


An unsolved mystery since the humans evolved, still they have a fascination for sorcery.
Keeping the dead bodies for thousands of years as mummy to bring them back to life someday, and to get a hold of a wonderful divine power in Korea. A tribe in Egypt is trying to achieve it, did they achieve that divine power? They want total destruction of Korea and want to rule the universe.
Some people are going somewhere in the desert of Egypt. They all are wearing Ancient Egypt dresses.
There was a woman sitting on a chair which looks like a throne and some solider was carrying it.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Stop right here.
They stopped and place the chair down. The woman gracefully walk to front.
Unknown child 1
Unknown child 1
Sister! Where is father?
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
He is coming my brother.
There was an eagle sitting on her shoulder. She said to the eagle.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Victor! My father is coming home with the pride of victory.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Go and welcome him.
After hearing the woman order the eagle immediately left from there flying.
Then they walk ahead. After sometimes they all reached their house which was looking like an ancient palace.
In the middle of the hall There was a main head chair. The woman walk towards it and sit down gracefully.
After 10 minutes or so, a man enter the house. He has a wooden box in his hands.
*Imagine him holding a box
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
You are here. Where is my father?
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Did he get the power of sword of Universe?
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Did he destroy the secret protection power of the sword?
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Tell me uncle.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Why are you answering me?
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
Leave us alone for some time.
Said to all the people present in the hall except the woman.
Unknown child 1
Unknown child 1
But uncle where is our father?
Unknown child 2
Unknown child 2
Uncle when will he come?
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
Boys you too. Please leave for some time.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Boys go out now. It's my order.
They don't want to go, but they have to obey the order of their sister.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Uncle where is my father?
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Why are you ignoring me?
The Man put the box on the table present in the hall. He looks at it intently. He slowly open the box and take out a thing and put it on the table. His back was facing the woman, so she can't see the thing.
But when he steps aside and the woman saw the thing a horrific scream left from her throat.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
She took slow steps towards the table, tears were running down from her eyes. There wasn't any sound coming from her throat.
When she was front of the table, she screamed loudly.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
On the table it was her father's head.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Uncle, how can this happen to my father?
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
He went to Korea to destroy it and to take the power of the sword of Universe.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Who did this to him?
She said it in extreme anger and pain.
The man tells her everything that happened to them in Korea.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
I will take revenge for my father.
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Uncle, I will destroy them who did this to my father.
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
You have to control your rage.
Yup the unknown woman was Lisa. Park Lalisa, daughter of Park Min Jae.
Park Lalisa
Park Lalisa
No uncle, I will go there and personally destroy them.
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
Yes you can destroy them, but not now.
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
We lost many people in this battle.
Park Lalisa
Park Lalisa
So what! We are enough for them.
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
No, we underestimated them in our battle. But not now. We have to gather more people and train them.
Park Hun ji
Park Hun ji
They have protectors for the sword.
Park Lalisa
Park Lalisa
Ok uncle.
Park Lalisa
Park Lalisa
I will wait, I will train our brothers for the future battle.
Park Lalisa
Park Lalisa
I will personally lead them and destroy that land.
Park Lalisa
Park Lalisa
Not only that, but I will give them a horrible death that the soul of every person will terror in fear.
From that day Lisa spent a whole year in darkness. She was burning in rage to destroy them who killed her father.
She made a plan with the help of Egyptian sorcery.
Likewise, she trained her second-youngest brother in a cruel way that no other sister would do that to her own brother.
The training was a hell in itself.
But Lisa was determined on her decision. Her youngest brother also started the training, but he was trained by soldiers.

Updated 3 Episodes


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