen by Gods? ....Just because they have mana and can use magic or because they love nature and live in unity?why do people associate them with angels? Do you know who else can use magic and have mana?.....DEMONS.....they have the same traits but are despised by Gods.....why is that?...what if elves are not divine but are actually demonic beasts what if all the elves have brainwashed humans and other races to think that they are divine....WHAT IF......

...the galloping sound was in rhyme with the bird's chirps. as the buggy of the count's family was moving towards the castle from an old path there was greenery ....and when i say greenery it means there are only trees ... no flowers no other colours than green....Anissa was staring out of the window trying to admire the trees she thought to herself in a sarcastic manner changing her facial expressions a little bit " is really beautiful..." she stared for a while more and then said to herself..."who am i kidding who thinks that only darn green trees who are on the verge of death are pretty... i mean you could've decorated this place a little ... like you couldn't even plant some pretty flowers....seriously it would've been pretty if there were pretty flowers like peonies or lilies even spider lilies would've done the work....*sigh*...there should've been a lake beside the trees beside which were some ornaments or statues covered with colours.....other than green...darn ... this is why you should not believe what old people say" she stares outside a bit more and then turns her head in the carriage....she is traveling alone so she starts to feel a little bit bored..."should have brought the novel with me" ....she says....*sigh*..."where am i going anyway? oh right.... to meet my marriage partner....what is that guy's name.... damn...why am i forgetting so many things?....imagine i go inside and meet him forgetting his name and calling him Mr.BANDANADEE....that's the only name i can think of right now....what is his name....ooh right ...something like sam....whatever....i will get to know his name..."She starts staring outside and thinks"do i really have to marry some one i don't love?they all say that i should be happy that i am going to be the next empress or the wife of the leader but have they all forgotten why no one wants that position? it would've been better if i were to marry the heir of the count or the viscount or the duke's second son... it wouldn't be so bad either but no... what grandma says is the rule and no one can complain....look GRANNY i do love you and all that but you don't know how cold that bastard not even his actual father ever saw him smile and his personality there are rumors that he is .....he is.....darn...they were so stupid that even i the remembrance stone( a magical item used for recording) or the video player ...forgot....*sighs*..well lets go with the flow then ~.... " she regains her composure and starts to stare at .... again the nearly dead trees..Anissa is in a daze thinking about her favourite food when the door knocks and Anissa flinches.....

random knight: "madam we are almost there it may only take us a few more minutes to reach"

Anissa gives the knight a gentle smile and says :"thank you for telling me"... the whole atmosphere becomes flowery by her smile while in reality she is annoyed and spewing random stuff in her mind....

they reach the imperial palace and are greeted by the butler ,the personal aide of his majesty and some maids...the butler asks Anissa to follow him towards the reception room...Anissa is being escorted by her personal knight named Harry ...who is also a very good friend of hers

Anissa : "hey Harry"

harry: "yes milady"

Anissa whispers: "are you sure it is a good idea?"

harry whispers back:"i guess..i mean you are already inside the castle..."

Anissa (still whispering):"are you sure you are my 'supportive friend'???"

Harry says in a faint voice"look 'AUN' if i were to go and crash your wedding or even an engagement ritual or party....or even this meeting.....*says with a serious expression*... i would firstly be denoted of my position as a knight,then get kicked out of the county without a recommendation letter and if the emperor gets angry i will be exiled...or even executed because i was rude...."harry gives Anissa a thumbs up and a weird smile then says"don't worry i am still your supportive friend"

in a fit of fury Anissa yells "you" this word echoes and every one present turns to look at the source...

Anissa: Ahem!... sir Harry it seems that you have forgotten that you are an escort".

Harry: my apologies madam! ... i will try to choose my words carefully from now on..."

Anissa: "very well"

Anissa starts grumbling in a faint voice *tch* supportive friend my *** more like an arch nemesis

trying to get rid of me....bastard...

harry whispers: " are supposed to act like a composed lady...a gentle and graceful lady in front of everyone so please stop mumbling crude words you know what Granny Lucy will say if she saw a 'NOBLE LADY' talking in such a manner"

Anissa: argh!...i know but ...why are you calling her granny lucy ... i thought you only called her that when we were young...

harry:cuz she is still granny lucy...that's why....

Anissa looks confused and says :are you dumb or am i dumb?

harry gives a thumbs up with a serious look on his face and says "both of us are can't change that fact"

anissa is speechless and wishes to kick him but acts differently as a 'composed lady' she starts fanning herself and 'accidentally' hits harry on the face..."oh my! i am sorry sir harry it was a mistake" she says..harry tries to smile but his anger and annoyance can be seen "that lady" he says while gritting his teeth....and smiling

butler:ahem! that we are here ....i want lady Anissa to enter and all of you stay here...outside the too sir harry...


Anissa:stay here sir harry...

anissa and butler enter the room with some maids

Anissa: so...sir...Butler...

butler:oh my madam no need to call me sir you can just call me Adam

Anissa thinks to herself: wasn't this old guy very serious...just a few moments ago....

anissa awkwardly replies :ah..yes sir could you perhaps tell me how long it might take his majesty to aah...enlight? that's not right...*she thinks to herself for a little while then says*...right..enlighten us with his presence?

darn i was supposed to act as a composed lady...anissa thought to herself while waiting for the reply need to talk in that can talk freely with me....

Anissa answers awkwardly :ah th-then sir ...Adam....the answer to my question

Adam bows and says in a professional manner: my apologies madam i completely ignored your question....why not you have a seat first and have some refreshments ...and i will call his won't take long for him to come

Anissa sits down on one of the couches and watches Adam as he leaves the room the maids start to set the table with refreshments and pour tea in anissa's cup...Anissa smiles gently and thanks the maids ...the maids stand at a corner of the room and admire Anissa's beauty. Anissa reaches for a macron and takes a bite...

Anissa thinks to herself :Argh! its so uncomfortable why are they all staring at me ..even the most delicious dessert in the world now tastes horrible*sniff sniff* now tastes like desert sand....never mind i cant make a pun....Anissa then asks the maids elegantly and gently to stop staring..and the maids reply with an apology and tell her that she is very pretty so they unconsciously stared at her ....."oh my all are also very pretty"anissa this reply all the maids start to blush and anissa chuckles while eating the rest of the macron ...the door opens and SAMUEL the ruler or Anissa's soon to be fiancé entered ...Anissa looked at him at once and shoved the macron in her mouth and stood up as every one bowed down to greet him

We greet the sun of the empire

Samuel: please get up all of you...he said in a stern voice...

every one straighten up and looked down to not look in the emperor's may sit down lady Anissa...he then said

Anissa sat down while looking down at the table still thinking why is she getting married?Samuel orders everyone to go out of the room except Anissa...

she is still staring at the table wondering what she did wrong to deserve this...cold treatment....

"did he perhaps read my thoughts? no no that is something even the mages cant do....wait...but isn't he the strongest one in this empire... maybe he did....darn...well n-nevermind that...i think its a lot more awkward now that every one else is gone....argh...should i strike up a conversation?... so for starters lets look him in the eyes..." Anissa looks up to see his face and sees Samuel making his way towards a couch to sit down....Anissa looks back down instead of looking at his face..."yeah lets just ....not do that...what if he gets offended?...i mean .. the rumors did say that he easily looses his cool....right"

Samuel:are you perhaps uncomfortable? he says softly...

y-yes?..uncomfortable... n-no your highness i am completely fine .... Anissa says as she looks up and sees a pale face with cherry pink lips and ..... a heavy rectangular frame of glasses that very much hid his eyes....and blonde hair that shined like gold....Anissa starts staring at his face and hair thinking how beautiful he would've looked if only the frame wasn't there...

Samuel said softly :Ah!.... can you...please stop staring....its quite uncomfortable.....

"oh my... i am I'm really sorry i ,your hair is just so pretty that i can't take my eyes off of them" anissa said still staring at his hair completely mesmerized in his beauty..Pfft! samuel covers his mouth with his hand and starts to laugh softly

Anissa thinks to herself "wait wait wait this guy can laugh?????" then mumbles "pretty"

Samuel:yes? did you say something?

Anissa: ah!

Samuel:now that you are feeling less uncomfortable .... lets move on to what i want to ask...


So he was doing that for me to feel who thought that the bad rumored person was so thoughtful....she thought..

Samuel:Can i believe in you?

Anissa:yes? sorry what exactly do you mean?

Samuel said in a stern but soft and gentle voice:i mean exactly what i said...

Anissa:then...yes your highness you can believe in me....

Samuel smiles as his expression softens and he finally takes off his glasses.... and just as Anissa sees his eyes she is shocked and mesmerized to see how beautiful they are ...

"they are just like an ocean deep...and beautiful....are you are not an this point....damn you pretty boii" anissa thought as she stared and blurted the word beautiful...Samuel smiles after hearing that...and asks something


she blinks and starts seeing somewhere else....huh? where is this?..she looks here and there and sees a lot of dead bodies....and one of them is harry's ..eek!.... harry she screamed with fear and ran towards him...harry harry...she shook him but there was no response...dude...i didn't say that i wanted you to die today....tch...she got back up and starts wandering...eww! why is there blood every where? the hell did i not notice that i was holding a sword....?

sheesh....where even am i????....she goes into a room and sees the emperor...injured...

ah...your highness..are you okay?... she said as she walked towards him..but in return the emperor yelled at her and asked her to stop where she was...anissa does exactly that and tries peeking at his expression...aah.....sir?....why are you injured ..i-i mean how did this happened?

Samuel yelled again with a stern expression and a cold glare dare you act as if what you have done is something not even in your that you have killed every one...

What?.killed? i don't even know how to wield a sword...wait....what the hell is going on????


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