Towards evening we crossed,by a bridge,the river which makes the celebrated fall of Fiers.The country at the bridge strikes the imagination with all the gloom and grandeur of Siberian solitude.
The way makes a flexure,and the mountains,covered with trees,rise at once on the left hand and in the front.We desired our guides to shew us the fall,and dismounting,clambered over very rugged crags,till I began to wish that our curiosity might have been gratified with less trouble and danger.We came at last to a place where we could overlook the river,and saw a channel torn,as it seems,through black piles of stone,by which the stream is obstructed and broken,till it comes to a very steep descent,of such dreadful depth,that we were naturally inclined to turn aside our eyes.
But we visited the place at an unseasonable time,and found it divested of its dignity and terror.Nature never gives every thing at once.A long continuance of dry weather,which made the rest of the way easy and delightful,deprived us of the pleasure expected from the fall of Fiers.The river having now no water but what the springs supply,showed us only a swift current,clear and shallow,fretting over the asperities of the rocky bottom,and we were left to exercise our thoughts,by endeavouring to conceive the effect of a thousand streams poured from the mountains into one channel,struggling for expansion in a narrow passage,exasperated by rocks rising in their way,and at last discharging all their violence of waters by a sudden fall through the horrid chasm.
The way now grew less easy,descending by an uneven declivity,but without either dirt or danger.We did not arrive at Fort Augustus till it was late.Mr.Boswell,who,between his father's merit and his own,is sure of reception wherever he comes,sent a servant before to beg admission and entertainment for that night.Mr.
Trapaud,the governor,treated us with that courtesy which is so closely connected with the military character.He came out to meet us beyond the gates,and apologized that,at so late an hour,the rules of a garrison suffered him to give us entrance only at the postern.
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