Pov Author
Allan woke up very happy and full of excitement; today was going to be his first day of school, and he was really eager to learn how to read and write to gain more freedom. He felt trapped and dependent on others, which left him feeling frustrated. He was also anxious to meet his teacher, hoping she would be nice.
Santo had promised to take him shopping for school supplies. It wasn’t as if it was the first time he was going out, but with Santo, it felt different. With Metralha, he felt withdrawn and nervous, whereas Santo had a way of making him comfortable just being himself. Allan was looking forward to the outing.
Santo was contemplating what he had been thinking when he suggested going shopping with Allan. Oh, right, he remembered—the little one didn’t want to let the bigger one leave the room the other night. And since Santo couldn’t guarantee the safety of the curly-haired boy with the two of them sleeping in the same bed, he decided to distract him with the promise of a trip to the mall.
Santo could still enjoy some time of freedom, as he wasn’t well-known yet for having just taken over the hill, so it wasn’t dangerous to go out. He just didn’t know how he would feel with Allan by his side. He was crazy about the little one, but he never imagined in his life dating another guy; publicly acknowledging that would be, at the very least, difficult.
But there are things that one only learns by doing. And there he was, waiting for his boyfriend to come down so they could go to the mall together. That word still felt strange: "Boyfriend." Santo had never had a girlfriend, just flings, and now he found himself anxiously waiting for Allan to descend like one of those silly teen movies.
Allan came down quickly upon hearing that Santo was already waiting. He wanted Santo to feel proud to walk beside him; he didn’t want to look bad, so he chose his outfit very carefully. He wore light, loose-fitting ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a silver chain around his neck, his curls styled just right, and his body all scented with the strawberry fragrance that Santo loved so much.
Santo looked at his little one and saw that there would be no difficulty in being seen next to Allan; the boy looked incredibly attractive!
“Good morning, shorty,” he said, sealing his lips with the younger boy's. “Are you excited for our outing?”
“I am, big guy! It’s going to be fun, right?”
“It absolutely will, little one. How about we grab breakfast outside before hitting the mall?”
“I’m fine with that, but Maria’s going to be upset; she always makes our breakfast.”
“She won’t be. I already told her. I knew you’d be up for it.”
“Full of yourself!”
Santo smiled playfully as he held Allan’s hand. This daily couple life wasn’t so bad; he could easily get used to it. The two left the house, heading out for their first outing together.
**Pov Author**
Ariel was very confident about the lesson she had prepared; she was going to do everything she could to ensure that the boy learned everything he needed. She loved the profession she had chosen and always carried out her work with great care and dedication.
She was at the bar she co-owned with her cousin Jonas. It wasn’t the best job in the world, but it wasn’t bad either; it paid the bills and offered her flexible hours, plus it was literally next to her home.
Jotape arrived at the bar with his best smile plastered on his face. Ariel thought about how that smile at 7 in the morning was irritating. She was used to having the guy there almost every day; it was like someone had cast a persistent spell on her.
“Good morning, princess! Did you sleep well?”
“Seriously, Joao Pedro? No jokes at this hour, please!”
“I can see that you did. What time did you schedule to start classes with the little one, Allan?”
“Don’t call him little, and it’s none of your business when it is; when are you going to stop pretending to own me?”
“When you stop playing hard to get and accept me, then I’ll be real and won’t need to pretend.”
“I want to see how far this whole passion of yours goes.”
“Bet on it, brunette. We’re still going to have a fancy wedding and everything.”
“God, defend me!”
“I’ll swing by fifteen minutes before to pick you up; be ready.”
“If you knew, why did you even ask, pest?”
"To have an excuse to come see you, gorgeous, and it was worth it, see you later, owner of my heart!"
Ariel couldn’t help but smile to herself. This man was really getting to her; she was already used to seeing him every day, laughing at his terrible pick-up lines, arguing because he was so clingy. She always smiled when he was around, felt happy and at ease, but judging by her experience, that wasn’t a good sign.
She had to find a way to know how serious Jotape was about her; her mind was already making plans, and like everything she did in life, it would be simple, straightforward, and effective!
As promised, with 15 minutes to spare before their scheduled time, Jotape was waiting at the door when Ariel came out.
"I can walk on my own, you know, not sure if you realize that."
"I know, but I have to stay close, right, brown-eyed girl, so no cocky guy has space."
Ariel rolled her eyes, imagining just how jealous Jotape seemed to be.
They walked side by side through the streets until they reached Santo's house.
For a moment, Jotape wanted to hold Ariel’s hand but thought it better not to pressure her. Ariel, for her part, sensed the young man's intention and for the first time, considered not pulling away and letting him hold her hand, but it seemed the older one gave up, and the two continued as they were.
Santo’s POV
My day was good up to a point; I thought it would be strange to hold hands with another man, but that wasn’t what happened. Walking alongside Allan and holding his hand felt great; I was comfortable and very proud because my little one looked damn good!
But there’s always someone annoying to test my patience. After having coffee at a fancy bakery, I took Allan to the mall, we bought his supplies, and Allan picked out everything from a store dedicated to a cartoon character, some strange creature I didn’t recognize, I just knew it was all blue and had one big eye.
I thought Allan would want to wear the clothes he picked out himself, so I took him to a branded sports store. I got a bit distracted, and Allan wandered off to look at some sneakers on the other side of the store. When I followed, I saw a salesperson getting too friendly with my baby.
"A cutie like you can pull off anything; why don’t you give me your number? I can give you a personal consultation, if you know what I mean."
What audacity from this jerk, looks like someone is eager to meet Jesus a little earlier.
"Is there a problem here?"
The skinny salesman turned as white as a sheet when he saw me wrap my arm around Allan's waist.
"No, sir, I was just seeing if your friend needed anything else."
This guy is testing my patience; the only reason I don’t smash his face into the pavement is that I can’t draw attention. But my hand is itching to knock this loser out right here.
"My boyfriend doesn’t need anything, but if you don’t stop your nonsense, you might need a hospital, or a funeral home, depending on my mood. Now scram, and if I catch you looking at what’s mine again, you’re a dead man, you get me?"
"Y-Yes sir, excuse me."
"Let’s go home; this shopping spree is done for today."
"Big guy, don’t be mad; nothing happened, look, I’m all in one piece!"
Allan said, grinning widely, arms open, the cutest thing on earth.
"I know, baby, but we still have to have lunch, and you wouldn’t want to keep the teacher waiting on your first day, right?"
"No way, we better go then, big guy, so I won’t be late."
"Oh, now you’re in a hurry, huh? Haha."
"Come on, love, let’s get moving."
Allan started pulling Santo through the store.
Neither of them missed the affectionate way they treated each other; they never, I mean never, addressed each other by name, always using those tender nicknames. Allan felt all embarrassed when Santo called him baby, and Santo felt all giddy when Allan referred to him as love.
They were both experiencing their "first times" together, which made the bonds between them grow stronger with each passing day.
Santo felt more complete than he had ever felt in his life; he had everything he needed, and Allan didn’t even know life could be this perfect. The two of them were happily living within the small bubble they had created.
Author's Notes
It would be a shame if that bubble were to burst, wouldn’t it? I sense strong winds coming straight from Thailand. 😏😏😏😏😏
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