The Mafia Don And His Lover

The Mafia Don And His Lover

chapter one

Anna walker
Anna walker
Where is that little sl*t? Don't tell me he's still asleep!
Yes, ma'am he's still in bed
Just then, she saw Aziel coming downstairs
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Good morning mom
Anna walker
Anna walker
*she slapped* him across his face
Anna walker
Anna walker
Don't you dare call me 'Mom' with that filthy mouth of yours
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
I'm so* hic *sorry
Anna walker
Anna walker
I will never be your mother. How could I give birth to a sissy like you? You disgust me!" *she shouted*
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
*sniffs* I'm sorry. I promise not say that again
Anna walker
Anna walker
Make sure this place is spotless before I get back, and no one is to help you.
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Ye…ye…yes ma'am
Anna walker
Anna walker
And if I find out that you disobey my orders *she fixed him with a death glare*
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
*He trembles* I won't do that, ma'am
Claire walks in
Claire walker
Claire walker
Anna walker
Anna walker
Yes baby, what is it that you want?
Claire walker
Claire walker
I'm going out with my friends, and I'll be needing your credit card
Anna walker
Anna walker
Here you go *handling it to her* have fun, and try to come home early
Claire walker
Claire walker
Okay, bye
Anna walker
Anna walker
Bye love you
Anna walker
Anna walker
And as for you, get out of my sight
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Yes ma'am *he hurried off*
Aziel went back to the basement and cried, feeling the sting of Anna's harsh treatment. The way she treated him differently made him deeply sad. Why can’t he be loved? Why does it have to be him?
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
*Hic* Mom why did you leave me to suffer
steve (butler)
steve (butler)
My dear, please don't cry. You know your Mom loved you more than you could imagine
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
The rest of the family doesn't even care about me. am I that useless
steve (butler)
steve (butler)
Don’t worry about them. You have me and Ethan. We love you more than you know and I'm sure your Mom is watching you from up there.
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
*Hic* Thank you uncle Steve
steve (butler)
steve (butler)
Now let me apply this ointment it will help with the swelling
He finished applying the ointment to his cheeks
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Hmm thank you
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
I'll go finish my work now
steve (butler)
steve (butler)
No need I will take care of it. just take a rest
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
You don't have to, ma'am will get angry if she finds out, and i don't want anything to happen to you
steve (butler)
steve (butler)
Just call me if you get tired
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Aziel cleaned the entire house and made dinner
He returned back to his basement to take a nap before ma'am got back
please like ❤
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Aziel walker
Aziel walker




ugly cry baby





no stop crying dumbass do some 🤡





niceee it's kinda similar to the one I've read before so I like it 😊😊



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