A New Home

A New Home

Chapter 1

It was 5 days before the end of the year and Severus was sitting in his study in his quarters grading his students' homework. He was looking forward to his summer, a child-free holiday. Suddenly, the floo flared and a note flew through and landed on his desk.

"Meet me in my office, son. Now. Albus"

He sighed. What is it now that his adoptive father needed him ? He stood up, grabbed a handful of floo powder, stepped in and spoke loudly

"Headmaster's office"

He landed in Dumbledore's office and saw him sitting at the desk looking at Severus with twinkles in his eyes.

Severus sat down on a chair in front of Dumbledore and asked

"What is it, Father ?"

Dumbledore smiled and started talking

"Severus, as you know, Harry Potter is recovering after his encounter with Quirrel and Voldemort..."

Severus stared at the man angrily. Of course, the conversation was about the arrogant Golden Boy. However, Dumbledore just continued.

"I came to visit him this morning and he informed me that his relatives haven't been treating him nicely"

"Well, I'm sure he just said hat for attention. I know the brat"- Severus interrupted.

"Listen to me, Severus. He asked me not to send him back there. I haven't come to check on him since I left him on their doorsteps. I think we should use this opportunity to get to know about his home life"

"What's there to know more about ?! Just like his father, he has been spoiled by being given everything he wants and become an arrogant little brat !!" - Severus snapped.

" Severus, please calm down. Whatever you said, I think we should keep him away from his relatives this summer to see what's he gonna do"

Severus just stayed silent, so Dumbledore continued.

"And I think the most suitable person to take him is you, Severus"

Severus' eyes widened

"WHAT ?!!! There's no way I'm going to take that brat to my home for the summer !!"

"Severus, please, every other teacher has to visit their family this summer. There's only you left"

"No! You want to keep him, you get to take him. He's an arrogant, ungrateful little brat"

"Then why don't you take this chance to make him realize that, not that I think he is arrogant and ungrateful like you said."

"Please, Severus, for me "- Dumbledore said after a minute of silence. "How about this, you take him this summer and I'll give you 2 vials of Phoenix's tears "

"You should have been in Slytherin, Father "

"And your answer ?"

After 2 minutes of thinking, Severus finally said angrily

"Fine! But I'm going to do it my way and won't keep the spoiled lifestyle he has at home."

"Ok, Severus, just remember he's a child "

The next morning, Dumbledore made his way to the hospital wing to inform Harry of his plan for the boy's summer. Of course, he got the same reaction as the one he got the night before from Severus. It took him a lot of persuading and reassuring for an hour to get Harry to agree. He just hoped that it would go well for the two.

A few days later, Harry finally got to leave the hospital wing. He made his way to the Griffindor tower. He couldn't understand why Dumbledore said it would be good to stay with Snape. He couldn't be any better than the Dursleys, right ?

"Mate, are you ok ?"- Ron said once Harry made his way into the common room.


"It's nearly the end of the school year, are you excited ?"- Hermione asked.

"Well, I've got something to tell you guys"

Harry ended up telling them about going with Snape

"How could Dumbledore do that ?" - Ron said angrily.

"I agree, but we know one thing, we can't change his decision " - Hermione said sadly.

"Mate, if he does something bad to you, owl me and I'll get mom to come get you away from there." - Ron offered

Harry just nodded.



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