ep 1

at hoon residents in yi kingdom
the view starts with a heavenly beautiful kid practicing swordsmanship with his father
around 10 year old hyuk- jae was fighting with the most powerful general in yi dynasty
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
hya!! *rise his sword and attack on hyuk- jae*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*block the sword with his sword upon his head*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*withdraw and swing it and attack his leg*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*without any delay swing his sword and bring it down *block the sword and rise it with his all power*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hya!!*push ji hoon 's sword with his and make him stumble*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*step back*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
verry good u r getting better in swordmanship huh?* smirk*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but u gotta practice more my kid~ *smirk *
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*ready with his sword and look at him*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but too bad... u still r so weak... *swing his sword hitting hyuk- jae's sword making it fall
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
huh?? *look at the fallen sword*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*blink and look at his father again*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*standing with his sword pointing at lil boy*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
u lost again* grin*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
hmm... *looking at the person standing behind his father innocently*
u never learned right........
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*shiver run down the spine*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*turn and found a sword pointing at his neck*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
it's fun to win from a kid huh?* staring at him*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
wife.... 🥲* drop sword and put his hand up*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
I'm just training him-
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*rise one eyebrow*really?... or u just wanna see him loosing huh?
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but i- *sweating*can you put it down... u dont want ur husband to die so young right?? 🥲
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*looking at them*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
*snap out and look at him*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
yes my son... *smile and get on her knees in front of him*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look at his father*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*relieved*put hand on his chest and breaking deeply*🥲
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*look back at his mother*im feeling hungry....
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
why u didn't said before huh?
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
lemme ask maids to cook for u ok? *pat it head gently*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
ok... *smile at her*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*looking at them with poker face*im hungry tooo
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
no food for you...* took hyuk- jae's hand and walk inside*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
wait- what-
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
heyyy i wanna eat tooo *walk behind them*
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
but what I did!?!?
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
*looking at his father in disbelief*
hyuk jae (kid)
hyuk jae (kid)
(he is the most dangerous man in whole nation.... I wanna laugh)
RUTH(ml mom)
RUTH(ml mom)
no just go away!!!* run into with her son*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
waittt I'm coming toooo!!
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
*run behind them*
JI HOON(ml dad)
JI HOON(ml dad)
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scared of wife lol



Desmodium ➹

Desmodium ➹

he is si scared 😂



☯Kᶤller Ghow|☯シ

☯Kᶤller Ghow|☯シ

omg what's gonna happen next



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