One day he learned that Mr.Elkins was associated with the publishing house of Harper and Brothers.Edward had heard his father speak of Harper's Weekly and of the great part it had played in the Civil War;his father also brought home an occasional copy of Harper's Weekly and of Harper's Magazine.He had seen Harper's Young People; the name of Harper and Brothers was on some of his school-books; and he pictured in his mind how wonderful it must be for a man to be associated with publishers of periodicals that other people read, and books that other folks studied.The Sunday-school superintendent henceforth became a figure of importance in Edward's eyes; many a morning the boy hastened from home long before the hour for school, and seated himself on the steps of the Elkins house under the pretext of waiting for Mr.Elkins's son to go to school, but really for the secret purpose of seeing Mr.
Elkins set forth to engage in the momentous business of making books and periodicals.Edward would look after the superintendent's form until it was lost to view; then, with a sigh, he would go to school, forgetting all about the Elkins boy whom he had told the father he had come to call for!
One day Edward was introduced to a girl whose father, he learned, was editor of the New York Weekly.Edward could not quite place this periodical; he had never seen it, he had never heard of it.So he bought a copy, and while its contents seemed strange, and its air unfamiliar in comparison with the magazines he found in his home, still an editor was an editor.He was certainly well worth knowing.So he sought his newly made young lady friend, asked permission to call upon her, and to Edward's joy was introduced to her father.It was enough for Edward to look furtively at the editor upon his first call, and being encouraged to come again, he promptly did so the next evening.The daughter has long since passed away, and so it cannot hurt her feelings now to acknowledge that for years Edward paid court to her only that he might know her father, and have those talks with him about editorial methods that filled him with ever-increasing ambition to tread the path that leads to editorial tribulations.
But what with helping his mother, tending the baker's shop in after-school hours, serving his paper route, plying his street-car trade, and acting as social reporter, it soon became evident to Edward that he had not much time to prepare his school lessons.By a supreme effort, he managed to hold his own in his class, but no more.
Instinctively, he felt that he was not getting all that he might from his educational opportunities, yet the need for him to add to the family income was, if anything, becoming greater.The idea of leaving school was broached to his mother, but she rebelled.She told the boy that he was earning something now and helping much.Perhaps the tide with the father would turn and he would find the place to which his unquestioned talents entitled him.Finally the father did.He associated himself with the Western Union Telegraph Company as translator, a position for which his easy command of languages admirably fitted him.Thus, for a time, the strain upon the family exchequer was lessened.
But the American spirit of initiative had entered deep into the soul of Edward Bok.The brother had left school a year before, and found a place as messenger in a lawyer's office; and when one evening Edward heard his father say that the office boy in his department had left, he asked that he be allowed to leave school, apply for the open position, and get the rest of his education in the great world itself.It was not easy for the parents to see the younger son leave school at so early an age, but the earnestness of the boy prevailed.
And so, at the age of thirteen, Edward Bok left school, and on Monday, August 7, 1876, he became office boy in the electricians' department of the Western Union Telegraph Company at six dollars and twenty-five cents per week.
And, as such things will fall out in this curiously strange world, it happened that as Edward drew up his chair for the first time to his desk to begin his work on that Monday morning, there had been born in Boston, exactly twelve hours before, a girl-baby who was destined to become his wife.Thus at the earliest possible moment after her birth, Edward Bok started to work for her!
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