My Hero Academia, Life In The Dorms

My Hero Academia, Life In The Dorms

The one where they cought

*in school*

*bell rings*

Iida: should we go back to the dorms and see how Bakugou and Kirishima are doing?

**Todoroki: **oh ya... Um Sure

Iida:*to Ochaco* um is Todoroki ok? Did something happen?

Ochaco:*to Iida* oh ya he walked in on Bakugou and Kirishima making out

Iida: *to Ochaco* oh that makes sense why he seems pretty shaken up

Ochaco:*to Iida* ya

Iida: *to Ochaco* but really Bakugou and Kirishima?

Ochaco:*to Iida* I know right?

*Midoriya comes up beside Todoroki and hugs him around the waist\, Todoroki then pecks him on the cheek*

Midoriya: actually me and Todoroki are going to be a bit, we have... Training

Todoroki: ya training

Iida:*to Ochaco* what was that all about? Also is everyone here dating someone?

Ochaco:*to Iida* oh ya they're together to\, Midoriya and Todoroki.

Iida:*to Ochaco* really those two? They have been spending a lot of time together lately

Ochaco:*to Iida* I wasn't surprised honestly

Iida: ok you two have fun

Denki: LET'S GO SEE THE LOVE BIRDS *in sing song voice*

Jiro: not so loud you idiot

Denki: aww your just jealous that nobody likes you

Jiro: actually I have to talk to you for a while

Denki: um ok?

**Jiro: **we'll be back in a bit

*Denki and Jiro walk towards the dorms*

Denki:*to Jiro* where are we going?

Jiro:*to Denki* back to the dorms


Jiro:*to denki* shh shut up\, please not so loud\, I just want to talk to you in private

Denki:*to Jiro* why?

Jiro:*to Denki* because

Denki:*to Jiro* ugh fine

**Ochaco: **actually I have to go too\, I promised to help watch Eri

**Iida: **oh\, ok

**Ochaco: **sorry!

*Ochaco races off leaving only Iida and Momo standing there*

*Denki and Jiro get back to the dorms*

Jiro: let's go to my room

**Denki: **oh ok\, why?

Jiro: well I don't want anyone to hear

Denki: oh are we going to be doing something dirty?

**Jiro: **WHAT\, NO *in head* hopefully yes

Denki: then what are you so nervous about?

Jiro: oh nothing

Denki: are you sure, you seem off today

Jiro: oh really?

Denki: ya, are you feeling ok?

Jiro: ya there's just something I want to get off my chest

Denki: you can tell me whatever you feel comfortable with

Jiro: wow, your really sweet

Denki: aww thanks

**Jiro: **actually this is along the lines of what I want to talk to you about

Denki: oh really?

Jiro: ya *inhale* *exhale* DENKI KAMINARI I REALLY LIKE YOU! I have liked you for so long

**Denki: **well... I was actually thinking about telling you the same thing

Jiro: so are we...

*instead of waiting and answering Denki grabs Jiros waist and flips her on top him and promptly is kissing her for a long time*

Denki: was that a good enough answer for you?

Jiro: do it again and we'll see

Denki: you don't need to ask me twice

*while making out Denki slides his hands up her body\, so instead of them resting on her waist they were on the side of her chest*

Jiro: is this too fast?

Denki: are you ok with it?

**Jiro: **I don't know

Denki: I'm ok with whatever you are

Jiro: ok

Denki: are you sure this is ok for you?

Jiro: yes, I'm good

Denki: I wasn't and I'm not pushing you to do anything

Jiro: well if you were I didn't mind

*Denki starts undoing the buttons on her shirt\, he reaches up to pull off his shirt only to find it already off and in Jiros hands along with her own shirt as well*

Denki: dammmm, your smooth

Jiro: I know

*Denki slides Jiros skirt off as she gets on to him and starts undoing his pants*

*someone coughs in the doorway and they both look up quickly caught in the act*



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