villain isn't villain

Your lazy Author 😅
Your lazy Author 😅
I'm so tired😩 I have been busy every as a first year student 😅 anyway I'll try to finish this story 😔😁 thanks for wait for it 😆🙏🏻
Your lazy Author 😅
Your lazy Author 😅
Whatever here we go 😁
continue story
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
📱Demon, the file was ready just like you want😉~
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
📱Got it, good work ❄️
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
📱hey,at least don't cold to your brother 😤🤧
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
📱What about #$@##@?❄️
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
📱We all are ready, just wait for your order 😎
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
📱😮‍💨Be ready❄️we gonna make a move on the day ❄️
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
📱yes, bye~😘
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
The real show will begin soon ❄️😈
After a few days later
Cole, today is the day that villain will be sentenced to death 💀
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
I know ❄️
Then what are you waiting for?🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Villain will die if you late, hurry up 🤧🥲🥹
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Fine, let go❄️😅
At the Execution site
police 🚓🚓
police 🚓🚓
*watch time*It's time to sentence the prisoner
police 🚓🚓
police 🚓🚓
*order*Take Max lavender here
*take max here*We're here sir.
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*being tied up* I can walk by myself ❄️
police 🚓🚓
police 🚓🚓
Ahem, Now I declare that Mr.Max lavender will be sentenced to death with crimes such as #-#@$$_##@#$@@$#
[he said about illegal business and mafia business @##@]
People: he worth it 🤬 he was done alot sin😡
police 🚓🚓
police 🚓🚓
So I declare the sentence start--
*Bang bang bang bang bang*
All people and polices around max laying down in pool of blood.Only max who remain stand there.
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
(what happened?🤔 I don't order anything then who doing this?💢)
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*Feel someone behind him* Who-Ahh
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Sleep well my prince ❄️🙂
🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️(I don't know if you try to help him or not?)
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
(of course, I am 😊)
😬😬 whatever
In the next day
Base of Lavender
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
Demon, we take full control of this place 😄 now you are the Boss 😉👌🏻
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Mmm where is Max?
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
(he called him by his name 😑)In your room why ask? you are the one that order that 🙄😒
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Just make sure ❄️❄️ you can go😐
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
And make sure that no one can come near my room ❄️
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
King Arthur(Best friend of Demon)
Ok,ok 😑😑
In Demon room
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*Wake up*Ouch🤕 that hurt 🤕
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Who the f*** hit me?🤬
Sound chain ⛓️⛓️
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*notice that he chained*
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
😡who dares do this to me?😡
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
It's me ❄️
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
You....😡*turn to demon*
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
wha-what happened?
Max is confused as well because demon used to do anything for him and loyal to him, Not only that he trusted demon so much.
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Max,do you remember the little boy in 18 years ago ❄️
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
the little one that you said to him "let he alive ❄️"*
Demon speaks calm and cold way that can make you shiver chilling you back
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
You are the boy,son of traitor?
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Yes, I am ❄️😊
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
If you want revenge, just kill me now 😒or you will regret 😈
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Here,my boss😊 don't worry you will alive in the hell❄️🙂
Demon mix the drug with water and force max to drink it then....
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
😡 What you give me?😡
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Ha...hah😮💨💨hot🔥 so hot🤒
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
*come near max*
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
You look so horny ,max❄️
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*heavy breath* hah..ha..Agh~you~(/////)
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*stare him and blush*😳😳(why I just noticed that he is so it's only because drug)
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Now let have some fun, should we?*smirk*
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
*take off his clothes*
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*stare demon*(💨💨)
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*lose control* Damn...
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*pin demon down to the bed and......😃👍🏻*
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
*let him do whatever he wants*
No smut allowed, you know 🥲👌🏻
Next day
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*wake up*😪😴
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*don't see demon here*
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*sight*he just sleep with me, and now he's no found.
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Why you doing this? demon
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
You wake up❄️
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
*throw file to max*
Demon wick (host)
Demon wick (host)
Here, sign it or him die❄️
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*take a look at file*
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
Max lavender (villain)
*look at Demon* Demon, what does this mean?
This chapter is end
Your lazy Author 😅
Your lazy Author 😅
What's max see in the file that makes he this shock ?😗
Your lazy Author 😅
Your lazy Author 😅
And demon said who will die??
Your lazy Author 😅
Your lazy Author 😅
See you next chapter 👋🏻👋🏻😅


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