The Friendly Sea Creature "Bl"

The Friendly Sea Creature "Bl"


Many legends revolve around the sea
But everyone knows one
The legend of the mermaids, it used to be just a myth
But for a few years now it has been agreed that they exist, many have already been sighted
But the only thing ever had to prove the existence of these creatures were photos or videos
Scientists have been observing the sea folk for a long time now
There are few things that are known about them
There are different species and they are found almost everywhere in the world
Each race has its own special appearance
Many say mermaids are friendly, but there is a certain species that is hostile to humans
but I believe that all mermaids are evil creatures
Iren Albion
Iren Albion
My name is Iren Albion (25 years old) I have no family any more my parents died in a shipwreck I am a soldier now and to this day I still believe that mermaids are to blame for my parent's death
Elias Jacki
Elias Jacki
I'm Elias Jacki (23 years old) I have no family just like Iren And I'm his only and best friend I'm a soldier like him, and we're like brothers
Senado- Boss
Senado- Boss
I'm Senado (45 years old) I'm the boss of Elias and Iren I own a big company and also have a son
Shawn- Boss son
Shawn- Boss son
I'm Shawn (26 years old) I'm a researcher specializing in mermaid hunting
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that was a little insight into the story
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And introductions to some of the characters
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That's it for the chapter
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Love you guys ♥️
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let me know in the comments how you like it
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R€n@®d🦊 [MTSRC]

R€n@®d🦊 [MTSRC]

that's a really good start 🤩🤩



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