(naughty) Hey, prince Alex! Look at that dancer girl...
Alex takes a look
prince Alex
Oh jack, come on!when would you grow up! She is wearing a veil you even can't see her face. Why are you so excited over her?
prince Jack
Who cares about her appearance! I'm talking about her sexy body...licking his lips!
Don't you think she is in a good shape?
prince Alex
(mad)I don't give a shit, okay? Just don't forget why are we here!
prince Jack
I really don't get it why do you care about the daughter of general sing so much! He was a pervert, and he didn't care about anything else expect his lust for women and blood. Why can't you just let that poor girl go? You even never saw just for once, right? Why do you not let it go?
prince Alex
(frown) I already told you many times, just listen to it for once, can you?she got some important evidence and document if we got them we easily can destroy second prince who have planned for rebel and have done all kind of corruptions.
prince Jack
All right, alright! Don't get mad, darling! It's not good for beautiful skin. You don't want to get a lot of wrinkles in your 20S right?(burst into laughters)
prince Alex
(Furious)get the **** out of my face! Throw tea cup!
prince Jack
Okay, darling! No worries I'll get out, But first promise me one thing okay?
prince Alex
What do you want again?hah?
prince Jack
Promise me that... Don't miss me babe, okay? (acting teary and naughty)