Revenge Is All I See

Revenge Is All I See

Turn back the clock

If I could stop time I wish I could return to those innocent moments I spent with the people I loved and cared about but betrayal is one of the worse thing that I had to live through the most painful thing even more worse than death it self watching my children burning alive is even more painful betrayed by the one I trusted the most my sister even if we did not share blood she was my sister from another mother the one I laid down my life and ruined my future to protect against this hateful world and my fiance the person who I loved so dearly I never went against him in whatever he did I killed for him he told me that he loved me but all of these sweet words were all a lie they only wanted power and I gave them willing to do anything for them my family my five brothers and my Children were killed in cold blood if I could turn back the clock I would make them pay the price I blood


Orichi Kazumi

Age : 25

A young mother to three precious treasures she will do anything to get back what she lost merciless cruel but loving to her family

Hijime Saito

Age : 30

A father of Orichi's kids Cold hearted will do anything to for his wife and kids


Age : 4

Smart strategic always has a answer to every thing cold never smile or speak to other people


Age : 4

Smart but likes to sleep cold blooded and never lets any one talk bad about her mother


Age : 4

Likes to dress as a girl does not think he the normal toddler like cute things always made a decoy good at acting weaker than other but strong as hell

A family of a female assassin and a solder they are trying to live as a happy family while they hide their identity's of being super nutural family made of a demon Father and a vampire mother in Morden times and while they are trying to get back what they lost.

Orichi is a noble vampire of higher standard and has five brothers Tomoe the eldest son Regi,Liato,Ayato and Shinji her mother died and her father is unknown he was raised by her brotherTomoe along with the other's and they trained in how to be able to protect them selves.

Orichi was trained at Dragon academia a school for assassin's she was trained how to kill the was a rule the and it was kill or be killed.If you were weak you would be prey for the strong she became number one in no time at the age of nine she was the youngest killer assassin at school but that rank did last long because she meet Hajime Saito she did not like him that much because he was the only one who seems to be ignorant of her power while others bow down to her he always seemed not to care.


Updated 1 Episodes


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