she is my wife
monmoon wenga
why are you following me
princess Mildred
look I only know you my empress
monmoon wenga
hey stop saying me empress
princess Mildred
then what should I call you
monmoon wenga
by my name monmoon
princess Mildred
hmm monmoon so beautiful name
monmoon wenga
look am not into girls
princess Mildred
so what am not into mens
they both came out of the museum
monmoon wenga
*press her car remote to open doors *
princess Mildred
hey watch out it's a giant monster
monmoon wenga
hey it's not a monster
princess Mildred
ca..r car what is this thing
monmoon wenga
you will see
monmoon wenga
*seat in her car and drive away*
princess Mildred
but she left ... hey don't leave me
princess Mildred
*running back of her car*
monmoon wenga
*kindness hit her ego*
monmoon wenga
*stop the car* hey get in
monmoon wenga
*open the door*
time skip at monmoon's apartment
monmoon wenga
*Starring at her with shock eyes *
princess Mildred
*eating like first time*
princess Mildred
hey why are you starring at me like that *in mouth full voice *
monmoon wenga
you always eat like this
princess Mildred
no actually am hungry for years
princess Mildred
yes after that day I had eaten now
princess Mildred
you don't remember
princess Mildred
don't worry you will remember
unknown man
master I have really bad news
unknown man
princess Mildred is released
unknown man
that girl released her
I mean why she need her help
unknown man
I don't know master
then find out you fool
unknown man
ok master *and left*
no not this time Mildred
I won't let you win
levi (secretary)
who are you
princess Mildred
am princess Mildred
princess Mildred
and she is my wife
levi (secretary)
calm down
levi (secretary)
hey listen you can't be her wife
levi (secretary)
I was with her since childhood
princess Mildred
what how can I man leaves with women
levi (secretary)
that's not the point
levi (secretary)
point is your making pointless words
princess Mildred
no am not
monmoon wenga
*sign levi to come on a side*
monmoon wenga
what do you think about her
levi (secretary)
hmm she may be need medical help
monmoon wenga
I too agreed with you but I see her with my own eyes
monmoon wenga
she just changed in human from statue
levi (secretary)
look in this world nothing is impossible but what you are saying is just pointless
levi (secretary)
ok let's do one thing
levi (secretary)
let's admit her in mental asylum
levi (secretary)
listen do you have any other options
monmoon wenga
no but we can't do that
levi (secretary)
we can't keep her here also
monmoon wenga
hmm ok fine let's take her to mental asylum
bye guys stay safe and healthy
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