Adventures Of Lachit

Adventures Of Lachit

Mysterious Incident

Years 200 of the 4th age 1000 years after the great wars .

Oh! You may be thinking who am I . I am a begin who can travel between heaven and land of mortals . I'll be your host for this tale . At this age the land between the great Himalayas and the Indian Ocean is ruled by the dranian empire. Oh frick to much history here let's just to the story

( Manipur eastern most province of dranian empire )

General havely ( incharge of the eastern military Garrison) : Commander Lii how are preprations of the victory festival going on

Town mayor : Preprations are going well and it would be most spectacular festival in 100

( Narrator: you where waiting for me to tell you about which festival they were talking about . Actually this festival is celebrated for victory of the great king Rommel over the demons )

Door opens like a bomb

Soldier : General can the mayor get out for a second please .

General : sir please get out of the office for a second.

Door closes

General : You better have a important news or you will spend rest of your victory holiday cleaning my horse stable

Soldier : ah ah ah general gernal and commander we have received the report that 22nd camp near the black forest has been attacked ( in trembling voice )

General : Who attack the camp ? And how many people are killed

Soldier : general we don't know about the attacker yet but there is only one surviver

General : Are you out of your mind there were total 20 knights . How in world could this happened . Didn't you told this news to any one

Soldier : Not yet sir

General : you are dismissed and don't even try to tell this news just to your wife also or i will ...

Soldier : ok sir i understand stand gravity of the situation right now

General mind

Oh frick i just gave permission to one of my friends for a trade mission to Kingdom of Isskara . What should I do right now and what would I tell people about the attack on the 22nd camp .

General : Bring me the survivor here and spread the news in the people that a mad elephant group attacked the 22nd camp in which every one was killed and send a escort party of 50 soldier with the trade mission . And summon the trade master here immediately.

After one hour

Darly ( trade master ) : So what's the matter my friend ? Why did you call me so urgently ?

General : No nothing that urgent . I just wanted to tell you that with your trade mission a soldier party would also go to escort you .

Darly : Did anything thing happened ?

General : Don't tell anyone the camp in the trader route was attacked by some unknown people

Darly : We would be careful . Now i am going office to check the preprations for the trade mission.

Your beloved narrator here it was here it was just the intro of story . I know this would look bit boring . But in the next chapter i would introduce our beloved hero .





How about using the "Chat story" feature of mangatoon to rewrite your novel which is actually based on dialogs!



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