Introduction 2

Introduction 2
park semi
park semi
park semi
park semi
Name : Park semi Age: 18 Mother : park bo young Father : park Hung sik High school student.  Born in Australia came back to South Korea to complete the studies.  Y/N and semi are friends from childhood and semi Father and Y/N fathers are also friends and the business partners.  She is the only Daughter of park hung sik and park bo young. Same high school as Y/N .
park hung sik and park bo young
park hung sik and park bo young
park hung sik and park bo young
park hung sik and park bo young
Name : park hung sik and park bo young Age : 42 and 39 Daughter: park semi Father and mother of park semi. park hung sik is park family tacon and park bo young is lawyer. their only daughter is semi. currently at Australia looking after their works.
Hwang Hunjin
Hwang Hunjin
Hwang Hunjin
Hwang Hunjin
Name : Hwang Hunjin Age : 19 Father : Hwang Gong Yoo Mother : Kim Go eun High school student. Kim Y/N boyfriend no one know expect his friends. at the same class as Kim Jungkook. his mother Kim go eu is friend of Y/N Mother shim shu ryeong. The future of Hwang family.
Hwang gong yoo and Kim go eun
Hwang gong yoo and Kim go eun
Hwang gong yoo and Kim go eun
Hwang gong yoo and Kim go eun
Name : Hwang gong yoo and Kim go eun age : 43 and 40 son : Hwang Hunjin father and mother of Hwang Hunjin. Hwang gong yoo is Hwang family tacon and Kim go eun is an actor. their only son Hwang hunjin.
Kim Jisoo
Kim Jisoo
Kim Jisoo
Kim Jisoo
Name : Kim jisoo Age : 20 mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sisters : Kim jennie , Kim rose, Kim Lisa brothers : Kim junkyu, Kim haruto, Kim jung Hwang high school student. have 6 siblings elder among all of them . same Hight school as everyone.
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Kim Jennie
Name : Kim jennie Age : 19 mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sister : Kim jisoo , Kim rose, Kim Lisa brothers : Kim jungkyu , Kim haruto, Kim jung Hwang high school student. have 6 siblings. second child. same high school as everyone.
Kim rosè
Kim rosè
Kim rosè
Kim rosè
Name : Kim rose Age : 18 Mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sister : Kim jisoo , Kim jennie, Kim Lisa brothers : Kim jungkyu , Kim haruto, Kim jung Hwang high school student. have 6 siblings. third child . same high school as everyone. have a twin sister.
Kim Lisa
Kim Lisa
Kim Lisa
Kim Lisa
Name : Kim Lisa Age : 18 Mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sister : Kim jisoo , Kim rose, Kim jennie brothers : Kim jungkyu , Kim haruto, Kim jung Hwang high school student . have 6 siblings. fourth child. twin sister of Kim rose.same school as everyone.
Kim Junkyu
Kim Junkyu
Kim Junkyu
Kim Junkyu
Name : Kim junkyu Age : 15 Mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sister : Kim jisoo , Kim rose, Kim Lisa, Kim jennie brothers : Kim haruto, Kim jung Hwang middle school student . first son of Kim seo joon and shim min young. same school as everyone.
Kim Haruto
Kim Haruto
Kim Haruto
Kim Haruto
Name : Kim Haruto Age : 13 Mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sister : Kim jisoo , Kim rose, Kim Lisa , Kim jennie brothers : Kim jungkyu , Kim jung Hwang middle school student. have 6 siblings. same school. as everyone
Kim junghwan
Kim junghwan
Kim junghwan
Kim junghwan
Name : Kim junghwa Age : 12 Mother : shim min young father : Kim seo joon sister : Kim jisoo , Kim rose, Kim Lisa , Kim jennie brothers : Kim jungkyu , Kim haruto middle school student . have 6 siblings. same school as everyone.
Kim seo joon and shim min young
Kim seo joon and shim min young
Kim seo joon and shim min young
Kim seo joon and shim min young
Name : kimseo joon and shimmin young Age : 43 and 40 daughters : Kim jisoo , Kim jennie, Kim rose, Kim Lisa sons : Kim junkyu, Kim Haruto , Kim junghwan father and mother of 6 children. Kim seo joon is a ceo and shim min young is a detective.


Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo Kurosaki

Your words painted a vivid picture. I need more from you.



Martin victoriano Nava villalba

Martin victoriano Nava villalba

This story reminded me why I fell in love with reading in the first place. Thank you for reigniting my passion for books, Author.



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