

Prologue ; The Legends and Myth


The Two Famous Warriors ; Jielin and Surd , they Known for their bravery and battle victories.They have been Childhood friends.

Jielin who was known as the Thunder God was born with Thunder energy enabling him to control Thunder ;

and Surd known as Devil Emperor was an Orphan and had dark energy in him enabling him to control dark matter, He was believed to be born of the Vanished Devil Worshippers who practiced evil as their form of worship.

Jielin and Surd were both warriors of the Coastal Sea Kingdom. They helped in conquering neighboring Kingdoms , expanding the Kingdom.

Far and Wide they were the most feared but still people adore them as heroes , Surd receives criticism often and he wouldn't mind or get concern with them

Jielin always wished to be a great warrior which kept him moving.

Anytime they went to war with the other soldiers , they always ended victorious , cries of vultures devouring the silent bodies of the enemy , Jielin was always fond of thrusting their swords to the Ground as a sign of respect for the dead, Surd finds it annoying and blames him.


Until one day , there was famine in the Kingdom, the cloud was gloomy but no sign of rain and there were dark matters found at most places , the chief priest which the people believed as God's chosen through the King interpreted that Surd's mysterious power was the cause of the malicious situation , and ordered to stop him from using his power and to be detained, and if refused , Death as his final judgement.

Everyone knew no one could defeat Surd except from Jielin who they knew that could match Surd's skills and even overpower him even though as childhood friends.

...Since The King was jealous of both and his fear for Surd was disturbing, he believes one-day Surd would be enticed to use his powers for evil...

The King requested for Jielin's presence and told him the plan of apprehending Surd because of his energy, Jielin was anxious and he begged the King and told him that it was natural for him to fear Surd , but Surd has control over his powers which made him formidable in wars or battles.

Jielin's plea was all in vain and he requested a favor from the King that was to speak to Surd and hear his opinions before going ahead of apprehending Surd. The King granted his favour , Jielin thanked the King and left .

Unfortunately the King had another plan in mind to apprehend Surd without much casualties.

Jielin went directly to Surd and informed him of the King plan

Before Jielin could finish talking, they were already surrounded by soldiers as ordered by the Kíng and they proceeded to arrest Surd .

Surd felt betrayed and thought Jielin planned these. He immediately attacked Jielin, Jielin was able to dodge Surd's attack and kept telling Surd not to misunderstand, all fell into Surd's deaf ears, and unleashed his dark energy which began to suck the soldier's life force , Jielin was angry and furious at King , and he thought "I need to stop Surd before it gets too far and more dangerous".

Jielin summoned a mythical Dragon known as the KIN the King of mythical creatures, he formed a bond with the creature at a very young age

The KIN came from the sky and sucked up the dark energy that was released by Surd dry and then Surd looked and saw the KIN, he became more furious and summoned the Winged Serpent

Also a mythical creature, since the KIN was in it's Prime , it took down the Winged Serpent

Jielin immediately knocked out Surd while he was deeply focusing on the mythical creature's battle.

The Backup soldiers came in and the KIN and the Winged Serpent flew away , the soldiers were amazed that they could once in a lifetime see the mythical creatures

They took Surd away, Jielin who was weak couldn't do anything but watch them as he cried.

The King put Surd in a prison with strong iron and metal and planned to execute him, Jielin couldn't stay still and do nothing, he sought an audience with the King but was ignored. He could only plan to rescue Surd.


And the Day came for Surd's execution , Surd was weak since he didn't eat anything, the People gathered with the King as he ordered Surd to be brought out.

Some soldiers went in to bring Surd out of the Prison, since the prison could only be opened by a key . Jielin intercepted them on their way and took the key and went ahead to the prison and rescued Surd and took him out of the prison.

Since he was very familiar with the Kingdom, he took a shortcut to go out of the Kingdom but they were noticed, Jielin carried Surd and ran as fast as he could out of the Kingdom and he reached the Kingdom borders and met some people, he went to them and they came to him and told him to hand over Surd to them, but Jielin refused, they all ganged on him and took Surd away and escaped, Jielin noticed that one of them was using dark energy so he stayed and withdrew and thought "I think they are Surd's allies, then he should be safe" and he rested beside a tree and the soldiers who were chasing after him saw him and Apprehended him and they brought him back to the King. The King was furious and he asked him WHY , Jielin only laughed, which made the King more angry , but he could execute him because the people think highly of him, and Jielin could also keep being a War tool, and he locked Jielin in the same prison.

And there Jielin stayed and went into seclusion. And then the people went into panicking as unusual situations started occurring as Thunder and Lightening struck the Kingdom days after days and it stopped

After a few months , the Kingdom was under attack by unknown soldiers, since it was unexpected, The Kingdom soldiers couldn't get back to positions and the Kingdom went into chaos. The Unknown Soldiers were brutal as they massacred everyone on sight, a kind enough soldier went to the prison where Jielin was and opened the prison door and told Jielin of the situation and ran away but Jielin called him back and directed him to a secret passage to leave the Kingdom he was thankful and left

Jielin went outside and looked around , he could see bloody Kingdom of the innocent people blood.He still didn't give up and went to various houses while dodging the unknown soldiers , he was glad he could find some people and soldiers and he lead them to the secret passage and went back to search for more , while his weak body drenched in the rain holding a bloody sword and kept on moving and searching, he helped also the wounded ones to the secret passage , until he searched the whole kingdom and was satisfied, he went back to where the secret passage was , unfortunately he met some of the unknown soldiers there holding some of the people he saved "Leader was right, there is really a secret passage here, let's kill these ones and report back" , Jielin approached them from behind and slayed them, he signalled those captured to go and they understood and hurried, one of the unknown soldier saw Jielin and shouted "intruder intruder", Jielin noticed and ran into the secret passage and struck lightening to the outer part and it broke down and the blocked the way . Jielin ran as fast as he could and he met the others outside the passage, he was happy that he could save them and also sad that the Kingdom had fallen.

Meanwhile ;


Someone that seems to be the leader covered with a veil approached the secret passage that had been blocked by Boulders that fell , as he uncovered his veil and said "Jielin! Jielin! You are still alive as expected, we are arch enemies from now on , I will hunt you down and slay you" who seemed to be Surd who was alive not knowing he was actually saved by his so-called Arch enemy.


Jielin brought all of them together as they were thanking him and told them that if they would agree to follow him to his village and start a life there , they all agreed immediately and set a journey to his village; Elden Village the Eastern part of the World.



They journeyed down for months through forest and rivers and also rested mostly the injured ones , till they finally reached Elden Village. Since it was in the night and rainy , they got shelter in one of the barns and they rested

When they woke up , they were already surrounded by the folks , Until Jielin explained himself being from this village and what had happened, They were glad to finally see Jielin back to the village,and they pitied those with him,they treated the injured ones and provided shelters for them.

They all continued their daily life



Surd overtook The whole Coastal Sea Kingdom and kept expanding and turned into a whole Empire because of the great amount of territory acquired more like an Empire , He named it after his name "Surd Empire" and his capital "Surd Kingdom", He ruled by power being feared by many. Then Jielin got to know that Surd was the one who destroyed the Coastal Sea Kingdom and massacred them, he then accepted Surd as his enemy.

Surd declared Jielin as his arch enemy, since he didn't know the whereabouts of Jielin, he made a bounty of 30 bags of silvers on Jielin , The News spread far and wide and the whereabouts of Jielin started becoming known to outsiders, The village was usually attacked by bandits , Jielin would always fight them off, he decided to leave since he was the cause , the soldiers who escaped with him from Coastal Sea Kingdom followed him since they were indebted to him.

They left Elden Village to roam around , they encountered both friends and foes. Some of them joined Him and followed his cause, They were now adventurers and they multiplied Greatly.

Jielin now returned back to his former glory, With that he was able to take over small kingdoms and he expanded , and then he began on the conquest of making his own Empire , with his kind heart and compassion, he acquired people who believed in him and that's how he created his Kingdom in Elden Village and expanded it's territory and it was named "East Jielin Kingdom".

Surd got the news that Jielin is expanding his territory at greater speed, he waged war on the East Jielin Kingdom

The both Kingdoms got themselves prepared, Jielin and Surd both met themselves again in the battle-field not as allies but as enemies and they fought even with their summoned mythical creatures affecting those around them, their carelessness caused both parties to suffer greatly as other neighboring Kingdoms were affected and they were consumed by both East Jielin Kingdom and Surd Kingdom.

It is noted as a Great War

The Both Kingdoms became Great Empires and were never in good terms with other , they wage war on each other anytime either of them seems powerless.

Jielin finally joined an alliance with some other Kingdom instead of overtaking them.

Jielin and Surd finally became Emperors in their own terms and were prosperous.

Some signed peace treaties to the Jielin Empire, but Surd Is only desperate to become the strongest and keep conquering, Jielin did the same in order to become stronger.


Several Years later ;


One of the great Chief priest went to the both Kingdoms and delivered each of them a Prophecy that they couldn't look down on .

Jielin and Surd knew that the prophecy will change the tide of their empire,and it is going to come to pass in one of their Lineage.


Updated 1 Episodes


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