Surviving The Game As A Human

Surviving The Game As A Human

ch1 red dragon

In an area filled with darkness a red dragon was sleeping peacefully, but after some time the dragon woke up and realized that she was not where she fell asleep.

"Hmm, where is this?" a red dragon asked herself while looking at the surrounding darkness.

The darkness was impossible to see through, even with the dragon's great eyesight, but there was a single path where the ground was visible.

"Should I follow this path?" the dragon though while preparing to follow the path, after all, as a dragon, nothing can make her feel fear.

But even with that confidence she could still feel uncomfortable in this darkness, so she sped up without looking back.

After a while she could hear a weird sound from her back, the sound was like the beeping of a microwave, it was very annoying.

So she started to shake a bit, trying to remove the cause of the annoying sound from her back.

Clang! A small robot creature that looked like a weasel fell off her back, she did not know what the robot was supposed to be, or where it's from, all she knew is that she has met it long before getting stuck in this dark place, when she was still home.

the dragon and the others back home all knew the little robot, though no one knew its origins it was still living with them.

"Beep!" the tiny robot made some funny noises to show that it did not enjoy falling from such heights.

"Oh shut up, you sound like a broken microwave!" the dragon said with annoyance.

After the tiny robot stopped making the beeping noises the two continued walking, and walking, and walking, the walking took so long that the tiny robot was allowed to sit on the dragon's back.

The tiny robot was so small that it did not even take up ten percent of the dragons back, so the dragon allowed it to stay, as long as it was quiet.

After a while the dragon saw a skeleton spread out over the ground, the skeleton had some armor around it, but every part of it had signs of damage, as if the skeleton did not have a peaceful death.

"Hey, go check that out." the dragon ordered the tiny robot, but the tiny robot did not cooperate, so the dragon started shaking again, making the tiny robot fall off again.

"Beep beep!" the tiny robot beeped angrily as it slowly walked over to the skeleton, closer, and closer... but nothing happened even when the tiny robot touched the skeleton.

"Beep!" the tiny robot made a loud noise.

"Just stop the beeping and use actual language." the dragon asked because she could not understand the robot's beeps.

"Alright!" a robotic voice came from the tiny robot.

"I found something!" the tiny robot held up a map, on the map was an area that both the dragon and the tiny robot did not know.

"I guess we should ask the owner of the map." the dragon said while looking at the skeleton.

before the tiny robot could say anything the skeleton sat up with red flames in its eyes.


Updated 2 Episodes


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