Chapter Fifteen

Jimin's POV:-

Jimin: ' Why are you not sleeping ?' I asked when I saw tae was not sleeping but just looking at ceiling ( sigh) I turn him toward me and asked again .

Jimin:' I asked something TAE !? Why are you not sleeping ?' and again he didn't reply just look away ,I don't know what is going in his mind ,its not first time I saw him zoning out ,even sometime in dance studio he do the same ,just stare at the wall and keep looking at it until any of us take him to reality ,I even asked about it many times but no! He won't tell ! He thinks he will disturb us or worry us by telling us what's bothering him ! (sigh) I just hug him

Jimin:' It's ok if you don't want to share your problem even with me ! I won't force you ,I know if you want to tell me you would have already told me but its ok ,I think you don't trust any of us to tell what's bothering you ,Do you think we won't understand your problem ! Tae we all go through the same ! We are idol , Our life is not that easy ! We have to go through these things everyday we can't just lose ourselves in this ! Do you remember when I was doubting myself for being fat how you and hyungs help me and tell me not to hate yourself ,It helps me It really helps me a lot ,then why do you think we won't help you ? I won't help you ? It means you don't trust us ! If you think it will only worry us then you are wrong ! It is worrying us now and a lot ! We are feeling like useless to not even able to help you ! ' I know my words might have hurt him, but I don't have any other option left ,I can't see him suffer alone ,its hurting us more

And yeah what I thought would happen after my words exactly that happens ,he has start crying (sigh) he is so much sensitive when we talk to him harshly or anyone ,he may show like nothing happen in front of others, but he will end up crying when any of us talk to him about that thing even to confront him , I tried to lift his face, so I can see in his eyes ,its his second weaknesses ,he can't lie in these situations ,but he just hides his face in my chest and hug me tightly ,( sigh) I don't want to force him more, so I also hug him back

Jimin :' It's ok Tae ! I am sorry I think I shouldn't put pressure on you like this ,stop crying please I won't do it again ' No matter how much I talk to him harshly I can't see him crying ,I just feel like crying myself too when I see him crying

Tae:' ( crying ) I can't take it-t more Jiminaa ! I - I really-y can't ! it hurts-s bad ,why do Armies are hating -g me too , Did-d I really do anything-g bad ! Thay-y should atleast-t stand by ! Y-You know h-how much bad-d words they-y have written-n about me-e ,I even didn't did s-something like-e that-t ,Y-you know what they-y say !( sniffed ) t-that I am-m the most-t trouble maker member-r in BTS , I always-s make you all down-n too ,my v-voice is not g-good ,my-y taste-e in music-c is old and-d bad ,my dance is a-also so bad-d and I am-m just surviving-g because of my v-visuals ,and t-they even-n said that I d-dont deseve to be in BTS ,Bts would b-be more good if-f I wasn't in here-e ,I w-want to stay strong fro you guys-s for armies but even a-armies are d-doing and s-saying such-h thing-gs how w-will I stay-y strong-g if those people are-e hating me-e for whom I am doing -g this much-h hard w-work ,I am really-y giving my-y all to make-e them happy-y ' he kept crying in my arms ,I really tried not to burst myself in tears too but how can you control your tears seeing your best friend crying in your arms ,opening his heart ,my eyes were literally getting teary but I control myself for Tae ,he needs me right now I can't cry now ,if I do who will console him ,so I control my stupid tears who were already making their way out of my eyes and hug my soulmate

I didn't know that Jungkook was here all the time ,on door frame ,listening to our each words ,maybe I was so in to console Tae that I didn't notice him untill he come to other side of bed and hug me and tae both ,squeezing tae between us ,

Jungkook :' Don't cry Tae , Nothing last forever ! if they are hating you now and hurting you they will regret one day , They will regret their each action don't waste your tears on people who don't deserve them ' he said rubbing Tae's back and we make eye contact but I quickly looked away as my tears aren't in my control ,I don't know when I will start cry but definitely not infront of Tae !

After dew minutes there was no sound coming from tae ,he slept as me and Jungkook were rubbing his back and head to make him sleep and due to medicine he slept actually fast . To make sure if he really slept I wave my hand infront of his eyes and yeah he really slept ,( sigh)

Jungkook :' Now you can cry Jiminshii ' He said with his teasing smile when he also get confirmed that Tae is sleeping ,this brat ! I know he is trying to cheer me up but he should look at himself ,he is also on verge of crying and he is teasing me ( roll his eyes)

Jimin :' You know you can cry too ! I wont tell anyone and even tae is sleeping it will be secret ' I said scarcely while rolling eyes ,you know this man ,even he is the youngest among us he like to behave older ,he don't cry in front of us mostly ,its rare thing !

Jungkook:' Why Would I cry! huh! do I look like a kid to you !' he said rolling his eyes and with little loud voice

Jimin:' yeah ! brat low your voice you want Tae to wake up ?! ' I said hitting his head

Jungkook :' sorry sorry !'

Jimin:' what are you doing here by the way ?' I asked

Jungkook:' I knew you won't let Tae be alone today and I also wanted to sleep with Tae and it was good opportunity so I came ! Now sleep quietly Jiminshiiiiii ! ' he said and closed his eyes immediately while tightening his hug

Jimin:' loose your grip you idiot ,Are you planning to suffocate him between us !' and I slapped his hand

Jungkook :' Don't hit me !!!!' he glared me then loosed his grip and I just ignored him and closed my eyes ,it just a waste of time to bicker with this brainless boy !



BTS lover

BTS lover

it's so cute authorshie the way you write the story is so good keep it up 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍



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