Reborn As A God-Level Hunter

Reborn As A God-Level Hunter

Chapter 1: Rebirth

Chapter 1: Rebirth

Long Weizhe woke up with a start. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if he had been stabbed by a sword. He looked around and saw that he was lying on a bed in a small room. He recognized the room as his own, but something was different. The furniture was old and worn, the walls were cracked and stained, and the window was covered with dust. He felt a cold sweat on his forehead and realized that he was wearing a shabby robe that barely fit him.

He tried to recall what had happened to him. He remembered that he was a hunter, one of the people who had the ability to see the details and levels of beasts and monsters, as well as their own. He had reached the god level, the highest rank among hunters, after years of struggling and fighting in the dangerous dungeons that appeared all over the world. He had been chosen to lead the final battle against the demon god, the ultimate enemy of humanity, who had emerged from the deepest dungeon.

He had fought bravely, using his divine mysterious beast, a golden dragon that he had tamed in his previous life, as his partner. He had managed to injure the demon god, but at the cost of his own life. He had felt the demon god's blade pierce his heart, and then everything went black.

But somehow, he had not died. Instead, he had been sent back to the past, to his original life, before he became a hunter. He checked his system and saw that he was only level 1, the lowest rank among hunters. He also saw that his name was Long Weizhe, not Long Tianyi, as he had changed it in his previous life.

He felt a surge of emotions in his mind. He felt anger at his fate, sadness at losing his dragon, confusion at his situation, and determination to change his destiny. He knew that he had been given a second chance to live his life differently, to avoid the failures and betrayals that he had suffered in his previous life.

He remembered that in his previous life, he was a loser who had no talent or ambition. He had been forced to marry a woman from a big family because of his grandfather's arrangement, but she and her family had treated him with contempt and disdain. They had asked for a divorce after they found out that he was a level 1 hunter who could not improve his level. He had felt humiliated and betrayed by them.

He decided that he would not let them do that to him again. He would use his knowledge and experience from his previous life to become stronger and more successful. He would make them regret ever looking down on him.

He got up from the bed and opened the window. He saw that it was dawn, and that he was in Xuchang, a small town in Henan province. He knew that this was where he was born and raised, but he also knew that this town would soon be attacked by a horde of beasts and monsters that escaped from a nearby dungeon. He knew that many people would die in the attack, including his grandfather.

He felt a pang of grief for his grandfather, who was the only person who cared for him in this life. He decided that he would save him from the attack, as well as anyone else who deserved it. He also decided that he would leave this town as soon as possible and go to Shanghai, where he could find more opportunities and challenges as a hunter.

He packed his belongings in a backpack and left the room. He went downstairs and saw his grandfather sitting at the table, eating breakfast. His grandfather looked old and frail, but he smiled when he saw him.

"Good morning, Long Weizhe," he said warmly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, grandfather," Long Weizhe said politely. "Thank you for your hospitality."

His grandfather nodded and gestured for him to sit down. "You're welcome, my boy. You know you're always welcome here."

Long Weizhe sat down and ate some bread and eggs. He felt guilty for lying to his grandfather, but he knew that he had to do it for his own sake.

"Grandfather," he said after finishing his meal. "I have something to tell you."

His grandfather looked at him with curiosity. "What is it?"

Long Weizhe took a deep breath and said calmly: "I'm leaving this town today."

His grandfather's smile faded and his eyes widened. "What? Why? Where are you going?"

Long Weizhe met his grandfather's gaze and said firmly: "I'm going to Shanghai, grandfather. I have a dream to become a great hunter, and I can't achieve it here. I have to go where the dungeons are more challenging and the beasts are more powerful."

His grandfather shook his head in disbelief. "But Long Weizhe, you're only level 1. You can't survive in those places. You'll be killed by the beasts or the other hunters. And what about your family? What about your wife?"

Long Weizhe clenched his fists under the table and felt a surge of anger. He remembered how his wife had cheated on him with another hunter, how she had mocked him for being weak, how she had demanded a divorce and half of his assets. He remembered how her family had supported her, how they had threatened him with lawsuits and violence, how they had tried to ruin his reputation.

He looked at his grandfather with cold eyes and said harshly: "I don't have a family here, grandfather. And I don't have a wife. She's nothing but a snake who betrayed me and wants to divorce me. She and her family are the ones who want to kill me, not the beasts or the hunters."

His grandfather gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. He looked at Long Weizhe with shock and sorrow. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Long Weizhe, is this true? Did she do that to you? How could she? How could they?"

Long Weizhe nodded and said bitterly: "It's true, grandfather. They did that to me, and they'll do it again if I stay here. They don't care about me, they only care about themselves. They don't deserve my respect or my love."

He stood up and grabbed his backpack. He walked towards the door and said: "I'm sorry, grandfather. I know this is hard for you to hear


Updated 1 Episodes


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