Mafia's Special Maid [Taekook] [Yoonmin]
Kim Yejin
Don't forget you've a wife ❄️
Kim Taehyung/V
**tight grip hands around Jungkook's waist**
Kim Yejin
Don't fvckin play with me!!!
Kim Taehyung/V
That's what I want to say **glare and left with Yoonkook**
Kim Mi-Rae [Tae's wife]
Kim Yejin
Don't be sad dear, I'll deal with that ore soon
Kim Mi-Rae [Tae's wife]
Okie **wipe imaginary tears**
Jeon Yoongi
Leabe my hwand
Jeon Yoongi
I've to pêe **pouts**
Jeon Jungkook
Come with me Yoongi, I'll take you to washroom
Jeon Yoongi
Okie **but staying still**
Jeon Yoongi
Hwand **to Tae**
Kim Taehyung/V
**left him** Go and come back soon
Jeon Yoongi
**nods and left**
Choi Yeonjun
Yes master **bows**
Kim Taehyung/V
Keep an eye on Jungkook ❄️
Choi Yeonjun
Ne **bows and left**
Kim Jimin/JM
I see you care about that ore too much
Kim Taehyung/V
None of your business
Kim Jimin/JM
Hyung when will you get rid of that plastic bítçh?
Kim Jimin/JM
She is such a pain in áss 0💢
Kim Seokjin/RJ
Who? **coming to there**
Kim Jimin/JM
Oh that plastic
Kim Jimin/JM
Yeah **sip wine**
Kim Taehyung/V
I don't know why eomma loves her that much
Kim Seokjin/RJ
Me too don't know
Jeon Yoongi
Mwaster **runs**
Jeon Jungkook
Don't run kitty **running behind him**
Yoongi was running carelessly as he bumped into someone
Jeon Yoongi
My hwead 🥺 **rub head**
Jeon Jungkook
Yoongi **help him to stand**
Jeon Jungkook
Sorry young master, my brother was running carelessly **bows**
Kim Jimin/JM
No need, I'm okay
Jeon Jungkook
Hmm then we're going **about to left**
Kim Jimin/JM
What is your name kitten? **look at Suga**
Kim Jimin/JM
**look at Jungkook**
Jeon Jungkook
He is in little space
Jinie's Pink FlipFlops
love at first sight
💜Ace Lee💜
its so cute I'm having a nosebleed
can I hide him in my pocket!!??he is so cute !!🥺🥺🥺🥺