And now my whole life is indulged in the blankness of night.
Esra Winslow
A night where terror is inkled, where fear takes birth...
Aelius Sawyer
Myself Aelius Sawyer
Aelius Sawyer
Aelius represents sun in roman
Aelius Sawyer
In my whole life, I chase after sun
Aelius Sawyer
No, actually I want to become the sun, the one and only
Aelius Sawyer
But when I really become one...
Aelius Sawyer
I lost everything.
Aelius Sawyer
It brought me a doom I never prepare myself for
A businessman ready to unveil a mystery, a mystery that snatched everything he held dear
A lawyer struggling to survive on crumbs, because the things she lost were her only world
The city of peace is no longer going to live up to it's name because the truth that would be disclosed would shatter the foundation, that always kept them ashore