Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Blackpink Kingdom. After the second princess Rosé came to the earth the king died Soon. The queen need to took all the liability of the kingdom. There was a witch who always wanted to steal the kingdom and became the queen. When Jennie (The first princess) was four years old, she get lost. Everyone in the palace tried to find her but no one could found her. The queen burst into tears. Now she has to live with only Rosé. They all had some magical power. The royal family members were the most powerful.
Rosé was a princess but she goes to a normal school like an ordinary girl. She was so kind and friendly to others.
The witch's daugther Jane and Rosé goes to the same school. Jane & Rosé were the most powerful in the school.
Jane always tried to fell
Rosé in trouble.There was bad blood between them. Rosé love nature, she was very caring,
kind, honest friendly but Jane was totally opposit to her. Jane always wanted to move Rosé from the school because then Jane will be the most powerful in the school
At school Lisa was Rosé's best friend
Hey Rosé, look! Jane and her gang is bullying someone again!
I can't understand, why Jane have to bully everyone.
Love it!